State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia
SCSF Monthly Executive Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday March 15, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Committee Members Present
C. Sears (remote), L. Holcomb (remote), S. Kumar (remote), T. Beck (remote)
Committee Members Absent
T. Lowden
Guests Present
Christine Keck (remote), M. Neely (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Financial Report
Presentation of February 2022 Financial Reports
Financial Outlook
III. Programs & Initiatives
Book Vending Machine Pilot Program
M. Neely noted that 7 applications were received for the pilot Book Vending Machine Program. A team of four reviewed the applications including Lisa Olens, Fadzai Konteh, Adria Welcher, and Michele Neely. The group has recommended that Ethos Classical and Spring Creek Charter Academy based on existing literacy programs and needs. The group considered the schools' need, existing literacy programs, and ability to maintain the machines and refill with books. The group also considered if the schools had other philanthropic support.
Ms. Christine Keck spoke on behalf of Ethos Classical to explain their Mission to One Million reading program and how this vending machine will fit into their school.
Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative
M. Neely provided an update on budget submission and program development. The goal is to make announcements at the beginning of April.
Schools of Wellness
M. Neely provided an update on the wellness survey and connections made with outside entities.
Art of Connection Exhibition of Student Art
The SCSF has received over 200 entries and schools are very excited about the art contest.
IV. Governance
Planning for Strategic Planning
The committee discussed succession planning and open board and officer positions. There is consensus to recruit new board members and engage in strategic planning at the end of the summer.
Not a lot of activity to report. $13,000 is reserved for the book vending machines.