Liberty STEAM Charter
Date and Time
Friday March 25, 2022 at 8:00 AM
LSC Administrative Offices
117 North Main Street
Sumter, SC 29150
Google Map of Meeting Location
Mission: Liberty STEAM Charter (LSC) works to provide all students equal access to a world-class K-12 education in an academically rigorous & student-centered learning environment, creating graduates to be thoughtful & engaged citizens prepared to take on the leadership challenges of the 21st century.
Vision: In partnership with our families & the community, Liberty STEAM Charter (LSC) will provide interdisciplinary, real-world, personalized, and project-based learning experiences through a STEAM-based academic program where graduates become the next generation of leaders, employers, and employees who contribute to the economic well-being of their communities and families.
Committee Members Present
Ben Griffith, Jr. (remote), Dexter WJ Davis, Greg Thompson, Khalil Graham, Kimberly Rauschenbach (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
Trevor Ivey, Tyler Hamilton
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Dexter Davis led the committee in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Reading of the Mission Statement
Dr. Khalil Graham read aloud the mission statement.
Reading of the Vision Statement
Kimberly Rauschenbach read aloud the vision statement.
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes from the Previous Meeting
II. Committee Updates
Committee Updates
Dr. Graham provide updates to the executive committee from the previous committee meetings held on Thursday with the development, academic, and finance committees.
- Summary of Key Points
- Depending on our 135 day count, that will determine how much we will be reimbursed for next year with regards to per pupil spending.
- We may need to reconsider as a board to open up seats in the middle of the year. Scholars are on the waiting list. If the campus is not ready to take on the extra students, that's a consideration.
- Two children have left in the last month due to military orders.
- Be much more thoughtful of adding children mid-year due to credits needed in order to pass their grade
- To bring two children in right now, it would be roughly $3k each. Due to us being a lottery-based school, we cannot guarantee the scope of services those two scholars will require. Our charter says that no new scholars will be admitted after week five of the school year. Also, they would not be counted in our 135 day count.
- Several directors commented on the need to revisit school culture, specifically student discipline.
- Each classroom has bands associated with which Scholars need intervention.
- Dr. Graham is ensuring that the Instructional Coach and Director are going into classrooms where Scholars need more help and intervention. A plan has already been put in place and being executed.
- We expect to have a higher SPED case load next year. Many students do not have their IEPs as LSC will be the ones that are creating them. This is part of the current MTSS system in place identifying scholars that may need to receive special services.
- Needing STEAM requirements to see where Scholars are and if they are ready to move onto the next year. This will start at 2nd grade.
- Staff retention is at 83%, Scholars are at 92%, talent reviews will be completed by the first week of April.
- In
- Lack of discipline in the school is where the teachers are becoming frustrated. Possibly need KG at the campus more due to discipline issues. Greg believes we need to pivot due to discipline issues and we cannot have teachers so overwhelmed.
- Teachers are asking for support due to discipline issues. Teachers are wanting discipline issue children to stay out of their classrooms but that is not how LSC operates. If the child stays out of the classroom, then they are not learning.
- Deanna Brown is meeting with Grade Team Leaders so we know where the priority students are. She keeps a documented list about the priority students.
- LSC is following our discipline policy. It is geared towards the needs of the Scholar.
- Parents can appeal their Scholars suspension records.
- Currently, 8 Scholars are causing issues within the school and it’s making teachers not want to continue with our school.
- Greg wants to ensure we are not overly lenient with problem children. He wants to ensure we are providing support with our Staff.
- LSC needs to give more training to teachers. Starting assertive discipline training starting 3/28/2022. Will happen weekly.
- Daily culture updates to school leadership/Network team. Promotion meetings to Tier 3 Scholars.
- When it comes to high priority children, LSC is trying different things with the Scholars.
- Improvements are based on the data we have.
- A priority Scholar is someone who potentially will leave, or behavioral issue Scholar, or chronic absentee.
- McKay Kitty declined to renew their agreement with us. They wanted to be paid 5k per month to do what Harmony is doing now.
- Dave Loadholt has to update SmartFusions and that has been a few months behind. Dave needs to give Gantt Williams access to that. Currently we haven’t paid for it but we cannot close our books due to Dave having full access.
- Greg is confident with Gantt’s ability to close our books.
- LSC does not have assets other than chairs and our liabilities are limited as well.
- LSC has no debt or delinquency on any payments. By state standards, we are in the green.
- By the end of April, we need to clean up our accounting.
- Q3 and Q4 priorities = Map data, culture walks (all ongoing), STEAM Scholar Pathways (not complete).
- Talent reviews will be complete by the end of March.
- Mission Alignment is ongoing. We are at 80% PTG.
- 75% of new Scholars for next year are making expected progress.
- Steve Creech recommended looking into someone who can do some grant writing for LSC on a part-time basis.
- KG is providing professional development twice per month to Grade Team Leaders starting on Monday.
- Welcome to Liberty will happen on April 30th for all new parents & scholars in the 2022-23 school year.
- Staff APRs will be completed in late May 2022.
- A major priority in quarter 4 will be to finalize 22-23 hires and budget.
- The original goal was to be 5k above Sumter School District. SSD raised their pay scale.
- If the SSD is 41k starting, Mr. Thompson believes we should start at 45k. We need to remain 4k ahead of the local school district.
- Need to potentially up the Teaching Fellow positions to a max band of 35k.
- Currently, LSC will offer 1k for instructional staff and $750 for Network Staff for retention.
- Directors commented on the need to be more intentional about retaining our top talent.
- Mr. Thompson agreed to donate the difference to the school depending on what that final cost will be.
- Dr. Graham noted that what LSC is struggling with is not uncommon and that most charter schools around the country struggle with the same things.
III. Other Business
Agenda Items from Committee Members
No new items were brought forth by committee members for discussion during this portion of the agenda.
IV. Executive Session
Purposes of a Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Agreements
V. Actions Related to Executive Session
Action from Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Agreements
No action was taken from the executive session.
VI. Closing Items
Next Steps
- Greg Thompson will contact Dave Loadholt today to follow up regarding the next steps in finalizing the school's accounting records.
- KG to work with TI to put together a level of communication about a new pay scale. The committee has asked for teacher retention to meet the 90% organizational goal.
Good of the Order
No directors commented during this portion of the agenda.
Ben Griffith provided an invocation.