Liberty STEAM Charter




Date and Time

Wednesday January 26, 2022 at 9:00 AM


Thompson Training Center

111 Main Street

Sumter, SC 29150

This meeting is held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. A copy of the agenda has been made available to the local media & general public.

Directors Present

Ben Griffith, Jr., Cameron Chandler, Dexter WJ Davis, Greg Thompson, Ken Lee, Kimberly Rauschenbach (remote), Marion Newton, Rodney Thompson, Steve Creech

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Khalil Graham, Trevor Ivey

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Greg Thompson called a meeting of the board of directors of Liberty STEAM Charter to order on Wednesday Jan 26, 2022 at 9:00 AM.



Rev. Dr. Marion provided an invocation. 


Pledge of Allegiance

Steve Creech led the board in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Chairman's Opening Remarks

Chairman Thompson thanked the board for their continued service and for their participation in today's winter retreat to continue engaging in the 10-year strategic planning process for Liberty's expansion. He shared in his excitement to hear updates from school leaders regarding the half-way point of the school year. 

II. Reading of the Mission & Vision Statement


LSC Mission Statement

Kimberly Rauschenbach led the board in reading aloud the mission statement. 


LSC Vision Statement

Ben Griffith led the board in reading aloud the mission statement. 

III. Approval of Consent Agenda


Today's Meeting Agenda

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to approve the agenda as presented by the staff.
Rodney Thompson seconded the motion.

Mr. Griffith asked the board to delay approving the November 29th and December 6th board meeting minutes until the January 31st meeting. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Minutes from Previous Meeting (November 29, 2021)

This action was delayed by a voice vote until the January 31st full board meeting. 


Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting (December 6, 2021)

This action was delayed by a voice vote until the January 31st full board meeting. 

IV. Overview of the Retreat


Review of the Retreat Objectives

Dr. Khalil Graham introduced Simmons Lettre again to the board and spoke of the continued relationship between her consulting firm and LSC in providing governance and strategic planning coaching. He thanked each board member for participating in their 1:1 meeting with Ms. Lettre earlier this month for the purpose of sharing preliminary findings regarding strategic planning objectives and like-minded models across the United States that scaled up in similar ways LSC has aspirations of doing. 


Ms. Lettre then provided the board with the objectives of today's working meeting of the board, as outlined below. 


  1. Align board and leadership to long-term vision for LSC in SC.
  2. Explore different routes to determine the appropriate pace of LSC Sumter growth over 10 years.
  3. Explore possibilities of whether to expand beyond Sumter in the future.
  4. Discuss board goals to achieve growth with excellence.
  5. Discuss MOU outlining the relationship between Quixote Foundation and LSC. 

V. Mission Moment


Parent Panel

Mr. Davis facilitated this portion of the agenda, which provided an opportunity for board members to hear from three parent advocates in the founding K-1 classes at LSC. The three-parent advocates, as listed below, shared their reflections from the first semester with regards to areas of strengths, suggested action steps to sustain those strengths, areas of improvements, and suggested action steps to initiate improvement. 


  1. Timeko Tindal 
  2. Jenny Knopf 
  3. Shereza Middleton

VI. Team Building



Ms. Lettre led the board in a short team-building activity. 

VII. Governing by LSC Values


Reflection on Cultural Priorities

Ms. Lettre reviewed LSC's core model, foundational values, cultural priorities, and the current year's initiatives. 

VIII. Update on Scale & Expansion


Overview & Open Discussion

During this portion of the agenda, the board engaged in an open discussion on the three proposed scale & expansion routes. The board was not unified in one of the three possible routes, which all depend on the degree to which the board wants to accelerate growth with grades being served and facilities being ready to serve those grades. 


Determine Pace of Scale for LSC's Future Campuses

During this portion of the agenda, the board engaged in an open discussion on the three proposed scale & expansion routes. The board was not unified in one of the three possible routes, which all depend on the degree to which the board wants to accelerate growth with grades being served and facilities being ready to serve those grades. 


It was decided that the board will continue to independently analyze the pros and cons for each scale option and be prepared to vote at the regularly scheduled board meeting in March. 


Expansion beyond Sumter

During this portion of the agenda, Dr. Graham shared feedback from SCPSCD regarding partnership opportunities for Liberty's model to be replicated in other parts of the state. The SCPCSD is encouraging charter school growth along the "Corridor of Opportunity," and views Liberty as a promising example of what could happen in these portions of our state. 

IX. Break



The board took a 10-minute break. 

X. Progress to Goals


Reflection on Goals

During this portion of the agenda, Ms. Lettre reviewed the status of the organizational goals. 


College & Career Readiness

  • 85% K-2 scholars end year on/above grade level (on track) 
  • 50% scholars achieve 2+ years growth in reading/math (on track) 

Operational Excellence 

  • 90% staff retention (on track) 
  • 85% Org Health (on track)
  • 97% Average Daily Attendance (off track) 
  • 90% Scholar Persistence (on track) 
  • 100% Financial Goals Met (on track) 

Mission Alignmnet 

  • 65% of scholars with low socioeconomic status (not met for 21-22 but on track for 22-23)
  • 220 scholars enrolled (not met) 
  • 1 Academy in Operation (met) 
  • 85% of Families Engaged (on track) 


Ad Hoc Facilities Task Force

During this portion of the agenda, the board discussed the need for an ad hoc facilities task force comprised of 4-5 individuals that would meet monthly to discuss potential future academy sites and to approve a long-term facility plan for all academies. No action was taken other than discussion. 


Documenting the Relationship between Quixote Foundation & LSC

Feedback received from the Charter School Growth Fund and New Schools Venture Fund has encouraged staff to re-examine ways in which to bolster documentation of the relationship between LSC and the Quixote Foundation. The goal is to align on the specifics of the philanthropic support mechanisms as well as the facility renovation project of the 15 School Street Primary Academy. 

XI. Executive Session


Purposes of Receipt of Legal Advice/Pending Contractual Arrangements-MOA with 501(c)(3)

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to enter into executive session at 12:10 pm for the purposes of receipt of legal advice/pending contractual arrangements - MOA with 501(c)(3).
Marion Newton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Cameron Chandler
Dexter WJ Davis
Kimberly Rauschenbach
Ken Lee
Ben Griffith, Jr.
Steve Creech
Rodney Thompson
Marion Newton
Greg Thompson


Purposes of Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to add purposes of discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements to the executive session topics.
Rodney Thompson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Rodney Thompson
Ben Griffith, Jr.
Steve Creech
Dexter WJ Davis
Marion Newton
Cameron Chandler
Kimberly Rauschenbach
Ken Lee
Greg Thompson

Chairman Thompson and Directors Chandler, Creech, & Davis recused themselves from participating in the executive session. 

XII. Action Items


Item (s) Related to Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Agreements

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to return to executive session at 12:45 pm.
Kimberly Rauschenbach seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Rodney Thompson
Kimberly Rauschenbach
Dexter WJ Davis
Greg Thompson
Ben Griffith, Jr.
Ken Lee
Marion Newton
Steve Creech
Cameron Chandler


Item (s) Related to Discussion of Receipt of Legal Advice/Pending Contractual Arrangements-MOA with 501(c)(3)

No action was taken from the executive session. 

XIII. Closing Items


Closing Activity

Ms. Lettre thanked the board for their participation in today's working meeting and led a reflective discussion on the next steps with the 10-year strategic planning process. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trevor Ivey