Magnolia Public Schools


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 10, 2015 at 6:00 PM


MSA-6 3754 Dunn Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90034 Teleconference Info: 1-844-572-5683 extension 1948435 Online/App
Access to the Board Meeting: Any interested parties or community members from remote locations may attend the meeting at the following school sites or the addresses where the Board members are joining the meeting from:
• MSA-1 school site: 18238 Sherman Way, Reseda, CA, 91335
• MSA-6 school site: 3754 Dunn Dr., Los Angeles, CA, 90034
• 7220 Trade St. San Diego, CA 92121
• 449 36th Street #2 Brooklyn, NY 11232
• 1020 South Olive Street, 7th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90015
• 2451 Ridge Rd. Berkeley, CA 94709
• Remotely by dialing in to the numbers provided above

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, Magnolia Public Schools may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order to participate in Board meetings are invited to contact the MPS central office. If you need special assistance to attend the meeting, please notify Barbara Torres at (714) 892-5066 x100 to make arrangements and accommodate your disability.

Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to all, or a majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 13950 Milton Ave Ate 200 Westminster, CA 92683.

Directors Present

A. Korkmaz (remote), D. Gonzalez, M. Kaynak (remote), N. Huynh (remote), R. Oten (remote), S. Sherkhanov, U. Yapanel

Directors Absent

N. Russell-Unterburger, S. Orazov

Guests Present

A. Gokce, A. Rubalcava, B. Torres, C. Young, L. Schlottman, O. Diaz, R. Monoshev

I. Opening Items


Roll call and establishment of quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Gonzalez called a meeting of the board of directors of Magnolia Public Schools to order on Thursday Dec 10, 2015 at 6:20 PM.


Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting November 12, 2015

D. Gonzalez made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 11-12-15 Board Meeting on 11-12-15.
S. Orazov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Flag Salute

A. Rubalcava lead the Flag salute. 

II. Action Items


Approval of 2014-15 Unaudited Financials

Approval of the 2014-15 Unaudited Financials were postponed and will be presented at the next MPS Board Meeting.


Approval of 2014-15 Audited Financials

Approval of the 2014-15 Audited Financials were postponed and will be presented at the next MPS Board Meeting.


Approval of 1st Interim Report FY 2015-16

Approval of the 1st Interim Report FY 2015-16 was postponed and will be presented on the next MPS board meeting. 


Approval of Search Engine Optimization and Reputation Enhancement Software Services

A. Rubalcava, Chief External Officer, gave a brief introduction of the Search Engine and Reputation Enhancement Software Services. R. Sosikian from gave a more detailed report on the company and the services the company would be providing. He explained the role of the webmaster and explained how the system works. He also informed the Board regarding the proposal he provided, how our website is performing now and what can be expected once this software begins to work. A. Rubalcava and R. Sosikian addressed all board members' questions and concerns. The Board asked if it would be okay to approve this contract without obtaning multiple bids. A. Gokce, Chief of Staff, informed the Board that per advice from Magnolia legal counsel, professional services do not need to be bid. 
S. Sherkhanov made a motion to approve the search engine optimization and reputation enhancement software services.
A. Korkmaz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Kaynak
S. Sherkhanov
D. Gonzalez
A. Korkmaz
N. Huynh
N. Russell-Unterburger
S. Orazov
U. Yapanel
R. Oten


Approval of Magnolia Science Academy-4 Technology Plan

M. Avsar, College Counselor of MSA-4 representing the school principal Lisa Ross, explained to the Board the technology plan and the need for the iPads. He explained that the state tests require online systems and these iPads will support this process. M. Crumpton, Chief Academic Officer, explained the use of the iPads and the safety control that teachers have over the outside use of the iPads. M. Avsar, C. Young and M. Crumpton addressed all Board members' questions. 
N. Huynh made a motion to approve the Magnolia Science Academy-4 Technology Plan.
S. Sherkhanov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Magnolia Science Academy-3 Denial of Receiving IPADS from LAUSD

S. Keskinturk, Principal, explained that the iPads are ineffective and MSA-3 would like to deny the iPads from LAUSD.
R. Oten made a motion to approve the Magnolia Science Academy-3 Denial of Receiving iPads from LAUSD.
N. Huynh seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of MSA-SA Fiscal Corrective Action Plan (FCAP)

L. Schlottman, Principal, explained the evidence that will be sent to the CDE to show them how MPS is currently working on enrollment and that MPS did revise the budget and MSA-SA is operating on a revised budget. A. Gokce explained the concerns that the CDE can discuss and he explained the solutions that have been taking place to improve enrollment such as advertisement and news coverage. O. Diaz explained the budget documents that are being worked on and will be included in the files that will be sent to CDE. 
U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the MSA-Santa Ana Fiscal Corrective Action Plan (FCAP).
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Information Items


San Diego Governance Committee Report Regarding Facilities, Finance and Academic Updates

S. Gokhan, principal, gave a brief report on what was discussed in the San Diego Governance Committee. He addressed Board member questions. No actions were taken as this was an informational item. 

IV. Closed Session


Public Employment Performance Evaluation: Chief Executive Officer

This item wa discussed in closed session.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
U. Yapanel