Magnolia Public Schools


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 9, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Meeting ID: 924 3818 6981        Passcode: 418185
One tap mobile: +16699009128,,92438186981# US (San Jose)
Board Members:
Ms. Sandra Covarrubias, Chair
Dr. Umit Yapanel, Vice-Chair
Dr. Salih Dikbas
Ms. Diane Gonzalez
Mr. Mekan Muhammedov

CEO & Superintendent:
Mr. Alfredo Rubalcava

Directors Present

D. Gonzalez (remote), M. Muhammedov (remote), S. Covarrubias (remote), S. Dikbas, U. Yapanel (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

S. Dikbas

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

U. Yapanel

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Muhammedov called a meeting of the board of directors of Magnolia Public Schools to order on Thursday Dec 9, 2021 at 7:04 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

Refer to attendance information stated above.


Approval of Agenda

S. Covarrubias made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.
M. Muhammedov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
U. Yapanel
S. Covarrubias
D. Gonzalez
M. Muhammedov
S. Dikbas


Public Comments

B.Lopez, Chief External Officer, publicly acknowledged the donation made by S.Dikbas, Board Member, to Magnolia Science Academy-San Diego in which his donation was matched. G.Serce, Principal at MSA-San Diego, thanked S.Dikbas for his donation and thanked the San Diego community in aiding in the efforts to reach their donation goal to upgrade their water fountain stations.


Announcements from CEO & Superintendent and Board Members

A.Rubalcava, CEO & Superintendent, wished everyone an early happy holidays. He turned it over to B.Lopez, Chief External Officer, in which she informed the Board that MPS was awarded the MTSS Phase 3 Funding and Grant. She thanked school Principals, department leads and I.Soto, Senior Director of Development & Communications, for their work on this front. 

II. Information/Discussion Items


Public Hearing for Educator Effectiveness Block Grant Plans for All MPS

D.Yilmaz, Chief Accountability Officer, and O.Polat, Director of State & Federal Programs, presented the educator effectiveness block grant plans for all Magnolia Public Schools. The state of California is providing these funds to LEAs to provide professional learning and to promote educator equity, quality and effectiveness. MPS schools will be receiving about $835,000. The Board will approve the plans at the next Board Meeting once feedback is received. MPS will be reporting by every September 30th an annual expenditure report detailing how these funds are being used. The funds would have to be used by 5 years, ending in September 30, 2026. This is one-time funding. O.Polat, explained the 10 areas of use of this grant. The Principals and Deans of Academics met to discuss the use of these funds. A few Principals went over their plans in detail. All schools plans are available to the public. S.Covarrubias, requested to have the Board be informed of feedback from the teachers once the funds are being put into use.
S. Dikbas arrived at 7:13 PM.


MPS Annual Authorizer Oversight Reports

D.Yilmaz, Chief Accountability Officer, informed the Board that schools were visited by their authorizers last year. The scores received from LAUSD were presented in April of 2021 where a discussion was held given LAUSD's feedback on how MPS can improve. Most recent reports were from San Diego Unified School District and Los Angeles County of Education. Areas of improvement and implementation that were highlighted on the oversight reports was discussed in which staff has already implemented some of those areas and others are still being worked on by staff as systems of improvement. G.Serce, Principal at MSA-San Diego, and S.Budhraja, Chief Financial Officer, shared that with continued efforts they will strive to review policies and practices and identify ways to strengthen internal controls and help build better processes moving forward. Staff went over each piece of the oversight reports.

III. Closed Session


Public Announcement of Closed Session

M.Muhammedov announced that the Board would be going into Closed Session to discuss public employment, conference with real property negotiators for Magnolia Science Academy-1 & 5 and anticipated initiation of litigation for one case and would report out any actions taken.


Public Employment (§ 54957)

This item was discussed in Closed Session.


Conference with Real Property Negotiators (§54956.8) Properties: Magnolia Science Academy-1 & 5 (7111 Winnetka Ave & 18242 Sherman Way)

This item was discussed in Closed Session.


Anticipated Initiation of Litigation §54956.9(c): (1 case)

This item was discussed in Closed Session.


Report Out of Closed Session

M.Muahmmedov announced in Open Session at 9:18pm that the Board directed staff to take necessary action regarding public employment and conference with real property negotiations for Magnolia Science Academy-1 & 5 and to report to the Board. The Board has also authorized staff to investigate litigation in connection to one of its facilities and authorized A.Rubalcava, CEO & Superintendent, to follow-up on the matter. 

IV. Action Items


Approval of MSA-1 Purchase of Lunch Tables

B.Plonka, Principal at Magnolia Science Academy-1, stated that due to the amount of growth and to better provide a safe environment for their students in connection to social distancing during the pandemic they are in need of lunch tables. Their current tables are deteriorating due to old age. They are assessing which can be salvaged or which can be provided to other school campuses. They are utilizing their ESSER III funds under capital improvement projects. Board Members questions were addressed.
S. Covarrubias made a motion to grant approval to the CEO and Superintendent of MPS, Alfredo Rubalcava, to sign the agreement with Hertz Furniture to purchase 40 – 8’ Rectangular Portable Tables for the lunch area.
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
U. Yapanel
S. Dikbas
D. Gonzalez
S. Covarrubias
M. Muhammedov


Approval of MPS Recruitment & Retention Plan

This was previously presented to the MPS Development & Stakeholder Committee which was was approved for their recommended approval to the full Board. D.Hajmeirza, Human Resources Director, added that the MPS Recruitment & Retention Plan will serve as a blueprint for recruiting, hiring and retaining qualified staff members. This will be implemented in an ongoing basis as the Human Resources Department develops processes to meet all the steps as mentioned in the plan. This was presented to the Home Office leadership team and Principals for feedback.  
U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the Magnolia Public Schools’ (“MPS”) Recruitment and Retention Plan.
S. Covarrubias seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Covarrubias
M. Muhammedov
U. Yapanel
S. Dikbas
D. Gonzalez


Approval of the 2021-22 First Interim Budget Report for all MPS

This was previously presented to the MPS Finance Committee which was was approved for their recommended approval to the full Board. S.Budhraja, Chief Financial Officer, went over the first interim budget report. Projections are for the 2021-22 school year based on the July 1st budget and any information between July 1st through October 31st reflecting actuals data. He walked through the financials of all MPS school sites and MERF. The overall projected ending fund balance collectively is a sustainable healthy ending fund balance. Over the course of now to sometime next year, the Finance team will find some ways to curve the deficit to reduce it from its current size. They will work with school site principals and share information in regards to their budget and develop strategies to allocate resources for their students and help develop concrete plans closing out the fiscal year and moving into the next fiscal year.
U. Yapanel left at 9:42 PM.
S. Dikbas made a motion to approve the 2021-22 First Interim Reports as the most recent revised budget for the 2021-22 fiscal year.
M. Muhammedov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Gonzalez
M. Muhammedov
S. Covarrubias
U. Yapanel
S. Dikbas


Approval of Form of Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Acquisition of the Property Located at 7111 Winnetka Ave for MSA-5

This was previously presented to the MPS Audit/Facilities Committee which was was approved for their recommended approval to the full Board. M.Muhammedov, Board Member & Chair of the Audit/Facilities Committee, discussed the main points brought to the Committee which stipulated the process that will be done once the agreement is signed. P.Ontiveros, General Counsel & Director of Facilities, elaborated on those points and mentioned that previously a letter of intent for this transaction was signed with the Boards approval which spelled out the terms and conditions. Currently still in the negotiation phase. Once a resolution is reached MPS will be in a position to signed and make the good faith deposit and proceed with due diligence.  
D. Gonzalez made a motion to approve the form of Purchase and Sale Agreement, attached as Exhibit A (the “PSA”), for the acquisition of the real property located at 7111 Winnetka Ave, Winnetka (the “Property”) approximately 2.5 miles away from the Magnolia Science Academy—1 campus in Reseda, (2) grant the MPS CEO and Superintendent the authority to negotiate and approve such changes to the PSA as he shall deem necessary and appropriate and in the best interest of MPS, and to sign and deliver the same in order to open escrow for the acquisition of the Property, and (3) grant the MPS CEO and Superintendent the authority to assign the PSA to a wholly owned subsidiary of Magnolia Properties Management, Inc. for the purposes of financing and closing the transaction or to a wholly owned subsidiary of Pacific Charter School Development, Inc., a California non-profit public benefit corporation focused on developing facilities charter schools (“PCSD”).
M. Muhammedov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Muhammedov
U. Yapanel
D. Gonzalez
S. Dikbas
S. Covarrubias

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:51 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Muhammedov