State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia
State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia Quarterly Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 1, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Virtual meeting
This meeting will be held virtually. Please join the meeting from any electronic device: You can also dial in using your phone. (312) 757-3121, Access Code: 998-294-373
Directors Present
A. Welcher, C. Sears, E. Mitchell, F. Konteh, J. Tugman, L. Holcomb, L. Olens, S. Kumar, T. Beck, Y. Mack
Directors Absent
T. Lowden
Ex Officio Members Present
M. Neely
Non Voting Members Present
M. Neely
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Financial Report
Presentation of December 2021 and YTD Reports
Financial Outlook & Accounting Changes
T. Beck reported on the award of the GEER II grant award of $4.1 million. The SCSF has opened a new bank account for this grant to provide for additional controls. He expressed his confidence in the organization's ability to manage the grant effectively with appropriate controls in place. He expects the majority of financial transactions with the grant to take place in FY 2023.
Amended FY2022 Budget
T. Beck presented the recommended changes to the amended budget to reflect additional income from the GEER II grant as well as needed adjustments to other projections and labels. He expressed appreciation for the ongoing financial support of the SCSC to maintain the SCSF's operations.
III. Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative
Approve GEER II grant award
C. Sears read the resolution to the board members and explained the need for the approval.
Description of the Charter Growth Initiative & Next Steps
M. Neely provided background information on the Charter Growth Initiative, stating that it will help promote charter school growth in areas outside of the City of Atlanta. The initiative will offer technical assistance and grants to new, expanding, and replicating charter schools.
L. Holcomb provided more information. She stated that the SCSC reflected and determined that more high-quality charter schools were needed in other parts of the state. She further stated that they determined that schools needed additional assistance outside of the SCSC to prepare them for success. She stated that replication of existing high-quality schools has the greatest potential.
C. Sears expressed how he sees how this will help create a pipeline of schools. F. Konteh asked how she could help. S. Kumar asked how we create a diverse pool of charter schools and founders. L. Holcomb stated that all schools should be representative of the communities that they serve. Focus on communications to promote diversity and work intentional. J. Tugman stated that the comms and outreach strategy is important. We need to identify those who have experienced barriers to being able to start a charter school. He encouraged the group to start with identifying barriers and then determine how to solve them. A. Welcher noted that the comms piece is really critical and needs to be grassroots to meet people where they are. She noted that we need to think beyond typical means of communication.
IV. Board Governance
New BoardOnTrack Portal
M. Neely provided a demo of the site.
Board Recruitment
C. Sears asked everyone to consider possible new board members to fill vacancies at the end of the FY.
Committee Selection
M. Neely gave a description of the three committees available.
Conflict of Interest Statement
Reminder to complete the Conflict of Interest statement.
Approval of Policies
V. President's Report
Update on Strategic Goals
M. Neely provided a quick update on program activities.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- Minutes - Board Meeting October 2021.docx
- 2021-12-31 - Statement of Activities - YTD.pdf
- 2021-12-31 - Budget Vs. Actuals to Date.pdf
- 2021-12-31 - Statement of Financial Position.pdf
- 2021-12-31 - Statement of Activities - Monthly.pdf
- DRAFT SCSF Budget FY22.pdf
- SCSF - Governor’s Emergency Education Relief II (GEER II) Award Terms and Conditions - signed.pdf
- Charter Growth Deliverables by Cohort.pdf
- DRAFT Overview - Charter Growth Initiative.pdf
- SCSF Conflict of Interest Disclosure fillable.pdf
- SCSF Conflict of Interest Policy 2020.pdf
- SCSF Policy Manual Feb 2022.docx
- Fed Grant Periodic Time Cert Feb 2022.docx
- Fed Grant Time and Effort Procedures Feb 2022.docx
- Fed Grant Admin Policies & Procedures Feb 2022.docx
- Fed Grant Inventory Control Procedures Feb 2022.docx
- Fed Grant Monitoring Procedures Feb 2022.docx
- Fed Grant Debarment Verification Procedures Feb 2022.docx
- Fed Grant Expenditure Procedures Feb 2022.docx
- Fed Grant Allowability Policy & Procedures Feb 2022.docx
- Fed Grant Procurement Procedures Feb 2022.docx
- Update on Strategic Goals February 2022.pdf
T. Beck gave an overview of the financial reports and noted that revenue came from the Donuts for Teachers program, donations, and a grant from the Next Generation Foundation for the pilot program for book vending machines.