Liberty STEAM Charter




Date and Time

Friday February 19, 2021 at 10:30 AM


LSC Administrative Offices
117 North Main Street
Sumter, SC 29150


This meeting is held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. A copy of the agenda has been made available to the local media & general public.

Mission: Liberty STEAM Charter (LSC) works to provide all students equal access to a world-class K-12 education in an academically rigorous & student-centered learning environment, creating graduates to be thoughtful & engaged citizens prepared to take on the leadership challenges of the 21st century.

Vision: In partnership with our families & the community, Liberty STEAM Charter (LSC) will provide interdisciplinary, real-world, personalized, and project-based learning experiences through a STEAM-based academic program where graduates become the next generation of leaders, employers, and employees who contribute to the economic well-being of their communities and families. 

Committee Members Present

Cameron Chandler, Khalil Graham, Latasha Carter, Steve Creech

Committee Members Absent

Marion Newton

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Latasha Carter called a meeting of the Development Committee of Liberty STEAM Charter to order on Friday Feb 19, 2021 at 10:30 AM.



Steve Creech provided an invocation. 


Pledge of Allegiance

Dr. Khalil Graham led the committee in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Reading of the Mission Statement

Cammy Chandler read aloud the mission statement. 


Reading of the Vision Statement

Steve Creech read aloud the vision statement. 


Approve Agenda

Steve Creech made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.
Cameron Chandler seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

Cameron Chandler made a motion to approve the minutes from FOUNDING BOARD OF DIRECTORS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE on 02-08-21.
Steve Creech seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Development


Review of 90 Day Action Plan

During this portion of the agenda, Dr. Carter reviewed the development committee's 90-day action plan as outlined below. 


  1. Develop LSC Development Committee Donor Kit (Rebranded LSC Materials, LSC Video, Pitch Presentation) 
  2. Make 100 Touchpoints
  3. Develop the 2021 LSC Capital Campaign
  4. Develop a running list of prospective Development Committee members


Review of Progress to Goals

During this portion of the agenda, Dr. Carter reviewed the status of the committee's progress relative to its goals as outlined below.  


  1. Develop LSC Development Committee Donor Kit (promotional video draft 2 is completed, rebranded materials complete, pitch draft completed).
  2.  70/100 touchpoints made
  3. 2021 LSC Capital Campaign draft completed
  4. No prospects for the additional members of the Development Committee as of now.


Review of Relevant Reports & Documents

During this portion of the agenda, the committee collectively reviewed the following relevant reports and documents: 


  1. Finalized Version of the LSC Capital Campaign 
  2. Finalized Version of the Development Pitch Deck & Presentation 
  3. Finalized Version of the LSC Promotional Video 
Committee members shared feedback with Dr. Carter. 

III. Other Business


Agenda Items from Committee Members

There were no agenda items brought forward for discussion from committee members. 

IV. Executive Session


Discussion of Contractual and Personnel Matters, and Receipt of Legal Advice Including Related to a Pending, Threatening, or Potential Claim

Steve Creech made a motion to enter into executive session at 11:10 am for the purposes of discussion of contractual and personnel matters, and receipt of legal advice including related to a pending, threatening, or potential claim.
Cameron Chandler seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Actions Related to Executive Session


Actions Related to Executive Session

The committee returned from executive session at 11:20 am. No action was taken. 

VI. Closing Items


Next Steps

During this portion of the agenda, two next steps were shared with committee members. Dr. Graham invited committee members to hear the development pitch on Monday, February 22 from 11 am-12 pm. Dr. Carter informed the committee that the donor kit, campaign kit, and promotional video will all be finalized by March 8th. 


Good of the Order

During this portion of the agenda, Dr. Carter reminded the committee of the next meeting to be held on March 5th from 10:30-11:30 am at the LSC Administrative Offices. 


Adjourn Meeting

Steve Creech made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Cameron Chandler seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Latasha Carter