Liberty STEAM Charter
Date and Time
Monday September 26, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Liberty STEAM Charter School
15 School Street
Sumter, SC 29150
Directors Present
Cameron Chandler, Dexter WJ Davis (remote), Elayne Brunson, Greg Thompson, Jenny Knopf, Ken Lee, Kimberly Rauschenbach, Marion Newton, Rodney Thompson
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
Trevor Ivey
Non Voting Members Present
Trevor Ivey
Guests Present
Dixie DuRant, Tiffany Rhodes
I. Establishment of a Quorum
Record Attendance
II. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
A group of scholars led the committee in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chairman's Opening Remarks
Greg Thompson provided an opening remark.
III. Reading of the Mission & Vision Statement
LSC Mission Statement
Greg Thompson read aloud the mission statement.
LSC Vision Statement
Cammy Chandler read aloud the vision statement.
IV. Approval of Consent Agenda
Today's Meeting Agenda
Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting (August 29, 2022)
V. Board Recognition
Staff Recognition
- During this time, Dr. Ivey and Greg Thompson brought up the newly elected board member, Elanye Brunson for recognition in completing the "Charter Board Orientation Training". Dr. Ivey shared that the board is now fully in compliance with all board members have completed the orientation.
- Next, Dr. Ivey and Greg Thompson brought up the three following individuals and recognized them for their contribution to the Liberty Team. Each staff member was given a certificate.
- September Lead Teacher of the Month- Stephanie Hickmon
- September Teaching Fellow of the Month- Cassandra Billups
- September Operation Staff Member of the Month- Russell Whitaker
Parent Recognition
During this time, Dr. Ivey and Greg Thompson recognized the newly elected officers for the Parent Teacher Organization. After being presented with a certificate, they were all asked to raise their right hand and repeat after Dr. Ivey. They were sworn into office during the meeting. The following individuals and their roles are listed below.
- President- Jamie Lotts
- Vice President- Shafara Douglas
- Secretary- Sarah Delbert
- Treasurer- Linda Davis
VI. Public Participation
Public Participation
There was no public participation during this meeting.
VII. Executive Director's Report
Updates from the Interim Executive Director
- Dr. Ivey gave an update on the current month's progress towards goals. He referenced page 17 in the board packet.
- He reported that 34/37 are on track to be completed or completed for the month.
- He pointed out numerous areas that he was particularly proud of.
- He reported that Liberty has met all compliance requirements to date as well as all Epicenter reports have been completed.
VIII. Academy Highlights
Academy Highlights
- Mrs. Harris provided an update from the instructional leadership team. She shared which of the goals have been met and which are ongoing. All BOY goal-settings conferences, all Guidepost 2 classroom observations, and all MAP data have been analyzed. They will continue to work on staff PD, classroom check-ins, MTSS implementation, and communication initiatives.
- Ms. Chambers gave an update from the operations leadership team. She reported current standings with their September goals and looking forward to October.
- Mr. Vaughn provided the board with an update from the Culture Support Team. They have 3/7 goals completed for September with the remaining goals set to be accomplished in October.
- Ms. Pack gave an update from the SPED Team. She reported the number of scholars currently receiving services including IEPs and 504s. They are currently working hard to create positive relationships with scholars and their families.
- Dr. Ivey asked if there were any questions regarding the academic updates and Dr. Thompson asked for an update on MAP testing, current food ease applications, and the poverty margins in the school. Dr. Ivey gave a brief update but turned it over to the operations team. Mrs. Hardy shared with Dr. Thompson that they had just completed a kitchen audit that day and they were able to get about 10 more families to complete the food ease application. Ms. Chambers estimated that about 70% of the families are at/or below the poverty level.
IX. Board Committee Updates
Executive Committee
Greg Thompson thanked all candidates that applied for the Primary Academy Leader position. He mentioned that Liberty's New Cultural coach was present for all interviews and will be working along side the new hire and continue doing work with staff members.
Finance Committee
- Dr. Thompson thanks the financial team for submitting the August financials in a record amount of time. They have used the approved methods of coding and good practice to submit all proper documentation.
- Dr. Thompson gave praises for august coding and completing the financial reports in the shortest amount of time to date for the school. The board was extremely pleased with this information.
- He also touched on the current food costs at the school.
- Dr. Thompson provided an update on budgeting/revenue in the coming months, and shared that it is mandatory to make cuts and adjust the current budget to match the changes in funding from the state. There are more students in the State of South Carolina that are attending Charter Schools and because of that, the funding per child has dropped significantly. The teachers' current salaries make up about 80% of the budget, and we are experiencing a $34,000 monthly shortage because of the increase in charter school attendance across the state.
- Dr. Ivey gave an update on the current working budget and pointed to the agenda packet. There are a few major areas where the budget can be trimmed
- Printing services (Ads/ Marketing), traveling, food, and technology
- Mr. Thompson thanked the staff members for helping in their own ways to be aware of the budget.
- Dr. Ivey provided an update on partnering with York Prep to learn more about their operating mechanisms and their use of Smart Fusion.
- The finance committee has approved the staff recommendation that a budget amendment for ESSER III be submitted to SCPCSD for the following:
- Move $16,000 from into the academic interventionist activity and $15,000 to the culture interventionist activity to ensure all projected payroll for this employee in the 2022-23 school year is covered with ESSER 3 funds. Initially, the funding allocated was only enough to cover this activity in the 2021-22 school year. MTSS data shows the need is still great in addressing the COVID 19 learning loss.
- Move $11,000 from into the online learning platform subscriptions to cover additional platforms (IXL, Raz Kids, See Saw, & Zearn) being utilized in small group instruction during the school day and at home learning extensions to address the COVID 19 learning loss in the 2022-23 school year. Initially, the allocation was only enough to cover two of the four learning platforms.
- Move $6,000 into a new activity to provide additional work stipends for teachers who take on additional leadership responsibilities to include Grade team leaders, school testing coordinator, mentor teachers, and the school technology coordinator. This is a new activity with new responsibilities that have been created to offset other work stream responsibilities held by members of the leadership team.
- The total amount of $48,000 is being taken from other activities in ESSER III whose total funding allocation is now projected not to utilize the entire amount initially allocated.
Academic Excellence Committee
- Ms. Knopf provided an update on MAP testing scores and made reference to the meeting packet at pages 22-25.
- Ms. Knopf made the recommendation to the Board to modify our current Charter Plan to continue the co-teacher model for third grade. Mr. Thompson asked if she thinks that will help foster the education of the scholars and increase the likelihood of improving testing scores and she replied “Absolutely. As an educator myself, I believe this will help the scholars tremendously.”
- Dr. Ivey informed the Board that we have five (5) E-learning days that we can use if needed for weather in light of the current weather headed our direction here in South Carolina.
- Ms. Knopf gave an update regarding the calendar committee. We currently have 45 pairs of families that have siblings in the Sumter School District. This is why we would like to pair with the district to make a calendar that is similar to make it easier on parents with children who are at different schools. Dr. Ivey is meeting with Mr. Koumas next week to hopefully go over the calendar together to try and align.
- Dr. Ivey gave the board an update on the current fly five curriculum and what it looks like in the classrooms.
Development Committee
- Mr. Ken Lee provided an update on the Grant writer portal that we are currently using. There have been a few small grants awarded so far but the Development Committee is focused on making connections in the community with STEM based organizations to create lifelong partnerships in the community.
- He also gave an update on the current grants that have been submitted on behalf of Liberty including Synovus, Dabo’s, Champions of the Environment, Louder than Words, Connected Communities and Nucor. These are all small grants that will make a small dent in the funding shortages that we are experiencing from the state level.
Governance Committee
- Ms. Chandler reported that the Goverance Committee is continuing to review and update the by-laws.
X. Additional New Business
Strategic Planning: Site 2 Updates
- Dr. Thompson was not able to provide an update on Site #2 but hopes to have information to release towards the end of the week.
- Dr. Ivey has spoken with the state charter district superintendent about the charter amendment to pivot from adding fourth grade in the 23-24 SY.
- Dr. Ivey shared with the group that an amendment to the Charter plan will be submitted to the district and there is a sixty-day turnaround and will be addressed at the November State Charter District Meeting. This is the amendment that covers the changes voted on last month at the August Board Meeting.
XI. Executive Session
Purposes of Discussion of Personnel Matters
Purposes of Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements
XII. Action Items
Return from Executive Session
Item (s) Related to Discussion of Personnel Matters
XIII. Closing Items
Chairman's Closing Remarks
Greg Thompson thanked the board for a smooth meeting.
Good of the Order
- Dr. Ivey shared that the next board meeting will be October 24th.
- He also shared with the Board that the Fall Lottery will be December 5, 2022.
Dr. Marion Newton provided an invocation.