Liberty STEAM Charter


Published on May 19, 2022 at 4:02 PM EDT
Amended on May 23, 2022 at 4:59 PM EDT

Date and Time

Monday May 23, 2022 at 6:00 PM EDT


Liberty STEAM Charter School

15 School Street

Sumter, SC 29150

This meeting is held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. A copy of the agenda has been made available to the local media & general public.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Establishment of a Quorum 6:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance FYI Tyler Hamilton 1 m
II. Opening Items 6:01 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Greg Thompson 1 m
  B. Invocation   Marion Newton 1 m
  C. Pledge of Allegiance   Trevor Ivey 1 m

Featured Founding Scholars


  1. Kindergarten Class of 2034
    1. Bailee Avants, Chase Simon, & Ava Middleton - Powerful Pachyderms
    2. Charlotte Berry - Fearless Founders 
    3. Brystol Campbell - Terrific Transformers
    4. Adrian Robaina - Brilliant Brains
  2. First Grade Class of 2033
    1. Malachi Thomas - Wondrous Woof Pack 
    2. Gio Hightower - Roaring Readers 
    3. Chase Murphy - Crayola Champions 
    4. Tatem Boyd-Johnson & Davi Bergstrom - Thunderous Thinkers 
    5. Braxton & Levi Bowley - Elite Learners
  D. Chairman's Opening Remarks   Greg Thompson 2 m
III. Reading of the Mission & Vision Statement 6:06 PM
  A. LSC Mission Statement FYI Dexter WJ Davis 1 m

Mission: Liberty STEAM Charter (LSC) works to provide all students equal access to a world-class K-12 education in an academically rigorous & student-centered learning environment, creating graduates to be thoughtful & engaged citizens prepared to take on the leadership challenges of the 21st century.

  B. LSC Vision Statement FYI Cameron Chandler 1 m

Vision: In partnership with our families & the community, Liberty STEAM Charter (LSC) will provide interdisciplinary, real-world, personalized, and project-based learning experiences through a STEAM-based academic program where graduates become the next generation of leaders, employers, and employees who contribute to the economic well-being of their communities and families. 

IV. Approval of Consent Agenda 6:08 PM
  A. Today's Meeting Agenda Vote Greg Thompson 1 m
  B. Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting (March 28, 2022). Approve Minutes Cameron Chandler 1 m
V. Board Recognition 6:10 PM
  A. Staff Recognition FYI Khalil Graham 5 m

Operations Staff Members of the Month 

  1. Latoya Pearson-Bradley, Food Services Assistant 

Lead Teachers of the Month 

  1. (Emily Hatfield, Lead 1st Grade Teacher (April) 
  2. Sally Harris, Lead STEAM Enrichment Teacher & Leader Fellow (May)

Teaching Fellows of the Month 

  1. LaRhonda Avant, Special Education Teaching Fellow (April) 
  2. Alexis Kelley, 1st Grade Teaching Fellow (May) 

Network Team Member of the Month 

  1. Dixie DuRant, Managing Director of Operations (May)

Special Recognition 

  1. Shasta Smith, LSC Teacher of the Year & SCPCSD Top Five Finalist - Teacher of the Year
  2. Sherman Logan, Tanya Peham, Deanna Brown, & LaQuanya Chambers - Founding Campus Leadership Team 
  3. Kate Weschler - Field Learning Experience 
  4. Debra Rabon, ESOL Teacher



  B. Parent Partner Recognition FYI Khalil Graham 1 m

Parent Partners


  1. Tabitha & John Merkel
  2. Adrian & Ililiana Robaina 
  3. Ashley Johnson 
  4. Patricia Hightower 
  5. Jamie Lotts 
  6. Shereza Middleton 
  7. Sarah Delbert
  8. Jenny Knopf
  9. Jane & Peyton Hray 
  10. John & Keisha Dicks
  11. Robin Thames
  12. Jenne Stearnes-Duran 
  13. Timeko Watts
  14. Savanna Rogers
  15. Marsha Grinnell 
  16. Chase Murphy 
  C. Community Partner Recognition FYI Khalil Graham 1 m

Community Partners 


  1. Midlands Fatherhood Coalition 
  2. Team Robinson MMA
VI. Executive Director's Report 6:17 PM
  A. Updates from the Executive Director & Network Team FYI Khalil Graham 8 m

Organizational Goals - Progress towards Goals 

A. College & Career Readiness
B. Operational Excellence
C. Mission Alignment

VII. Academy Highlights 6:25 PM
  A. Academy Highlights FYI Trevor Ivey 8 m

Academy Highlights

  1. Welcome to Liberty Block Party for Newly Enrolled Scholars 
  2. Staff Appreciation Week 
  3. Spring Service Learning Projects - Litter Pick Up & Military Care Pacakges 
  4. Field Trip to Dorr Farms 
  5. "Start with Stories" Family Engagement Event 
  6. Million Word Reading Challenge - 750,000 Celebration 
  7. Eagle Cafe - Gratitude Poem 
  8. Eagle Gentleman's Brunch 
  9. Quixote Club Grand Opening 
  10. Charter Alliance - Featured Presentation 
  11. Possip Stakeholder Feedback
  12. SCPCSD Top 5 TOY Finalist
  13. Best Elementary School of Sumter 
VIII. Board Committee Updates 6:33 PM
A. Old Business 
B. New Business
C. Review of Relevant Documents
D. Next Steps 
E. Recommendations to the Full Board
  A. Executive Committee Vote Greg Thompson 5 m
  1. Committee Meeting Review
  2. Strategic Planning Update
  3. Facilities Update
  B. Finance Committee Vote Kimberly Rauschenbach 5 m
  1. Additional Finance Support 
  2. Smart Fusion Transition Update
  3. Review of March/April Spending
  4. New and Returning Scholar Enrollment Updates
  5. 2022-23 Staffing Update
  6. Federal Programs Reimbursement Updates
  7. 2022-23 Budget Planning Updates
  C. Academic Excellence Committee FYI Jenny Knopf 3 m
  1. Covid Updates
  2. Q3 Priorities Review (Review PTG for Grade Level Proficiency, Persistence, & ADA)
  3. May Intense Intervention & Summer PRIDE Planning 
  D. Development Committee FYI Marion Newton 3 m
  1. Review of March Invitational Tour & Focus Group for Last Scheduled Invitational Tour
  2. Update on Possible Additional Philanthropist Partnership 
  3. Grant Updates 
  E. Governance Committee FYI Cameron Chandler 2 m
  1. Purpose 
  2. Responsibilities 
IX. Additional New Business 6:51 PM
  A. 10-Year Strategic Plan Discuss Simmons Lettre 10 m
  1. Update on Enrollment Expansion Amendment to SCPCSD
  2. First Draft of Strategic Plan
  B. B. Final Reading of the Budget Discuss Khalil Graham 8 m
X. Public Participation
The official meeting of the LSC Board of Directors is, by law, a public meeting and the Board values citizen input. However, in order to protect the integrity of the meeting agenda, public dialogue will be restricted to the Public Participation section of the agenda or as directed by the Board chairman.

• Each speaker has three minutes.
• Speakers may not ask questions of Board Members.
• Board Members may not engage speakers in discussion.
• Disruptive behavior is not permitted.
XI. Executive Session 7:09 PM
Executive sessions are designed to handle sensitive matters in a matter that will protect the innocent and assure confidentiality about sensitive matters. Please remember that all matters discussed in the executive session are confidential and not to be reported to or discussed with anyone not in attendance at the session. The Chair will brief directors who are unable to attend the executive session. In today’s executive session, the items listed below will be discussed with possible action taken afterward. 
  A. Purposes of Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements Discuss Kimberly Rauschenbach 5 m
  B. Purposes of Discussion of Personnel Matters Discuss Cameron Chandler 5 m
  C. C. Purposes of Receipt of Legal Advice Discuss Greg Thompson 5 m
XII. Action Items 7:24 PM
  A. Return from Executive Session Vote Dexter WJ Davis 1 m
  B. Item(s) Related to Discussion of Negotiations Incident to Proposed Contractual Arrangements Vote Cameron Chandler 1 m
  C. Item (s) Related to DIscussion of Receipt of Legal Advice & Personnel Matters Vote Cameron Chandler 1 m
XIII. Closing Items 7:27 PM
  A. Chairman's Closing Remarks FYI Greg Thompson 1 m
  B. Good of the Order Discuss Greg Thompson 1 m
  C. Adjourn Meeting Vote Greg Thompson 1 m