Liberty STEAM Charter




Date and Time

Friday August 23, 2024 at 9:00 AM


100 N. Main Street

Sumter, SC 29150

This meeting is held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. A copy of the agenda has been made available to the local media & general public.

Mission: Liberty STEAM Charter (LSC) works to provide all students equal access to a world-class K-12 education in an academically rigorous & student-centered learning environment, creating graduates to be thoughtful & engaged citizens prepared to take on the leadership challenges of the 21st century.

Vision: In partnership with our families & the community, Liberty STEAM Charter (LSC) will provide interdisciplinary, real-world, personalized, and project-based learning experiences through a STEAM-based academic program where graduates become the next generation of leaders, employers, and employees who contribute to the economic well-being of their communities and families. 

Committee Members Present

(Tajma) LaShea Davis, Cameron Chandler, Greg Thompson, Rodney Thompson

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Kimberly Rauschenbach, Tiffany Rhodes (remote), Trevor Ivey

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Greg Thompson called a meeting of the Executive Committee Committee of Liberty STEAM Charter to order on Friday Aug 23, 2024 at 9:00 AM.



Mr. Thompson provided the invocation.


Pledge of Allegiance

Dr. Thompson led the committee members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


Reading of the Mission Statement

Ms. Chandler read aloud the LSC Mission Statement.


Reading of the Vision Statement

Ms. Chandler read aloud the LSC Vision Statement.


Approve Agenda

Dr. Thompson approved the agenda as presented by staff.



Cameron Chandler made a motion to approve the minutes from LSC BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE on 06-20-24.
(Tajma) LaShea Davis seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Committee Updates


Committee Updates

  1. Dr. Ivey gave a 30-60-90 Day Update regarding Mr. Montgomery. He shared information about the culture of the school and insight to the building of relationships happening at that campus.
  2. Mr. Thompson and Dr. Ivey gave an update about Charter School Growth Fund and the phone calls that have taken place since their last meeting. CSGF will be attending the board meeting virtually on Monday, 8/26.
  3. Updates From All Other Committees
    1. Ms. Chandler provided an update regarding POSSIP Results, 10 Day Enrollment Count, and the current scholar profile.
  4. Dr. Thompson brought the rest of the committee members up to speed on the current construction LOC. They engaged in a conversation regarding non-revolving and revolving. The finance committee will make the recommendation to the full board on Monday to move from non-revolving to revolving LOC. This will require a vote from the full board.
  5. The Finance Committee will also make the recommendation to the full board to discuss short term & long term financing options for facility expansions at the full board meeting on Monday.

III. Other Business


Agenda Items from Committee Members

During this time, Dr. Ivey presented the Joint Emergency Action plans that have been co-created with representatives from the Sumter Police Department, Sumter Sheriff's Office, and each campus' School Resource Officer. Dr. Ivey reviewed the plans with the full committee and informed the committee that agreements with Badcock Furniture (EA Campus) and Walker Chuch of God (PA Campus) have been renewed for evacuation sites and that, if ever needed, the Sumter Civic Center would be a parent reunification site. Updates were also provided regarding the implementation of the campus weapons detector systems and the calendar of safety drills for the year. The next safety drill is scheduled for September 16 at both campuses to practice lockdown procedures.  Dr. Ivey recommended to the committee that the JEAP plans, as presented, be adopted. The next step, as presented by Dr. Ivey, would be to meet with each campus safety & DIRT (Disturbance Incident Response Team) on August 28 to formally review each campus plan. 

(Tajma) LaShea Davis made a motion to approve the Primary & Elementary Academy Joint Emergency Action Plans.
Cameron Chandler seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Executive Session


Purposes of a Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Agreements

Rodney Thompson made a motion to Enter into Executive Session for the Purposes of a Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Agreements.
Greg Thompson seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Actions Related to Executive Session


Action from Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Agreements

Cameron Chandler made a motion to Return from Executive Session.
Greg Thompson seconded the motion.

The Executive Committee will make the recommendation to the full board to discuss short term & long term financing options for facility expansions at the full board meeting on Monday.

The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items


Next Steps

None at this time.


Good of the Order

Dr. Ivey gave a reminder about the full board meeting happening on Monday at the Elementary Academy at 5:30 p.m.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tiffany Rhodes