Liberty STEAM Charter


Published on December 9, 2021 at 3:46 PM EST

Date and Time

Monday December 6, 2021 at 6:00 PM EST


LSC Primary Academy Campus 
15 School Street 
Sumter, SC 29150 
This meeting is held in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. A copy of the agenda has been made available to the local media & general public.


I. Establishment of a Quorum
  A. Record Attendance
II. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Invocation
  C. Pledge of Allegiance
  D. Chairman's Opening Remarks
III. Reading of the Mission & Vision Statement
  A. LSC Mission Statement
Mission: Liberty STEAM Charter (LSC) works to provide all students equal access to a world-class K-12 education in an academically rigorous & student-centered learning environment, creating graduates to be thoughtful & engaged citizens prepared to take on the leadership challenges of the 21st century.
  B. LSC Vision Statement
Vision: In partnership with our families & the community, Liberty STEAM Charter (LSC) will provide interdisciplinary, real-world, personalized, and project-based learning experiences through a STEAM-based academic program where graduates become the next generation of leaders, employers, and employees who contribute to the economic well-being of their communities and families. 
IV. Approval of Today's Meeting Agenda
  A. Approval of the Special Called Board Meeting Agenda
V. Fall Enrollment Lottery
The sole purpose of today's special called meeting of the LSC Board of Directors is to conduct the fall enrollment lottery to select the scholars from qualifying lottery applicants for the 2022-23 school year at Liberty STEAM Charter. 

LSC has received the required minimum number of lottery applications for its 2022-23 classes (kindergarten, first grade, & second grade). Pursuant to the SC Charter Schools Act of 1996 (59-40-10), a public lottery is required in order to determine the selected students for both founding grade levels. Representatives from the local media, city government, county government, and the legislative delegation have been invited to observe the lottery proceedings in person. Today's special called meeting of the Founding Board of Directors will be live-streamed via the school's official Facebook page with the option for parents whose scholar (s) is enrolled in the lottery to observe via the Zoom platform as well. To be considered in the initial lottery, applications must be received on or before 11:59 pm November 30 via Lotterease, the electronic platform being utilized to collect enrollment applications and to facilitate the actual lottery event. Please note that applications received between November 30 and the time in which the lottery is conducted are also included in this pool of applications. 
  A. Remarks from the Board Chairman
  B. Overview of the Lottery Procedures
1. Purpose of the Lottery 
2. LSC Scholar Enrollment Policy
3. Lotterease Platform 
5. Public Anonymous List of Current Lottery Applicants


  C. Administration of the Lottery
During this time, the online platform Lotterease will randomly select 115 scholars in kindergarten, 21 scholars in first grade, and 25 scholars in second grade to be admitted into the 2022-23 class at LSC.  As the lottery is being conducted, all applicant students will be listed as either "selected" or "waitlisted" via their applicant ID on the Lotterease website. The results of the lottery are considered unofficial until school officials independently complete verification. 
  D. Next Steps
1. Selected vs. Waitlisted 
2. Accepting & Declining Enrollment Offer
3. Verification Process 
4. Enrollease & Submitting Enrollment Information 
5. Lottery for Additional Seats
VI. Closing Items
  A. Good of the Order
  B. Adjourn Meeting