Liberty STEAM Charter




Date and Time

Monday June 14, 2021 at 11:30 AM


CCTC Advanced Manufacturing Training Center
Room A101
853 Broad Street
Sumter, SC 29150

Google Map of Meeting Location
This meeting is held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. A copy of the agenda has been made available to the local media & general public.

Directors Present

Ben Griffith, Jr., Bronwyn McElveen, Cameron Chandler, Dexter WJ Davis (remote), Greg Thompson, Kimberly Rauschenbach, Marion Newton, Rodney Thompson (remote), Steve Creech

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Khalil Graham, Latasha Carter, Luna Velez, Trevor Ivey

I. Establishment of a Quorum


Record Attendance

Education Reporter Bruce Mills of the Sumter Item newspaper was also present. 

II. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Greg Thompson called a meeting of the board of directors of Liberty STEAM Charter to order on Monday Jun 14, 2021 at 11:30 AM.



Rev. Dr. Marion Newton provided an invocation. 


Pledge of Allegiance

Vice-Chairman Dexter Davis led the board in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Chairman's Opening Remarks

During this time, Chairman Thompson thanked his fellow board directors for their continued engagement in providing support to turn the vision for Liberty STEAM Charter into a reality. He specifically commented on the significant progress that this community initiative has achieved in the last month since the board met in moving the vision closer to actual reality (facility progress, employee onboarding, and family engagement events). Chairman Thompson reaffirmed his commitment to the charter school's mission. 

III. Reading of the Mission & Vision Statement


LSC Mission Statement

Cammy Chandler read aloud the LSC mission statement. 


LSC Vision Statement

Steve Creech read aloud the LSC vision statement. 

IV. Approval of Consent Agenda


Today's Meeting Agenda

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.
Marion Newton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Minutes from Previous Meeting (May 10, 2021)

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to approve the minutes from LIBERTY STEAM CHARTER FOUNDING BOARD OF DIRECTORS on 05-10-21.
Kimberly Rauschenbach seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Board Recognition


Support of Liberty's Mission - Incubation & Planning Year

During this portion of the meeting agenda, Chairman Thompson joined Dr. Khalil Graham in recognizing the individuals/organizations below for their support of LSC during both the application process and for their continued support during the planning year. 
  1. USC Sumter
  2. Barney Gadson
  3. YMCA of Sumter
  4. Becton, Dickinson & Company
  5. EMS Chemie of North America, Inc.
  6. Sumter Sunrise Rotary
  7. Rotary Club of Sumter Palmetto
  8. Sumter Industrial Association
  9. Selena Smith
Also, at this time, Dr. Graham announced that LSC has been added to the 2021 Charter School Growth Fund with an initial financial commitment of $250,000 (to be received next month) that can be renewed for an additional two years provided all benchmarks are met. 

VI. Senior Leadership Team Division Updates


Executive Director

Dr. Graham reviewed his one-page ED update with the board that outlined progress to goals in the following areas: teaching & learning (all on track), talent (all on track), family & community engagement (all on track except for the number of scholar waitlist enrollment applications), communication & external affairs (all on track except for the preliminary stages of the 3/6 year strategic planning), operations & business administration (all on track), and additional considerations (all on track). 


Chief of Staff

Dr. Ivey reviewed his one-page school leader update with the board that outlined progress to goals in the following areas/tasks: state & federal compliance (on track), operations staff hired (not complete), teacher onboarding (complete), communications tree (complete), pre-boarding engagement plan (complete), school leader playbook (ongoing), campus site two strategic plan (on track). Dr. Ivey also shared his June benchmarks:
  1. 100% on track with state & federal compliance 
  2. 100% of operations staff hired 
  3. 100% of staff onboarding complete 
  4. Finalize school leader playbook
  5. 85% organizational health 
  6. 100% of planning completed for New Staff Academy 
  7. 100% of requirements submitted for NBCT renewal 
Dr. Ivey shared that the biggest success in his work was in the pre-boarding check-ins with all new employees to date and that operations staffing was a challenge. In terms of next steps, Dr. Ivey stated that tighter team alignment and getting clarification regarding specific aspects of the budget will help in moving towards achieving full staffing of the operations team. 


Director of Advocacy & Engagement

Dr. Carter reviewed her one-page school leader update with the board that outlined progress to goals in the following areas/tasks: monthly development moves (complete), monthly family engagement event stakeholder satisfaction (complete), family planning committee stakeholder satisfaction (complete), enrollment benchmark (not complete), minimum financial ask (not complete), host monthly family engagement event (complete), host monthly planning committee meeting (complete). 

Dr. Carter also shared her June benchmarks: 
  1. 50 development moves
  2. 90% satisfaction of family engagement event 
  3. 90% family planning committee satisfaction 
  4. Make a minimum ask of $150,000 
  5. Host monthly family engagement event 
  6. Host monthly family planning committee meeting 
  7. Finalize school leader playbook
Dr. Carter stated that the biggest success in her workstream was LSC being included in the 2021 Charter School Growth Fund portfolio but that the biggest challenge was sourcing additional grant funding opportunities. In regards to her next steps, Dr. Carter stated that she is completing the Dreyfus grant (requesting $50,000)and will be more tightly aligning with teammates to help meet the established enrollment benchmarks. 


Manging Director of Operations

Dr. Graham reviewed Ms. Velez's one-page school leader update and noted that she was facilitating onboarding for the newly hired members of the operations team whose first day of work was today. Dr. Graham outlined progress to goals in the following areas/tasks: enrollment benchmark (met), waitlist benchmark (not met), financial accountability (ongoing), BOY (on track), operations hiring (complete), Welcome to Liberty make-up event (ongoing), and school leader playbook (ongoing). 

Dr. Graham shared Ms. Velez's June benchmarks:
  1. 100% full enrollment
  2. 50 new student applications 
  3. 90% cumulative attendance for Welcome to Liberty make-up events
  4. 100% Financial Accountability 
  5. Finalize school leader playbook
  6. 100% BOY ready
Dr. Graham then shared Ms. Velez's greatest success in her workstream was the sustained engagement with families during the make-up sessions for Welcome to Liberty while the greatest challenge remains in building up the waitlist to meet the 2:1 application best practice ratio. In regards to next steps, Ms. Velez has planned several additional recruitment initiatives for the month of June and invites all board directors to participate as their schedules allow. 

VII. Board Committee Updates


Executive Committee

Dr. Graham shared the following highlights of the monthly executive committee meeting. 
  1. Academic developments
    1. McKinney-Vento Policy for the Admission of Homeless Students
    2. Update on the Call Me MiSTER Partnership
    3. Master Schedule 
    4. Curriculum updates
  2. Human Resources (Operations Team Staffing) 
  3. Financial Structures & Accountability (final reading of the budget) 
  4. Facilities Planning 
  5. Strategic Tasks 
    • Attending family preview sessions
    • Attending special functions to engage new stakeholders
    • Collaborating with the development team to identify key grants with an aggressive pursuit of people of interest 
      • LSC has been Added to the Charter School Growth Fund: with an initial commitment of $250,000 in year one and the potential to renew the same amount for an additional two years. 
      • Finalist for New Schools Venture Fund Grant: Staff should learn of its status by the end of the month. 
    • Board development for July (July 14 - Board Step Back) 
    • SY 2021-22 Board meeting schedule 
Steve Creech made a motion to approve the 2021-22 Board meeting calendar.
Ben Griffith, Jr. seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Finance Committee

Dr. Graham shared the highlights from the one-page financial dashboard for the last 30 days. The following items were covered:
  • Student enrollment (100% fully enrolled with 80% of the 2:1 application ratio met - 307/384 total applications
    • There are 27 students who have been flagged for not having submitted 100% of their enrollment documents. Efforts are being taken by staff to collect any outstanding documents and ensure 100% participation in the Welcome to Liberty event. Students who are still flagged on July 5th will be moved to the bottom of the waitlist. 
  • Fund balances (May) - Operations, donations, reserve, and personnel. 
  • Cash flow (May)
  • Financial accountability (P-cards, CSP grant, and financial reporting) 
    • all P-card transaction logs have been updated
    • third CSP grant claim for year 2 received ($6,100.20).
    • Financial reporting taking place bi-weekly. 
It was emphasized that the fund balance and cash flow meets all healthy metrics (as of the date of the meeting). Key points were also reviewed from the monthly financial report provided that included expenditures and donations noting that LSC remains 100% on track with its planning year budget that is comprised entirely of philanthropic donations. 

Fund balances for the month of May include:
  • Operations ($2,033.54)
  • Donations ($171,773.07)
  • Reserve ($9,940.51)
  • Personnel ($87,126.68)
Cash flow for the month of April include:
  • Operations ($29,185.00)
  • Donations ($500.00)
  • Reserve ($0.00)
  • Personnel ($0.00)
Dr. Graham concluded this section of the agenda by informing the committee that the staff is working with Mr. Loadholt to vet audit firms that have been recommended by Veris (formerly McCay Kiddy) for consideration of services to perform the first annual audit in the Spring of 2022. Mr. Loadholt provided a high-level overview of the audit process. A recommendation will be made to the full charter board at the full charter board meeting in August. 


Academic Excellence Committee

Mrs. McElveen reviewed the highlights from this month's academic excellence committee meeting. 
  • Current state of talent recruitment & selection
    • PTG: 11/11 Lead Teacher Hired (100%), 10/10 Teaching Fellows Hired (100%), 3/3 Instructional Support Staff Hired (100%), 3/6 Operations Staff Hired (50%) = 27 Total Hires
      • Documents: May HR Report
      • Current Vacancies: Facilities/Maintenance Tech, School Nurse, Cafeteria
    • The proposed McKinney-Vento Policy for the Admission of Homeless Students (the policy has been approved through LSC's legal counsel) 
    • Updates regarding the SCPCSD Pre-Opening Conditions (PTG: 45/53 - 85%).
    • The proposed master schedule. 
    • The revisions to the school's uniform policy. 
    • A discussion regarding the final budget presented. 
Mrs. McElveen stated that the committee is recommending approval of the McKinney-Vento Policy for the Admission of Homeless Students and also alerted the full board that the academic committee is continuing conversations to partner with USC Aiken to establish a Call Me MiSTER program. 
Bronwyn McElveen made a motion to approve the LSC McKinney-Vento Policy for the Admission of Homeless Students.
Cameron Chandler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Development Committee

Dr. Carter provided a short update on next steps coming from the development committee's work. She reminded the board that the goals below (all) have been met under this committee's 90 day action plan. 
  1. Develop LSC Development Committee Donor Kit (promotional video, rebranded materials, and pitch deck is complete).
  2.  100/100 touchpoints made
  3. 2021 LSC Capital Campaign Materials completed
  4. Create a shortlist of prospects for the additional members of the Development Committee as of now.
With regards to next steps, the committee is in the initial stages of planning the Freedom Campaign and a Welcome to Liberty campus event to court potential key donors - both of which will take place this fall (September/October). The committee will have more information to share at the next board meeting. 

VIII. Launch Year Budget


Open Discussion

Dr. Graham provided a final overview of the budget and highlighted key budget drivers to include EFA allocations and other forecasting tools (third reading). He reiterated the conservative estimates used when mapping out the budget knowing that the final state budget allocations have not yet been passed. 


Final Approval

Steve Creech made a motion to approve the final budget as presented.
Ben Griffith, Jr. seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Overview of the Annual Audit Process


Overview of the Audit Process

Dr. Graham provided an overview of the required annual audit process that Liberty will be required to have conducted for the first time in the Spring of 2022. 


Review/Discussion of Audit Proposals

LSC senior leaders and Mr. Loadholt have met with six audit forms and three have submitted proposals. The finance committee is currently vetting those proposals and will make a recommendation to the full board at the next scheduled meeting. 


X. Operations Updates


Founding K-1 Enrollment Updates

With regards to the 192 confirmed scholars for enrollment, Dr. Graham noted at this time that there has been no change in the enrollment numbers or demographics from last month. A major effort of the staff going forward at this time is to implement weekly touchpoints with all confirmed families who are enrolled. Current enrollment PTGs are outlined below:
  • WTLSC Make-up Sessions confirmed (total 181/192 94%)/attended (total 125/192 65%)
  • Kindergarten Enrolled: 96 (100%) 14 Flagged (5 touchpoints)
  • 1st Grade Enrolled: 96 (100%) 14 Flagged (5 touchpoints)
  • Kindergarten Total Apps: 184/192 (96%)
  • First Grade Total Apps: 132/192 (69%)
An addition 33 scholars have been added to the 2021-22 enrollment waitlist. The operations team will be working recruitment on a daily basis for the next two weeks with continued outreach taking place in the form of reoccuring virtual family preview sessions, weekend community canvassing, and a final Welcome to Liberty make-up event for June 23. 

Dr. Carter shared that 30 families participated in the May community walk while nearly 90 families attended the June Fun in the Sun family engagement event. She noted that waitlisted families were also invited to the June family engagement event. 


Food Services

Dr. Graham shared with the board that a food service vendor has been selected through the state bid process. LSC will be participating in the USDA Food & Nutrition program with the goal being to become a CEP designated school site. 


Instructional Materials

Dr. Ivey shared with the board that textbooks and other instructional materials will be ordered during the first two weeks of July after LSC has been officially added to the PowerSchool platform. 


Before/After School Care

Dr. Carter provided a brief update to the board regarding before and after-school care planning for enrolled families. Survey results show that nearly half of the enrolled families expressed a need for their scholar to participate in an after-school care program at LSC. Dr. Graham emphasized that while the goal is to eliminate any financial barriers for families to participate, it is looking like their will be a fee. Dr. Carter has met with two service providers who can provide these services (homework help, a snack, STEAM enrichment) to scholars on campus and is the in the process of gathering final financial details. Information will be shared with families at the back-to-school bash. 

XI. Facilities


Progress to Goals

Dr. Thompson referred the board to the four pages in the meeting packet for detailed progress updates of the renovation project, noting that it is fully on-track for completion by June 30. The above ceiling inspection through the SCDE Office of School Facilities was conducted on June 9th with great success. A final inspection is tentatively scheduled for the second week of July, which leads to an issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. The final walkthrough with SCPCSD authorizers is scheduled for June 24th. 

XII. Human Resources



Dr. Ivey previewed the June HR update with the board, noting that three members of the operations team (scholar services coordinator, office coordinator, and business/finance coordinator) have all officially begun their employment with LSC. An offer will be extended soon to a candidate for the Facilities/Maintenance Technician position while additional candidates are being sourced for the Academy Nurse position. Now that the bid process has closed and a food service provider has been chosen, LSC staff will begin the recruitment & selection process for a Food Service Manager. 

XIII. Campus Safety


Overview of Covid-19 Mitigation Strategies

Dr. Graham shared with the board that a visual is being produced to share with founding families that outlines LSC's intended strategies to mitigate against the spread of Covid-19 for the upcoming school year. 
  1. Staff ensures scholars are frequently sanitizing & washing their hands. 
  2. Pre-school arrival reporting for all scholars via the School Runner app. 
  3. Capability to socially distance if needed with unused facility space. 
  4. on-site daily Covid-19 screening by operations staff. 
  5. On-site rapid testing kits and Covid isolation room. 
  6. Weekly disinfecting of entire campus by an EPA approved company. 
  7. Steady supply of PPE with optional facial coverings. 
  8. Capability to quickly pivot and transition to hybrid if needed. 
Dr. Graham also shared the school's plans to address the Covid-19 learning loss for founding scholars. LSC is estimated to receive a total of $248,439 in phase 2 and phase 3 ESSER funding through the SC Department of Education. Dr. Ivey shared what the allowable expenses are with spending the ESSER funding, noting that 20% has to address learning loss. The budget for how to allocate the funding will not be submitted until mid-August. The funding allocation works on a reimbursement basis just like the federal CSP grant. 
  1. Comprehensive MTSS program. 
  2. 2 teachers in all Primary Academy classrooms. 
  3. Summer PRIDE program for additional assistance (launches in Summer 2022).
  4. Home visits will be conducted as needed. 
  5. After-School ASPIRE program for additional assistance (launches the last week of August). 
  6. Variety of online learning tools.
Dr. Ivey and Dr. Graham will coordinate with Synovus Bank to secure an advanced line of credit to pay for the allowable expense items and then file with the SCPCSD for reimbusrement. 


Coordination with First Responders

Dr. Ivey shared with the board that school leaders have initiated contact with the Sumter Police Department to request their assistance in facilitating the creation of a Joint Emergency Action Plan for the Primary Academy campus. The goal is to have this document created by July 26. 

XIV. Public Participation


Public Participation

No one signed up for public participation. 

XV. Executive Session


Purposes of Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements

Kimberly Rauschenbach made a motion to enter into executive session for the purposes of discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements at 12:58 pm.
Cameron Chandler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XVI. Action Items


Item (s) Related to Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Agreements

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to return from executive session at 1:09 pm.
Marion Newton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
No action was taken. 

XVII. Closing Items


Good of the Order

Each board member had an opportunity to share during this portion of the agenda any final comments. Staff members thanked the full board for the opportunity in continuing to serve. 


Adjourn Meeting

Steve Creech made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Marion Newton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:13 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trevor Ivey