Magnolia Public Schools


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday June 16, 2022 at 6:00 PM



Meeting ID: 978 5606 4990       Passcode: 021250
One tap mobile: +16699009128,,97856064990# US (San Jose)

Board Members:
Ms. Sandra Covarrubias, Chair
Dr. Umit Yapanel, Vice-Chair
Dr. Salih Dikbas
Ms. Diane Gonzalez
Mr. Mekan Muhammedov

CEO & Superintendent:
Mr. Alfredo Rubalcava

Directors Present

D. Gonzalez (remote), M. Muhammedov (remote), S. Covarrubias (remote), U. Yapanel (remote)

Directors Absent

S. Dikbas

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Covarrubias called a meeting of the board of directors of Magnolia Public Schools to order on Thursday Jun 16, 2022 at 6:04 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

Refer to attendance information recorded above.


Approval of Agenda

S. Covarrubias made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
U. Yapanel
S. Dikbas
S. Covarrubias
D. Gonzalez
M. Muhammedov


Public Comments

No public comments were made at this time.


Announcements from CEO & Superintendent and Board Members

There were no announcements made from the CEO & Superintendent. Board Members discussed graduations and those who joined. 


Approval of Minutes from MPS Regular Board Meeting - May 12, 2022

D. Gonzalez made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 05-12-22.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Dikbas
D. Gonzalez
S. Covarrubias
M. Muhammedov
U. Yapanel


Approval of Minutes from MPS Regular Board Meeting - May 26, 2022

D. Gonzalez made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 05-26-22.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Covarrubias
M. Muhammedov
S. Dikbas
U. Yapanel
D. Gonzalez


Approval of Minutes from MPS Special Board Meeting - June 2, 2022

D. Gonzalez made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Board Meeting on 06-02-22.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
U. Yapanel
D. Gonzalez
S. Covarrubias
M. Muhammedov
S. Dikbas

II. Closed Session


Public Announcement of Closed Session

S.Covarrubias announced that the Board will be going into closed session to discuss public employee performance evaluation for the CEO & Superintendent.


Public Employee Performance Evaluation (§ 54957) - Title: CEO & Superintendent

This item was discussed in Closed Session.


Report Out of Closed Session

S.Covarrubias announced in Open Session at 6:55pm that the Board discussed the evaluation for the CEO & Superintendent and are making their final steps in completing the evaluation. 

Board proposed to go directly to Action Item IV C as the next item on the agenda after Closed Session and after continue with the agenda as is. There were no objections. 

III. Information/Discussion Items


Public Hearing for Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP) for All MPS

Public Hearing for the Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP) were introduced and discussion was held on the process that went towards crafting these plans by D.Yilmaz, Chief Accountability Officer. All schools LCAP plans which included school-wide goals, expected progress and expenditures were provided. He described the role educational partners had on the development of these plans. M.Avsar, Principal at MSA-4, and M.Wittek, Principal at MSA-7, presented their schools LCAP goals to the public and Board. Educational partners were given the opportunity to provide further feedback. Approval of the LCAP for all MPS will be taken at the next Regular Board Meeting.


Public Hearing for the 2022-23 Adopted Budgets for All MPS Sites

S.Budhraja, Chief Financial Officer, provided information regarding the California Governor, Gavin Newsom's May Revise which would reflect on the 2022-23 MPS Adopted Budget. Educational partners were given the opportunity to provide feedback and the 2022-23 budget for MPS will be taken at the next Regular Board Meeting. Board Members questions were addressed by staff.

IV. Action Items


Approval of Revised 2022-23 Employee Pay Raise Scale for Full-Time Teaching Positions & Non-Classroom Based Academic (“NCBA”) Positions & School Leaders

The MPS Educational Partners & Development Committee Meeting was cancelled and therefore the Committee was not able to discuss for their possible recommended approval. S.Acar, Chief Operations Officer, reported that the MPS pay scales were previously approved by the Board in which the base salary increased to $57,000 in in the Los Angeles County schools and $54,000 for the schools in Santa Ana and San Diego. Staff is coming back to equate their salaries. D.Hajmeirza, Director of Human Resources, also went over the additional changes that have come up including changes of degrees or change of credentials would have to be notified to Human Resources by January 31st. Board Members questions were addressed by staff.

S. Covarrubias made a motion to approve the revised 2022-23 Employee Pay Raise Scale for Full-Time Teaching Positions & Non-Classroom Based Academic (“NCBA”) Positions & School Leaders.
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
U. Yapanel
M. Muhammedov
D. Gonzalez
S. Dikbas
S. Covarrubias


Approval of 2022-2023 MPS Employee Handbook

D.Hajmeirza, Director of Human Resources, highlighted the changes in the employee handbook. It is an annual process in which MPS reviews with legal counsel to ensure the most up-to-date federal and state law is reflected.   

M. Muhammedov made a motion to approve the proposed 2022-23 MPS Employee Handbook as presented with an effective date of July 1, 2022.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
U. Yapanel
S. Covarrubias
S. Dikbas
M. Muhammedov
D. Gonzalez


Approval of Board Member Appointment Recommendations to the MPS Board of Directors

This item was discussed after Closed Session. Board nominees went to the MPS Nominating/Governance Committee. U.Yapanel, Vice-Chair & the Nominating/Governance Committee Chair, introduced D.Sheehan & E.Eldem as the Committee's recommended nominees to serve on the MPS Board of Directors. Nominees were given the opportunity to present themselves and answered questions from the public. 

U. Yapanel made a motion to accept the recommendation of the MPS Nominating/Governance Committee to appoint Mr. Daniel Sheehan & Ms. Esra Eldem to the MPS Board of Directors for a 5-year term beginning on June 17, 2022 and ending on June 16, 2027.
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Gonzalez
U. Yapanel
S. Dikbas
S. Covarrubias
M. Muhammedov


Approval of Findings to Conduct Virtual Meetings Pursuant to AB 361/Government Code Section 54953

MPS Board of Directors discussed and reconsidered the circumstances of the State of Emergency related to COVID-19 in which meeting in person can directly impact the ability of the Board in addition to the all standing Board Committees (Finance, Audit/Facilities, Academic, Stakeholder and Development & Nominating/Governance Committees) and public to meet safely. As such, local officials are still continuing to recommend measures to promote social distancing. Board Members questions were addressed by staff.

D. Gonzalez made a motion to adopt the findings relating to the ability of the MPS Board and all MPS Committees to conduct meetings due to teleconference during the State of Emergency, in reference to AB 361/Government Code Section 54953.
S. Covarrubias seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Gonzalez
U. Yapanel
M. Muhammedov
S. Dikbas
S. Covarrubias


Approval of 2022-23 Teacher Course Assignment with EdCode 44258.3

D.Hajmeriza, Director of Human Resources, added that the item was previously brought to the Board in August of 2021. Staff would like to utilize this EdCode option for the 2022-23 school year in which it will grant teachers with a preliminary or clear credential to teach subject matters outside of their credential subject area by submitting a petition with supporting documentation demonstrating competency. She went over the purpose of the policy. Procedures were also previously approved by the Board. She went over the chosen teachers which were listed. Board Members questions were addressed by staff. 

S. Covarrubias made a motion to approves the listed academic teaching assignments for the listed teachers per EC 44258.3.
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
U. Yapanel
D. Gonzalez
S. Dikbas
M. Muhammedov
S. Covarrubias


Approval of 2022-23 CTC Form CL-500 Declaration of Need (Emergency Permits)

D.Hajmeirza, Director of Human Resources, went over the purpose of the form which is for schools to anticipate how many emergency permits for their teaching credentials they will need to cover for an assignment for that school year. She added that this is a new requirement for charter schools with passage of AB 1505. MPS will submit the CTC form on an annual basis and also submit to each county.

S. Covarrubias made a motion to approve the Commission on Teaching Credential (“CTC”) Form CL500 Declaration of Need for all MPS schools (MSA-1 through 8, Santa Ana, and San Diego).
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Gonzalez
M. Muhammedov
S. Dikbas
S. Covarrubias
U. Yapanel


Approval of Waiver of Contingencies for 7111 Winnetka Ave.

P.Ontiveros, General Counsel & Director of Facilities, provided background and current standing for the property at 7111 Winnetka Avenue. He went over the communication between staff and Los Angeles County Office of Education. The request is to move forward in waiving the contingencies. Lender, CLI Capital, in on-board and are finalizing the loan document and is expected to be received soon and will begin negotiating final drafts thereafter. He went over the next steps if the Board decides to move forward with committing to the process. When ready to close the purchase, it will be brought back to the Board and will be presented the final loan documents. Board Members questions were addressed by staff. 

M. Muhammedov made a motion to approve (1) the waiver of the contingencies for the purchase of the property located at 7111 Winnetka Ave in Winnetka (the “Property”) and the deposit of an additional good faith funds of $150,000 into escrow, (2) the financing of the purchase of the Property pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in that certain term sheet dated May 29, 2022 by CLI Capital, (3) the assignment of the purchase and sale agreement for the Property to a wholly owned limited liability company subsidiary of Magnolia Properties Management, Inc., and (4) the execution by the MPS CEO and Superintendent, or his designees, of such documents and instruments as may be necessary to undertake and complete the foregoing actions.
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Covarrubias
D. Gonzalez
S. Dikbas
U. Yapanel
M. Muhammedov


Approval to Sign Contract with Universal Awning to Build Three Shade Structures at MSA-Santa Ana

M.Sahin, MPS Project Manager, went over the process and the proposals received for the project. Universal Awning had previously worked with MPS for the shade structure project at MSA-1 in which staff added that they provided a a great structure. He went over the area in which the shade structures will be built. M.Rowell, Elementary Principal at MSA-Santa Ana, went over the need of the shade structures to meet structural needs and to provide students and staff appropriate shading from the weather. Board Members questions were addressed by staff. 

M. Muhammedov made a motion to approve (1) the selection of Universal Awning as the vendor for the installation of three (3) shade structures at the Magnolia Science Academy Santa Ana (“MSA SA”) campus and to spend up to $110,000 (consisting of the contract amount of $120,000 less an expected $32,000.00 in grant money from SchoolsInAction, plus $22,000 for contingency and permitting related costs) on said project and (2) the execution of a contract that Staff may negotiate with such vendor.
S. Covarrubias seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Muhammedov
U. Yapanel
D. Gonzalez
S. Covarrubias
S. Dikbas

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Covarrubias