Liberty STEAM Charter




Date and Time

Monday January 27, 2025 at 5:30 PM



1057 Broad Street

Sumter, SC 29150

This meeting is held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. A copy of the agenda has been made available to the local media & general public.

Directors Present

(Tajma) LaShea Davis, Cameron Chandler, Elayne Brunson, Greg Thompson, Heather Bass, Jenny Knopf, Kimberly Rauschenbach, Marion Newton, Rodney Thompson

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

Trevor Ivey

Non Voting Members Present

Trevor Ivey

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Greg Thompson called a meeting of the board of directors of Liberty STEAM Charter to order on Monday Jan 27, 2025 at 5:30 PM.



Rev. Dr. Marion Newton provided the invocation. 


Pledge of Allegiance led by Scholars

The EA Eagle Ambassadors led the pledge of allegiance. 


Chairman's Opening Remarks

Mr. Thompson shared words of excitement for what the new year brings for new growth & development in LSC's expansion plans. He also welcomed Murrell Smith to the board meeting, the SC Speaker of the House. 

II. Reading of the Mission & Vision Statement


LSC Mission Statement

Mrs. Davis read aloud the mission statement. 


LSC Vision Statement

Ms. Bass read aloud the vision statement. 

III. Approval of Consent Agenda


Today's Meeting Agenda

(Tajma) LaShea Davis made a motion to approve today's meeting agenda as presented by the staff.
Elayne Brunson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting (September 30, 2024)

(Tajma) LaShea Davis made a motion to approve the minutes from LSC BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD MEETING on 12-02-24.
Kimberly Rauschenbach seconded the motion.

The agenda reflected minutes were being approved from September 30, 2024 but the minutes should reflect that the Board is approving the minutes from the December 2, 2024 full board meeting. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Board Recognition


Staff Recognition

Staff members of the month from the EA & PA for the month of December were recognized and took a picture with the Board Chairman. 


Special Presentation

The following special presentations were made: 

  1. LSC's three new National Board Certified Teachers were pinned by Speaker of the House Murrell Smith. 
  2. Kevin Mason from the Public Charter Alliance of South Carolina recognized LSC as this year's winner of the Family & Community Engagement Award and then presented this year's Alliance Charter Champion to Speaker of the House Murrell Smith. 
  3. Each academy leadership team was presented new banners to reflect their mid-year Eagle Soaring Hall of Fame proficient scholars 

V. Scholar Showcase


Scholar Performances

The Eagle step team made their debut performance. 

VI. Public Participation


Public Participation

Dr. Ivey read a letter submitted by a Liberty parent to the board regarding his perspective on military preference in charter school enrollment. 

VII. Executive Director's Report


Updates from the Executive Director

Dr. Ivey provided his monthly update via the one-pager showing that 36/42 of his monthly priorities are either on track or have been fully complete. 


Spring Organizational Rally Cry

Dr. Ivey, Mrs. Harris, & Mr. Montgomery gave a brief overview of the spring rally cry for their respective teams that will be measured on a weekly basis for the next five months. Several board members shared their encouragement that the teams are on the right path and encouraged them to continue to have high expectations. 

VIII. Division Presentations


Network & Campus Leader Highlights

Each campus leader gave their quarterly update on progress being made to achieve their driver goals, their top 3 wins from the quarter, 2 areas of focus for the 3rd quarter, 1 area of support they need, and their individual personal commitment statements. 


Enrollment Roadmap Update

Ms. Chambers provided a brief update on the current progress to goals for all things enrollment for the Kindergarten Class of 2038 & the status of the newly implemented enrollment roadmap to to include the following:

  1. Demographics for the incoming kindergarten class will meet the state charter law's racial composition requirements - LSC's current breakdown shows 58% of the scholars identify as a minority. 
  2. There are 11 scholars who still have to submit enrollment paperwork. 
  3. 57% of LSC's current scholars' parents have fulfilled a minimum of five volunteer hours. 
  4. 38% of LSC's current scholars' parents have fulfilled all 10 of their required volunteer hours. 

Ms. Chambers shared her next priority is to design the parent navigator piece (stop #3) of the enrollment roadmap. Mr. Vaughn provided a brief testimonial of his experiences so far facilitating the hopes & dreams conferences (stop #2 on the enrollment roadmap). 


Enrollment Roadmap Update

No additional discussion was held. 


Spring Intervention Update

Ms. Carlisle provided an update on the newly designed spring intervention boot camp. 

  1. 11 total retired teachers are providing Tier 2 intervention services. 
  2. A little over 200 scholars will be pulled during the day for additional intervention services Monday through Thursday, between 8:30-11:30 am. 
  3. Parents are being notified of scholars who have been identified for these services. 
  4. Scholars will take a weekly exit ticket to check mastery of the skills retaught for that week. 

IX. Board Committee Updates


Executive Committee

Summary of Key Points

  • A finance presentation was given by Mr. Shaw on December’s expenditures vs. revenues & the balance income sheet. He noted that we have not received any federal reimbursements yet and are still waiting on our FY25 IDEA allocation. The committee engaged in conversation around the current status of our construction loan vs. cash in the bank and directed Mr. Shaw to use the available cash on hand to pay the revolving loan down further (leaving $10,000 in the operations account for day to day). 
  • An update was provided by Mr. Thompson on current financing options for the renovation of the mall to house LSC’s Junior Academy. 
  • Ms. Rauschenbach provided an overview of the board elections timeline and noted this year’s election cycle will see two appointed (Ms. Bass & Dr. Thompson and two elected seats up (Mrs. Chandler & Ms. Brunson). The board saw no changes needed in the timeline presented that has already been approved by the SC Public Charter Alliance. 
  • Mrs. Chandler provided a presentation to the committee that included all data points collected for the mid-year to assess progress towards organizational goals. Committee members engaged in a discussion on each topic. 
    1. Winter Reading, Math, & Language Academic Achievement Data 
    2. Mid-Year Staff & Parent Satisfaction Survey Results 
  • Dr. Ivey presented the Spring 2025 Rally Cry and discussed each of the pillar’s metrics for the network, primary, & elementary academy teams. 
  • Dr. Ivey shared the intervention boot camp plan to utilize the services of 10-12 local retired teachers to assist in small group instruction that will benefit 247 scholars at the Elementary Academy. 
  • Dr. Ivey shared a preliminary hiring guidance document with new requirements for positions going forward and asked for the academic committee’s recommendation to the full board. 
  • Dr. Ivey provided year-end giving updates and next steps on:
    1. Connected Communities Grant 
    2. Charter School Growth Fund Milestone Document
    3. Williams-Brice-Edwards Charitable Trust 
  • Dr. Ivey provided an update to the committee on the mid-year offsite with our Table Group Leadership Coach. The committee reviewed team assessment profiles for each campus leader team. 
  • The committee engaged in a discussion around the progress the team is making in implementing the revised scholar enrollment policy. Dr. Ivey provided preliminary demographic updates on the new incoming class of kindergarten scholars and that roughly 60% of the 133 fully enrolled scholars identify as a minority. Dr. Ivey reminded the committee of the demographic requirements in the SC Charter Act of 1996. 
  • There was approval given to Dr. Ivey to purchase 150 new chrome books to help move the PA campus to a 1:1 device ratio not to exceed $80,000 and to delay the cycling out of year one chromebooks by one year. 
  • The committee engaged in a discussion around the hiring of the next two senior positions - one of which is approved in this year’s budget but has not yet been staffed (Assistant Executive Director) and a new position to lead LSC’s Human Resources & Performance Development initiatives. 
  • Dr. Ivey presented the proposed 2025-26 salary schedules to the committee for consideration and shared that the 3% across the board increase was already approved by the working committee that prepared the 10-year Charter School Growth Fund budget. Dr. Ivey shared that he has already informed the staff before Christmas Break of the shift in LSC’s compensation philosophy with 6% being split - 3% in an automatic increase on a staff member’s annual salary and the other 3% added to each staff member’s total bonus eligibility. 
  • There was discussion around the need for a modular at the PA but the decision was tabled for now due to construction costs, outfitting, and the general timeline. However, the committee did discuss and recommend approval for the playground to be extended and a new turf field to be laid that expands the play area as one of this year’s summer projects.  


Final Action Items

  1. Mrs. Rauschenbach will lead a strategic meeting with Mr. Shaw, Dr. Ivey, and Mrs. Chandler on skills needed for the two new senior positions to help create formalized job descriptions. 


Governance Committee

Summary of Key Points

  • The committee reviewed the by-laws for board member terms and noted that there are four members whose director terms are expiring in March - Dr. Thompson and Mrs. Bass (appointed) and Mrs. Chandler & Ms. Brunson (elected). 
  • Dr. Ivey shared a proposed timeline for the annual board elections cycle that was co-created with the SC Public Charter Alliance. 


Final Action Items

  1. None
Cameron Chandler made a motion to approve the annual Board of Directors election timeline as presented by the Executive Director.
Jenny Knopf seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Finance Committee

Summary of Key Points

  • Updates from Mr. Shaw, Managing Director of Finance & Development
    1. Mr. Shaw presented the close out reports for December and noted no concerns as far as expenditures versus revenue. 
    2. Mr. Shaw informed the committee that we are expecting to receive the $25,000 NSLP reimbursement for the additional cooler installed at the PA. 
    3. Mr. Shaw informed the committee that we are waiting for the budget to be uploaded into GAPS by SCDE for us to begin claiming the $10,000 grant expenditures for expanding our breakfast program. 
    4. Mr. Shaw requested the finance committee give guidance on how to book additional revenue received in year-end donations. 
  • Updates from Dr. Ivey, Executive Director 
    1. Dr. Ivey provided a presentation to the committee that included all data points collected for the mid-year to assess progress towards organizational goals. Committee members engaged in a discussion on each topic. 
      1. Winter Reading, Math, & Language Academic Achievement Data 
      2. Mid-Year Staff & Parent Satisfaction Survey Results 
    2. Dr. Ivey presented the Spring 2025 Rally Cry and discussed each of the pillar’s metrics for the network, primary, & elementary academy teams. 
    3. Dr. Ivey shared the intervention boot camp plan to utilize the services of 10-12 local retired teachers to assist in small group instruction that will benefit 247 scholars at the Elementary Academy. 
    4. Dr. Ivey shared a preliminary hiring guidance document with new requirements for positions going forward and asked for the academic committee’s recommendation to the full board. 
    5. Dr. Ivey provided year-end giving updates and next steps on:
      1. Connected Communities Grant 
      2. Charter School Growth Fund Milestone Document
      3. Williams-Brice-Edwards Charitable Trust 
  • Dr. Ivey presented the proposed 2025-26 salary schedules to the committee for consideration and shared that the 3% across the board increase was already approved by the working committee that prepared the 10-year Charter School Growth Fund budget. Dr. Ivey shared that he has already informed the staff before Christmas Break of the shift in LSC’s compensation philosophy with 6% being split - 3% in an automatic increase on a staff member’s annual salary and the other 3% added to each staff member’s total bonus eligibility. 
  • There was discussion from the committee surrounding the continued request for a modular at the Primary Academy campus & the expanded playground area as well as the two new senior positions for next year’s budget. 


Final Action Items

  1. Kimberly, Gifford, and Trevor scheduled a strategic meeting for January 24 from 2:15-3:15 pm to brainstorm new position role responsibilities. 
Rodney Thompson made a motion to approve the 2025-26 salary schedules as presented by the Executive Director reflecting a 3% salary increase for the 2025-26 school year.
Heather Bass seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Academic Excellence Committee

Summary of Key Points

  • Dr. Ivey provided a presentation to the committee that included all data points collected for the mid-year to assess progress towards organizational goals. Committee members engaged in a discussion on each topic. 
    1. Winter Reading, Math, & Language Academic Achievement Data 
    2. Mid-Year Staff & Parent Satisfaction Survey Results 
  • Dr. Ivey presented the Spring 2025 Rally Cry and discussed each of the pillar’s metrics for the network, primary, & elementary academy teams. 
  • Dr. Ivey shared the intervention boot camp plan to utilize the services of 10-12 local retired teachers to assist in small group instruction that will benefit 247 scholars at the Elementary Academy. 
  • Dr. Ivey shared a preliminary hiring guidance document with new requirements for positions going forward and asked for the academic committee’s recommendation to the full board. 
  • Dr. Ivey provided year-end giving updates and next steps on:
    1. Connected Communities Grant 
    2. Charter School Growth Fund Milestone Document
    3. Williams-Brice-Edwards Charitable Trust 
  • Dr. Ivey provided an update to the committee on the mid-year offsite with our Table Group Leadership Coach. The committee reviewed team assessment profiles for each campus leader team. 
  • The committee engaged in a discussion around the progress the team is making in implementing the revised scholar enrollment policy. Dr. Ivey provided preliminary demographic updates on the new incoming class of kindergarten scholars and that roughly 60% of the 133 fully enrolled scholars identify as a minority. Dr. Ivey reminded the committee of the demographic requirements in the SC Charter Act of 1996. 
  • Dr. Ivey presented the proposed 2025-26 salary schedules to the committee for consideration and shared that the 3% across the board increase was already approved by the working committee that prepared the 10-year Charter School Growth Fund budget. Dr. Ivey shared that he has already informed the staff before Christmas Break of the shift in LSC’s compensation philosophy with 6% being split - 3% in an automatic increase on a staff member’s annual salary and the other 3% added to each staff member’s total bonus eligibility. 


Final Action Items

  1. Dr. Ivey will send the mid-year MAP comparison proficiency averages from last year to the committee for comparison as requested by Mrs. Knopf. 
  2. Dr. Ivey will share the parent volunteer hour follow-up letter with Mrs. Chandler for feedback. 
Jenny Knopf made a motion to approve the hiring guidance document as presented by the Executive Director.
Kimberly Rauschenbach seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Development Committee

Summary of Key Points

  • Dr. Ivey provided year-end giving updates and next steps on:
    1. Connected Communities Grant 
    2. Charter School Growth Fund Milestone Document
    3. Williams-Brice-Edwards 
  • Other giving opportunities that were discussed included:
    1. IBM (Ms. Brunson will share additional information)
    2. LSC Community Classmates (Ms. Bass pitches to various groups at the upcoming Sumter Chamber of Commerce Retreat & Mr. Shaw sends giving material fliers to Ms. Bass). 
    3. Dr. Ivey expressed the need for 150 additional chromebooks now at the PA to help with the full implementation of the HMH curriculum & gave a heads up for the recommendation to finance for the funds now of $70,000 to make this happen with the trade-off that it would be a budgeted item next year already for the first purchased group of chromebooks to be traded out and we would delay the trading out of year 1 chromebook. 
    4. Dr. Ivey shared updates on the phase 2 of STEAM Workforce Development Initiative field learning experiences. 
      1. Kinder-McCleod: Ms. Bass will follow up with CCTC on possibly having scholars visiting their health sciences center instead of going to McCleod (health sciences). 
      2. 1st Grade: Mr. Norton of eVac can’t host scholars until April. Ms. Bass will follow up with Mr. Norton to get a confirmed commitment and explore other partner visits if needed (engineering technology). 
      3. 2nd Grade: Confirmed for City of Sumter tour of water plant facilities and the focus will be geared towards city planning (business technology). Dr. Ivey will follow up to confirm dates with Mr. Kelly. 
      4. 3rd Grade: Confirmed for Continental, but Dr. Ivey will follow-up to confirm dates with Emily (industrial technology). 
      5. 4th Grade: Confirmed to visit Nephron in West Columbia in early Columbia. 
  • The rest of the time was used to give other school updates 
    1. Mid-Year Organizational Report Card 
    2. Mid-Year MAP Academic Achievement Data 
    3. Mid-Year Parent & Staff Satisfaction Data 
    4. Mid-Year 2x2 Performance Reviews 
    5. Spring Semester 2 Org Rally Cry & Score Card 

Final Action Items

  1. Ms. Bass follows up with Mr. Norton & Emily for field trips. 
  2. Mr. Shaw gives updated marketing materials to Ms. Bass (community classmates). 
  3. Ms. Bass pitches to various partners attending the upcoming chamber retreat to consider becoming a Liberty community classmate. 
  4. Dr. Ivey looks into funding opportunities from Quest Foundation. 
  5. Mr. Shaw shares info received from Ms. Owen regarding the Connected Communities grant with the full board. 
  6. Mr. Shaw presents quote for an additional 150 chrome books to finance committee. 
  7. Ms. Bass looks into possible contacts for kindergarten scholars to visit CCTC. 

X. Executive Session


Purposes of Discussion of Personnel Matters

Greg Thompson made a motion to enter into executive session for the purposes of discussion of personnel matters at 6:50 pm.
Cameron Chandler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Purposes of Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements

Cameron Chandler made a motion to enter into executive session also for a second purpose of discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements at 6:50 pm.
Marion Newton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XI. Action Items


Return from Executive Session

Greg Thompson made a motion to return from executive session at 6:59 pm.
Cameron Chandler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Item (s) Related to Discussion of Personnel Matters

Cameron Chandler made a motion to approve the monthly personnel report as presented by the Executive Director.
Kimberly Rauschenbach seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XII. Closing Items


Chairman's Closing Remarks

The chairman thanked everyone for their continued support of the Liberty mission. 


Good of the Order

No discussion. 


Adjourn Meeting

Greg Thompson made a motion to adjourn the meeting with no further action at 6:59 pm.
Heather Bass seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trevor Ivey