Liberty STEAM Charter




Date and Time

Monday September 27, 2021 at 6:00 PM


CCTC Advanced Manufacturing Training Center
Room A101
853 Broad Street
Sumter, SC 29150

Google Map of Meeting Location
This meeting is held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. A copy of the agenda has been made available to the local media & general public.

Directors Present

Ben Griffith, Jr., Bronwyn McElveen, Cameron Chandler, Dexter WJ Davis, Greg Thompson, Ken Lee, Kimberly Rauschenbach, Marion Newton (remote), Rodney Thompson, Steve Creech

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Trevor Ivey

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Greg Thompson called a meeting of the board of directors of Liberty STEAM Charter to order on Monday Sep 27, 2021 at 6:00 PM.



Rev. Dr. Marion Newton provided an invocation. 


Pledge of Allegiance

Dexter Davis led the board in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Chairman's Opening Remarks

Mr. Thompson opened the meeting by thanking directors for their continued service. He particularly commented on the fact that the school is now two months into the school year and is bouncing back with revised strategies that are in face mitigating the spread of Covid-19, thus keeping scholars in school. 

II. Reading of the Mission & Vision Statement


LSC Mission Statement

Kim Rauschenback read aloud the mission statement. 


LSC Vision Statement

Mr. Davis read aloud the vision statement. 

III. Approval of Consent Agenda


Today's Meeting Agenda

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to approve the agenda as presented by staff.
Cameron Chandler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Minutes from Previous Meeting (August 30, 2021)

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to approve the minutes from LIBERTY STEAM CHARTER FOUNDING BOARD OF DIRECTORS on 08-30-21.
Rodney Thompson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Board Recognition


Financial Support of the LSC Mission

During this time, Dr. Graham informed the board that LSC is the recipient of the 2021 Dollar General Youth Literacy Grant in the amount of $4,000. These funds will be used to support the school's million word reading challenge. 


B. Covid Council Parent Representatives

During this time, Dr. Graham further explained the concept of the school's Covid Council that meets three times a week to function as a problem-solving group to further mitigate the spread of Covid-19. The council is composed of school leaders, network leaders, a health expert, and parent representatives. One of the parent representatives, Taurie Rhoten, was recognized by the board for her participation. Mr. Thompson thanked Ms. Rhoten for her service. 


C. Staff

During this time, the board recognized the September staff of the month to include Henry Watson (Lead Teacher of the Month), Epiphany Anderson (Operations Staff Member of the Month), and Stephanie Edwards (Teaching Fellow of the Month). Mr. Thompson thanked them for all they do to make LSC a great place to teach and learn. 

V. Executive Director's Report


Executive DIrector's Update

Dr. Graham provided the executive director's report with updates on teaching & learning, talent, family & community engagement, communication & external affairs, and operations & business administration. He noted that the school had a very successful opening but continues to refine its Covid-19 mitigation strategies.
  1. Teaching & Learning (launch of Google Classroom - not complete)
  2. Talent (all benchmarks complete)
  3. Family & Community Engagement (all on track)
  4. Communication & External Affairs (3-year & 6-year strategic plans are currently in development - not complete)
  5. Operations & Business Affairs (Hiring not fully complete - still finalizing part-time positions)
Dr. Graham reviewed leader updates included in the board meeting packet from Dr. Ivey and Dr. Carter. 


After Dr. Graham's update, Dr. Ivey used the remaining portion of this agenda time to provide highlights from around the Primary Academy. Highlights included: 


  1. Process for teacher feedback 
  2. Food Services Program - DHEC Inspect
  3. Covid Council - Parent Information Forum 
  4. Video Recorded Lessons via Peer Observations 
  5. Federal CSP Compliance Monitoring Visit 
  6. Invitational Tours 
  7. STEM in Action around the Academy 
  8. Class Competitions to Promote Breakfast/Lunch Participation & Clean Classrooms
  9. Social Emotional Learning 
  10. Safety Drills 
  11. Operating Mechanisms in Action 

VI. Board Committee Updates


Executive Committee

​​​​​​Chairman Greg Thompson shared out the following report form the executive committee: 
  • Summary of Key Points
    • Review of committee meetings notes and updates (Finance, Academic, & Development)
      • Invitational tour and winter gala updates
      • Review of budget adjustments for September
      • Testing and technology updates from campus
    • Review of 2021-22 strategic planning goals and budget
    • Discussion of board member roster with timelines for adjustments
      • Review of board member qualifications and expectations
    • Review of executive session topics for discussion
  • Final Action Items
    • Khalil Graham will send updates to executive committee regarding board by-laws
    • Send meeting notes to all committee members
  • Board Recommendations
    • None


Finance Committee

Chairwoman Kim Rauschenbach shared out the following report from the finance committee: 
  • Summary of Key Points
    • Funds went up, personnel funds went up.
    • August/September heavy on cash flow
    • Ended Agreement with McKay Kiddy and entered Agreement with Prestige for P&I and ESSER for reimbursable funds
    • Beginning October, all bill payments will be in-house
    • Allocation for ESSER have been increased to $332,000 for ESSER II. ESSER III is $156,000. Will be given over the next three years
    • 15 pots of money from the Federal government to use the money out of
    • Reimbursement of funds from the state government usually is 2-4 weeks
    • This year, not eligible for Title 1 funding, but access to Title 2 funding. Title 2 specific to teacher and professional development
    • By December, spend $466,000 or we will lose it. Coming out of P&I budget this year
    • Projected enrollment is 106
    • Fundraise 500k in new funds for next year
    • Concern that Staff number is very high. Maybe entertain having a one teacher model for 2nd grade
  • Final Action Items
    • Reach out to Special Ed teachers for funding for students for total numbers (paid enrollment) 
    • HG to add all revenues to document
    • HG to send Kim Rauschenbach update on financial accounts tomorrow 09/24
    • Send minutes to Kim Rauschenbach so she has by meeting Monday 09/27
  • Final Action Items
    • Reach out to Special Ed teachers for funding for students for total numbers (paid enrollment) 
    • HG to add all revenues to the document
    • HG to send Kim Rauschenbach an update on financial accounts tomorrow 09/24
    • Send minutes to Kim Rauschenbach so she has by meeting Monday 09/27
  • Board Recommendations
    • None


Academic Excellence Committee

Committee Chair Rodney Thompson shared the following report for the academic excellence committee:
  • Summary of Key Points
    • Covid update: Ability to contact trace, communication with families, expected timelines for when Scholars can be back in school, updated policies
    • Communication with the adults in the building surrounding hand hygiene, masking, etc. with the kids. Transitioning kids back to the lunchroom. 4:30-5 pm have the CC open to parents weekly
    • CC meets 3x per week and added parent representatives. Virtual town hall meetings. Day 17 and no case traced to the school
    • Vaccination Drive Saturday 09/25
    • Weekly Tactical Meetings with Leadership Teams to track school data
    • MAP Testing to be completed by end of September
    • Informal observations happen several days per week. Will become the norm, not the exception. Ensuring teachers get feedback on areas they can improve. Check ins weekly with teachers and their managers
    • Recruitment will begin in October for next school year
    • Need a stronger culture around fidelity. (Outcomes, Causes, Solution)
    • Gerald Boyd provided insight into his work in coaching the Primary Academy Director Sherman Logan. 
  • Final Action Items
    • KG to send documentation of MAP testing to Rodney Thompson
    • Send meeting minutes to Gerald Boyd
  • Board Recommendations
    • Look at MAP scores next month


Development Committee

Chairwoman Cammy Chandler shared out the following report from the development committee's report. 
  • Summary of Key Points
    • Approved previous meeting minutes
    • Strategic planning starts this month
    • LC will make adjustments for the October tour. Asking questions for KG.
    • Reach out to Teresa to get Greg Thompson on the invitational tour -- or at least record a message if he cannot attend
    • Possibly have Greg write a personal letter about our school and for folks to come see it. Duke Energy, Chase, Black River Electric, Farmers Telephone, Bank of America, Continental Tire, Caterpillar, Blue Cross Blue Shield of SC, etc.
    • Gala -- may have conflicts with 2 events -- Sumter County Museum Oyster Roast, and Chamber of Commerce Business Card Social. Covid concerns are still relevant with any unvaccinated individuals. Check venue and date options before signing any contracts. December will be challenging due to holidays.
  • Final Action Items
    • Plan on Nov 18, 2021, for the Gala due to conflicts and holidays. 
    • Dr. Carter will explore other venue options
    • Cammy will take the lead on BCBS
  • Board Recommendations
    • Have Greg Thompson personally invite folks for the invitational tour or record a video if he cannot be in attendance.

VII. Public Participation


PUblic Participation

There was no public participation during this portion of the agenda. 

VIII. Executive Session


Purposes of Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements

Cameron Chandler made a motion to enter into executive session at 6:45 pm for the Purposes of Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements.
Marion Newton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Purposes of Discussion discussion of Employment, Appointment, Compensation, Promotion, Demotion, Discipline or Release of an Employee, or an Appointment to a Public Body

Kimberly Rauschenbach made a motion to add Purposes of Discussion discussion of Employment, Appointment, Compensation, Promotion, Demotion, Discipline or Release of an Employee, or an Appointment to a Public Body to the topics for executive session discussion.
Rodney Thompson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Action Items


Return from Executive Session

Steve Creech made a motion to return from executive session at 7:05 pm.
Dexter WJ Davis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Item (s) Related to Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements

No action was taken on this executive session topic. 


Item (s) Related to Discussion of Employment, Appointment, Compensation, Promotion, Demotion, Discipline or Release of an Employee, or an Appointment to a Public Body

Cameron Chandler made a motion to accept the resignation of Bronwyn McElveen and appoint Ken Lee, upon unanimous recommendation from the executive committee, to the vacant seat until spring elections are held.
Ben Griffith, Jr. seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

X. Closing Items


Chairman's Closing Remarks

Chairman Thompson recognized Mr. Lee, who was attending in the audience, and welcomed him to the board. 


Good of the Order

The board was reminded that there will only be regular committee meetings held in October but no full board meeting. The next full board meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 29. 


Adjourn Meeting

Kimberly Rauschenbach made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm.
Cameron Chandler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trevor Ivey