Liberty STEAM Charter




Date and Time

Monday April 12, 2021 at 11:30 AM


CCTC Advanced Manufacturing Training Center
Room A101
853 Broad Street
Sumter, SC 29150


This meeting is held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. A copy of the agenda has been made available to the local media & general public.

Directors Present

Ben Griffith, Jr., Cameron Chandler, Dexter WJ Davis (remote), Greg Thompson, Kimberly Rauschenbach, Marion Newton, Rodney Thompson, Steve Creech

Directors Absent

Bronwyn McElveen

Guests Present

Dorothy Wells, Khalil Graham, Luna Velez, Trevor Ivey

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Greg Thompson called a meeting of the board of directors of Liberty STEAM Charter to order on Monday Apr 12, 2021 at 11:30 AM.



Rev. Dr. Marion Newton provided an invocation. 


Pledge of Allegiance

Dexter Davis led the board in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Chairman's Opening Remarks

During this time, Chairman Thompson thanked his fellow board directors for their continued engagement in providing support to turn the vision for Liberty STEAM Charter into a reality. He specifically commented on the significant progress that this community initiative has achieved in the last month since the board met in moving the vision closer to actual reality. Chairman Thompson reaffirmed his commitment to the charter school's mission. 

II. Reading of the Mission & Vision Statement


LSC Mission Statement

Cammy Chandler read aloud the mission statement. 


LSC Vision Statement

Kimberly Rauschenbach read aloud the vision statement. 

III. Approval of Consent Agenda


Today's Meeting Agenda

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to approve today's meeting agenda as presented.
Steve Creech seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Minutes from Previous Meeting (March 8, 2021)

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to approve the minutes from FOUNDING BOARD OF DIRECTORS on 03-08-21.
Steve Creech seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Board Recognition


Support from Local Institutions of Higher Education

Chairman Thompson joined Dr. Khalil Graham in recognizing Dr. Kevin Pollack from Central Carolina Technical College and Dr. Leroy Staggers from Morris College for their respective institution's support of LSC during both the application process and for their continued support during the planning year. 

V. Senior Leadership Team Division Updates


Executive Director

Dr. Graham reviewed his one-page ED update with the board that outlined progress to goals in the following areas: teaching & learning (all on track except the completion of the school leader playbook), talent (all on track), family & community engagement (all on track except for the number of scholar enrollment applications and donations), communication & external affairs (all on track), operations & business administration (all on track), and additional considerations (all on track except for the planning of LSC's second facility site). 


Chief of Staff

Dr. Trevor Ivey shared an update on the status of his priorities for the months of March and April. 
  • March & April 2021
    • 100% On-Track with SCPCSD & SCDE CSP Compliance (Complete)
      • SCPCSD Pre-Opening Conditions (On Track)
        • 24/24 (100% PTG to Date) & 24/53 Pre-Opening Conditions Met (45% PTG Total)
      • SCDE Charter Schools Program Grant Management (On Track)
        • 1st Claim of P&I Year 1 Filed - $15,397.32
    • 100% of Instructional Staff Hired (Complete)
      • 11/11 Lead Teachers Hired (4:1 Application Ratio with 26% Applicants Selected)
      • 10/10 Teaching Fellows (3:1 Application Ratio with 32% Applicants Selected)
      • 3/3 Instructional Support Staff (3:1 Application Ratio with 31% Applicants Selected)
      • 52% Minority, 100% Certified Teachers as TOR, 71% Total Certification, 155 Years Exp.
    • 90% of Teacher Onboarding Complete (Ongoing)
      • Outcome: Initial Stages Begun (Offer Letter & Pre-Boarding: Welcome to Liberty Dinner & Instructional Staff Virtual Connect)
      • Cause: Continuing Training new HRIS Management System
      • Solution: Will Separate Onboarding into 2 Phases (Week of April 26th)
    • 100% of Goal Setting Meetings for Senior Leaders Scheduled (Complete)
      • Scheduled for the Week of April 23/Housing all Documents in Namely
    • 85% Organizational Health Survey (Complete)
      • Leadership Team (Vibrant Workplace, Inspired Employees, Inclusive Leadership, and
        Positive Culture & Board Feedback Survey (Communications)
      • Next Steps Conversations are Ongoing
    • 1st Draft of Chief of Staff Playbook (Ongoing)
      • Outcome: Initial Stages Begun (Uploading Files to Google Drive) 
      • Cause: Time Management & Deprioritization to Complete other Tasks 
      • Solution: Will Separate Onboarding into 2 Phases (Phase 1 – Jazz HR & Phase 2 –Namely)
    • 90% on Track for Site 2 Strategic Plan (Ongoing)
      • Follow-up meetings have taken place with multiple stakeholders.
    • 100% Operation with Namely People Management System (Ongoing)
      • Outcome: Conclusion Stages of Training
      • Cause: Continuing Training new HRIS Management System & Coordination with Other Service Providers to move Forward with the “Go Live” Date
      • Solution: Set up New Employee Profiles & Onboarding Templates
Dr. Ivey noted that the highlight for the past month was meeting the talent benchmarks and the rockstar talent joining the founding instructional staff at LSC. Dr. Ivey included that he is now working alongside the operations director to source talent for the campus-based operations team. He ended his update by thanking the board for their continued support noting that the highlight of the month was the facility renovation progress and to continue being a vocal supporter for LSC. 


Director of Advocacy & Engagement


Manging Director of Operations

Luna Velez shared an update on the status of her priorities for the months of March and April:
  • 100% of Scholars Enrolled 
    • 100% Financial Accountability - ongoing
      • PCard 100% - transaction logs updated
      • Year 1 (2021-2022) Grant -  received (1st disbursement $15,397.32)
      • Financial Reporting – continued weekly & bi-weekly finance meetings, monthly Finance Committee meetings and monthly reporting
    • 90% BOY on track – 23% complete – additional tasks are in progress/no delays
    • 90% Hiring Project Plan – (Business/Finance Coordinator, Scholar Services Coordinator, and Office Coordinator positions have all been posted)
    • 90% Welcome to LSC Project Plan – completed
    • 1st draft of MDO Playbook – in progress
    • 250/384 Applications – 64% (2:1 ratio enrollment applications)
    • Scholar Recruitment initiatives:
      • Yard Sign Canvassing 4/9/21
      • Digital Billboards – currently active
      • Radio station ad (92.3/93/3) – currently active
      • Continued community flyers canvassing
      • Parent Information Session via Zoom
      • Day Care Center visits – ongoing
Ms. Velez requested support from directors in continuing to be a vocal supporter of the school's recruitment efforts to strengthen the existing waitlist and to attend the Welcome to Liberty Event at the end of the month on April 26-27. 

VI. Board Committee Updates


Executive Committee

Dr. Graham reported out for the executive committee that the main topics of discussion from their recent meeting centered around reviewing the progress to goals tracker for year zero, continued budget refinement for year zero, and teacher recruitment. Clarification was provided regarding the status of the year zero budget. A second reading of the budget will occur at next month's full board meeting with a final vote being requested at the June full board meeting. Dr. Graham also noted that the committee received a presentation from USC Aiken and Clemson requesting to partner with LSC in the establishment of a local Call Me MiSTER cohort. No action is being recommended to the full board by the executive committee at this time.


Finance Committee

Ms. Velez reviewed key points from the monthly financial report provided that included expenditures and donations noting that LSC remains 100% on track with its planning year budget that is comprised entirely of philanthropic donations. She also shared that the four separate financial accounts have been created as part of refining our current practices (operations, donations, reserve, and personnel). Staff members have been properly trained in the purchasing card policy and are fully in compliance. Ms. Velez shared that the first claim of the CSP year two grant has been received in the amount of $15,397.32.


Fund balances for the month of March include:
  • Operations ($42,126.91)
  • Donations ($190,568.27)
  • Reserve ($9,980.18)
  • Personnel ($152,973.88)
Cash flow for the month of March include:
  • Operations ($30,334.44)
  • Donations ($20.00)
  • Reserve ($19.82)
  • Personnel ($34,029.87)
Other committee highlights that Ms. Velez shared include the successful execution of education finance 101 training held on April 7 and that the year zero budget is still in progress with DSG and McKay Kiddy. No action from the finance committee is being recommended to the full board at this time. 


Academic Excellence Committee

Dr. Rodney Thompson  reviewed key points of discussion from the academic excellence committee to include receiving a presentation from USC Aiken and Clemson requesting to partner with LSC in the establishment of a local Call Me MiSTER cohort and an instructional staffing update. A total of 24 individuals members have been hired as part of the Primary Academy campus instructional staff.  He shared his committee's validation of the staff's intentionality in the teacher recruitment & selection process noting that it is a "rockstar" team being assembled. Dr. Thompson requested the committee take action on two items: approval of the LSC employee handbook and the request for 3 new PowerSchool codes be established in the state database (LBA for foreign language, STEM, and CHAMPS (SEL). In terms of next steps, the academic committee has finalized the revisions to the scholar & family handbook and directed the staff to share a final version with the full board with a vote requested at the May full board meeting. 
Rodney Thompson made a motion to approve the 2021-22 LSC Employee handbook as presented.
Steve Creech seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Rodney Thompson made a motion to request the SCDE establish three new PowerSchool codes to support the Primary Academy's enrichment course offerings to include CHAMPS (SEL), STEM (PLTW), and foreign language (Spanish).
Marion Newton seconded the motion.
Dr. Ivey noted that a board resolution is required and will be circulated for the required signatures. Directors McElveen and Davis authorized the secretary of the board to vote their proxy and sign the resolution in their absence. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Development Committee

Steve Creech reviewed the highlights from the development committee's recent meeting to include an update on the creation of a donor kit, finalizing the LSC capital campaign, and that 100 external stakeholder touchpoints have been completed. He reported that the development committee is finalizing the committee job description as they would like to include community members on their committee. Mr. Creech noted that his committee received additional "friendraising" last month. Dr. Carter also shared that the promotional video of LSC's story, mission, and model featuring three angles (donor, enrollment, and recruitment) has been finalized. All components of this committee's 90-day action plan have been completed. No action is being recommend to the full board at this time from this committee. 

VII. Enrollment Updates


Founding K-1 Class Updates

Ms. Velez provided a brief update to the board noting the finalized demographics of the founding K-1 classes. 
  • Kindergarten: 62.5% Minority 
  • 1st Grade: 54.2% 
  • Composite: 58.3%
A total of 92% of founding scholars have submitted all required enrollment documentation. 


Upcoming Community Outreach Activities

Ms. Velez reminded the board of the importance of the enrollment waitlist and noted that additional community outreach activities are in progress to strengthen it. 
  • Spring Digital Billboard Campaign 
  • Radio Station Ads 
  • Community Canvassing/Yard Signs 
  • Refer-A-Friend Campaign
  • Continued Family Preview Sessions
  • Welcome to Liberty Event 
Dr. Carter added an update on the progress of the parent planning committee, as it continues to meet monthly to provide direction and feedback to senior leaders. She highlighted their feedback on the school's mascot and uniform policy. Ms. Velez stated that a total of 90 families have confirmed their participation in the April 26-27 Welcome to Liberty Event and requested all board members attend. She also noted that the founding instructional staff would be present. Chairman Thompson wanted clarification on the staff's assurances that all 192 families are still showing interest in the school. Dr.  Ivey concluded the updates by sharing that the staff continues to engage with enrolled families through weekly touchpoints to include mailings, text messages, and a rebranded community newsletter. 

VIII. Human Resources Update


Staffing Progress to Goals

Dr. Ivey provided an update to the board on the status of the campus-based instructional staffing. A total of 24 hires have been made to reflect three support positions and the co-teacher model for 12 classrooms. He shared the following highlights: 
  • 100% of Instructional Staff Hired (Complete)
    • 52% Minority, 100% Certified Teachers as TOR, 71% Total Certification, 155 Years Exp.
    • 3/3 Instructional Support Staff (3:1 Application Ratio with 31% Applicants Selected)
    • 10/10 Teaching Fellows (3:1 Application Ratio with 32% Applicants Selected)
    • 11/11 Lead Teachers Hired (4:1 Application Ratio with 26% Applicants Selected)
He concluded by informing the board that he is now engaged in the process of staffing the campus-based operations team. 

IX. Facilities


Progress to Goals

Dr. Thompson referred the board to the four pages in the meeting packet for detailed progress updates of the renovation project, noting that it is fully on-track for completion by June 30. He shared the artist rendering design, highlighting that the foundation for the Liberty tower was recently concluded. A walkthrough with the SCPCSD facilities team, school staff, and the facilities team is scheduled for April 21. 

X. Public Participation


Public Participation

No one signed up for public participation. 

XI. Executive Session


Purposes of Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements

Cameron Chandler made a motion to enter into executive session for the purposes of discussion of negotiations incident to proposed contractual arrangements.
Steve Creech seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Purposes of Discussion of Individual Personnel Matters

Ben Griffith, Jr. made a motion to add the discussion of individual personnel matters to executive session.
Steve Creech seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

XII. Action Items


Item (s) Related to Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Agreements

Rodney Thompson made a motion to return from executive session at 12:56 pm.
Marion Newton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
No action was taken by the board from executive session. 

XIII. Closing Items


Good of the Order

Each board member had an opportunity to share during this portion of the agenda any final comments. Staff members thanked the full board for the opportunity in continuing to serve. 


Adjourn Meeting

Greg Thompson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Marion Newton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Trevor Ivey
Documents used during the meeting
  • April 2021 Monthly ED Updates.pdf
  • Ivey School Leader Update April 2021.pdf
  • Carter School Leader Update April 2021.pdf
  • Velez School Leader Update April 2021.pdf
  • Liberty Finance Commitee Meeting 4.7.21.pdf
  • Liberty Financial One Page Update April 2021.pdf
  • April 2021 Academic Committee Update.pdf
  • Development Committee Notes April 2021.pdf
  • Updated Scholar Enrollment Demographics April 2021.pdf
  • April 2021 HR Board Report.pdf
  • Primary Academy Instructional Staffing Roster.pdf
  • Liberty STEAM Weekly Update 3.1.21.pdf
  • Liberty STEAM Weekly Update 3.15.21.pdf
  • Liberty STEAM Weekly Update 3.8.21.pdf
  • Liberty STEAM Weekly Update 3.22.21 & 3.29.21.pdf