Liberty STEAM Charter
Date and Time
Monday January 30, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Liberty STEAM Charter School
15 School Street
Sumter, SC 29150
Directors Present
Cameron Chandler, Dexter WJ Davis, Elayne Brunson, Greg Thompson, Jenny Knopf, Kimberly Rauschenbach, Marion Newton, Rodney Thompson
Directors Absent
Ken Lee
Ex Officio Members Present
Trevor Ivey
Non Voting Members Present
Trevor Ivey
Guests Present
Dixie DuRant, Tiffany Rhodes
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance led by Scholars
A group of scholars led the committee in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman's Opening Remarks
Mr. Thompson welcome all members of the audience to the meeting.
II. Reading of the Mission & Vision Statement
LSC Mission Statement
Ms. Knopf read aloud the mission statement.
LSC Vision Statement
Mr. Davis read aloud the vision statement.
III. Approval of Consent Agenda
Today's Meeting Agenda
Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting (October 24, 2022)
Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting (December 5, 2022)
IV. Board Recognition
Staff Recognition
- Dr. Ivey and Mr. Thompson recognized the lead teacher, teaching fellow, and operations staff members of the month from November, December, and January.
- Dr. Ivey and Mr. Thompson next recognized the staff members that have been rated Level 5 Effective from the 21-22 LEEA evaluation cycle.
Community Partner Recognition
Dr. Ivey and Mr. Thompson recognized members of the community who have recently partnered with the school by time, resources or monetary donations.
V. Board Appreciation Highlights
Stakeholder Testimonials
- For Board Appreciation month, LSC invited different stakeholders to come and share words of appreciation for the board members including a set of parents, two teachers and community members to include Lefford Fate, The Honorable J. David Weeks, and The Honorable Kevin Johnson. Those all spoke about the impact that Liberty has been on the community and their own personal lives.
- A group of scholars came up with Ms. Cox to sing a song for the board members.
VI. Public Participation
Public Participation
There were no speakers during this time.
VII. Executive Director's Report
Updates from the Interim Executive Director
- Mr. Jenkins, Regional Director to Senator Tim Scott spoke to the board members about his recent tour of Liberty and the importance of having Sen. Scott visited Liberty to see the impact that we are making on a small community in South Carolina.
- Dr. Ivey provided an update as the Interim Executive Director and reported that 35/38 of the monthly goals for January 2023 are on-track and/or completed.
VIII. Academy Highlights
Academy Highlights
- Ms. Middleton and Mr. Vaughn reported about the monthly progress to goals from the culture team including the eagle store, CCC, SEL curriculum, and the mentorship program with community members and parent volunteers.
- Ms. Hatifeld provided updates from the instructional leadership team. She reported out about LEAA observations, MTSS, MAP testing, parent volunteer hours, as well as community projects.
- Ms. Hardy provided the updates from the Operations Leadership Team. She reported out about the attendance and persistence to date, hiring for the 23-24 school year, and fun activities that have taken place at the academy. She spoke on the fresh fruit and vegetables program as well as having the entire MERT team fully trained in First-Aid and CPR.
- Ms. Pack gave an update from the SPED team to include professional development taking place for the SPED team, updates from the IEP and 504 conferences that have taken place to help scholars receive the services that they need, and finally the hiring of a teaching fellow for the Super Shark classroom to assist Ms. Vohs.
IX. Board Committee Updates
Executive Committee
- Mr. Thompson gave an update from the executive committee. He spoke about the great strides that the finance team have made over the recent months to implement changes and learn new procedures.
- Ms. Chandler spoke about the instructional salary scale that was presented to all committee members during their meetings this past week. Ms. Chandler spoke about the board’s commitment to those who work the closest with children should be paid more fairly as compared to an average of salary scales from seven nearby surrounding school districts to ensure LSC remains as one of the highest paying schools locally, regionally, and in the state.
Finance Committee
Dr. Thompson provided an update from the finance committee echoing Mr. Thompson praises the implementation of new control mechanisms and being diligent and resourceful with the funding. No action taken from the finance committee.
Academic Excellence Committee
- Ms. Knopf provided an update to the board about the MAP testing results. It is common to see an average of 8-10 point growth from the fall to the winter testing scores.
- Kindergarten reading improved by 8 points and math by 16 points.
- First grade reading improved by 6 points and math by 11 points.
- Second grade reading improved by 6 points and math by 9 points.
- Ms. Knopf provided an update about the academic calendar for the 23-24 school year as well as the proposed uniform policy revisions. She spoke about the date collected and the task forces that were created to ensure that all stakeholders were included in the decision making process.
- Ms. Knopf gave an update from the preschool taskforce and the mid-year staff satisfaction survey.
Development Committee
Dr. Ivey reported that during the month of December Liberty received $320,000 in private donations. We have currently received $25,000 in grants and are waiting to hear back from many others.
Governance Committee
- Ms.Chandler reported from the Governance Committee about the upcoming election and the two appointed seats (Thomspon/Chandler) as well as two elected seats (Lee/Brunson.)
X. Additional New Business
Strategic Planning: Site 2 Updates
- Dr. Thompson gave an update on Site II regarding permitting and demolition. The current construction team has put our their bids for specific jobs and awaiting the response. They have gone ahead and signed contracts for items that have long lead times for high priority items. Ms. Hardy has begun gathering quotes for technology along with food services and security.
- Mr. Davis asked for an update regarding safety at the Elementary Campus. The board and team have worked endlessly to plan and implement safety and security for the new campus and with the support of board members, we have been approved for an SRO for this coming school year. We are awaiting an answer from local law enforcement agencies to secure officers for both campuses next year.
Updates from Network Leader Coaches
Next, we received updates from Network Leader Coaches, Julie Poluszejko and Steve Khadam-Hir. Ms. Poluszejko spoke on her visit to the school and how she is working closely with Ms. Hardy while she transitions from one campus to two, how they are going to remove current barriers and continue to grow her skill set. Mr. Khadam-Hir gave his 360 summary and each board member was provided with a copy of those results.
XI. Executive Session
Purposes of Discussion of Personnel Matters
Purposes of Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements
XII. Action Items
Return from Executive Session
Item (s) Related to Discussion of Personnel Matters
XIII. Closing Items
Chairman's Closing Remarks
Mr. Thompson thanked the board members for their time and participation during this evening's meeting.
Good of the Order
There was no discussion during this time.
Rev. Newton provided an invocation.