Feather River Charter School Board
Regular Scheduled Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday March 7, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Sequoia Grove Charter Alliance
8950 Cal Center Drive, Ste. 159 (Conference Room)
Building 2
Sacramento, CA 95826
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Directors Present
David Brockmyer, Juina Carter, Matt Tozer (remote), Nick Wavrin
Directors Absent
Guests Present
Allie Suydam (remote), Carrie Carlson (remote), Darcy Belleza, Deanna Moreno (remote), James Surmeian (remote), Jason Baldwin (remote), Jenell Sherman, Katie Royer (remote), Mary Buhr (remote), Megan Nason (remote), Royce Gough, Sara Greco (remote), Shannon Breckenridge
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance/Establish Quorum
Call the Meeting to Order
Matt Tozer informed the Board that no one over 18 years old is currently in attendance of the meeting where he is teleconferencing.
Dave Brockmyer requested to moving 23/24 Salary Schedules and Stipends out of the consent agenda. The 23/24 Salary Schedules and Stipends is now item 2C on the regular agenda.
Public Comment on Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
Dave Brockmyer requested the 23/24 Salary Schedule and Stipend be taken out of the consent agenda and placed on it the agenda.
Public Comments on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items
No public comments.
Presentation of Executive Director Report
Jenell Sherman and Shannon Breckenridge presented the State of the Schools Report.
II. Finances
Approval of 2nd Interim Report
James Surmeian presented 2nd Interim Report.
Informational Item: Instructional Amounts YTD
Jenell Sherman presented Informational Item: Instructional Amounts YTD.
Board requested to table 23/24 Salary Schedules and Stipend until a Special Board Meeting in April 2023.
III. Academic Excellence
Approval of Independent Study
Jenell Sherman presented Independent Study Policy.
Approval of Non-Compliance Policy
Jenell Sherman presented Non-Compliance Policy.
Approval of Withdrawal Policy
Jenell Sherman presented Withdrawal Policy.
IV. Operations
Approval of Auditor Engagement Letters for 22/23
Darcy Belleza presented the Auditor Engagement Letters for 22/23.
Staff recommends Christy White.
V. Governance
Board Goal Check-In
Board Goal Check-in:
- No events held at Winship Community School location to date
- Board Members have completed training
Discussion of Educational Partners Survey of Governing Board
Darcy Belleza sent for review the Educational Partners Survey of Governing Board.
Discussion and Potential Action on Future Board Meeting Start Times
No changes were suggested for start times.
VI. Closing Items
Board Requests for Future Agenda Items
No requests from board members.
Announcement of Next Regular Scheduled Board Meeting
Dave Brockmyer announced the Next Regular Scheduled Board Meeting is May 23, 2023 at 5:00 PM.
No public comment.