Magnolia Public Schools


Special Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM



Meeting ID: 957 8979 0968              Passcode: 453825
One tap mobile: +16699009128,,95789790968# US (San Jose)
Board Members:
Mr. Haim Beliak, Chair
Dr. Umit Yapanel, Vice-Chair
Dr. Salih Dikbas
Ms. Diane Gonzalez
Ms. Sandra Covarrubias
Mr. Mekan Muhammedov

CEO & Superintendent:
Mr. Alfredo Rubalcava

Directors Present

D. Gonzalez (remote), H. Beliak (remote), M. Muhammedov (remote), S. Covarrubias (remote), U. Yapanel (remote)

Directors Absent

S. Dikbas

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

H. Beliak called a meeting of the board of directors of Magnolia Public Schools to order on Thursday Apr 22, 2021 at 6:03 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

Refer to attendance information reported above.


Approval of Agenda

D. Gonzalez made a motion to amend the agenda to table Action Item III B and to bring it up at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting.
H. Beliak seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
H. Beliak
S. Covarrubias
S. Dikbas
D. Gonzalez
U. Yapanel
M. Muhammedov


Public Comments

No public comments were given at this time.


Announcements from CEO & Superintendent and Board Members

A. Rubalcava, MPS CEO & Superintendent, announced that this week was Administrative Professionals Week. Board Members recognized the work of all the Administrative staff at Magnolia Public Schools.

II. Closed Session


Public Announcement Of Closed Session

H. Beliak announced that the Board would be going into Closed Session to discuss anticipated litigation and would report out any actions taken.


Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Initiation of Litigation ((§ 54956 (b))

This item was discussed in Closed Session.


Report Out Of Closed Session

H. Beliak announced in Open Session at 6:28pm that board directed staff on several items.

III. Action Items


Resolution Approving Charter Material Revision of Magnolia Science Academy - 5

A. Rubalcava, MPS CEO & Superintendent, presented to the Board the resolution of Magnolia Science Academy (MSA) - 5 charter petition and all supporting documentation in the submission. He explained that MSA-5's Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) Prop. 39 offer was to relocate the school to a location 8 miles away, this would impact the 290 students and their families. The Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE) currently authorizes MSA-5, Magnolia Public Schools (MPS) decided to request a material revision of MSA-5's charter to reflect a new location at MSA-1's site which is 1 mile away from MSA-5 for the remainder of MSA-5's charter term.  
H. Beliak made a motion to approve the resolution that authorizes the following: (1) Material revision submission of Magnolia Science Academy-5’s Charter Petition to the Los Angeles County Office of Education, (2) All supporting documentation included in the submission, and (3) Authorize the MPS CEO and Superintendent to take the necessary actions needed to complete the revision process.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Gonzalez
U. Yapanel
S. Covarrubias
S. Dikbas
H. Beliak
M. Muhammedov


Approval of College and Career Access Pathways Partnership (CCAP) Agreement between Magnolia Public Schools and Los Angeles Valley College

This item was tabled and will be brought at the next Board Meeting.


Approval of Updated Health and Safety Policy and Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) COVID-19 Addendum

D. Hajmeirza, Director of Human Resources, presented to the Board updates to the Magnolia Public Schools (MPS) Health & Safety Policy for COVID-19. These updates included: testing and reporting for Magnolia Science Academy - Santa Ana; and youth sports and physical education. MPS Health & Safety Policy was presented alongside the Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) COVID-19 addendum that was last updated on April 12, 2021.
D. Gonzalez made a motion to approve the updated MPS Health & Safety Policy alongside the IIPP COVID-19 addendum.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Dikbas
S. Covarrubias
U. Yapanel
M. Muhammedov
D. Gonzalez
H. Beliak


Approval of Updated LAUSD COVID-19 Testing & Community Engagement Services Memorandum of Understanding Agreement for MSA-2,3,4,5,8

D. Hajmeirza, Director of Human Resources, presented to the Board the updated Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) COVID-19 testing and community engagement services agreement that the MPS CEO & Superintendent signed using his executive powers vested to him by the Board which grants him specific authorization as categorized by the board resolution that was adopted on July 23, 2020.
H. Beliak made a motion to approve the updated Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) COVID-19 testing and community engagement services agreement with the updated date effective through June 30, 2022 for MSA-2, 3, 4, 5 and 8.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
U. Yapanel
D. Gonzalez
S. Covarrubias
H. Beliak
S. Dikbas
M. Muhammedov


Approval of Baseline Testing for Magnolia Science Academy-2 & Magnolia Science Academy-5 with PMH Laboratory, Inc.

D. Hajmeirza, Director of Human Resources, presented to the Board the decision to allow Magnolia Science Academy (MSA) - 2 and MSA-5 to undergo the baseline testing with PMH Laboratory, Inc. The CEO & Superintendent made an executive decision to approve this item through the authority granted to him on July 23, 2020 by the MPS Board in a resolution which grants him specific authorization. Both schools will still conduct weekly COVID-19 testing through the Magnolia Public Schools (MPS) Board approved agreement with Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) COVID-19 testing and community engagement services. All questions from the Board was addressed from the staff. 
H. Beliak made a motion to approve the administration of baseline testing for Magnolia Science Academy-2 and Magnolia Science Academy-5 with PMH Laboratory, Inc (“PMH”).
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Dikbas
H. Beliak
D. Gonzalez
U. Yapanel
M. Muhammedov
S. Covarrubias

IV. Discussion/Information Items


Discussion Regarding the Creation of the MPS Development Committee

U. Yapanel, Board Vice Chair and Chair of the Nominating/Governance Committee reported to the Board the discussions of creating a Development Committee as part of Magnolia Public Schools (MPS) standing committees. I. Soto, Director of Development and Communications, discussed the role and purpose of the committee and its impact to MPS. Discussions surrounding the depth of the committee's activity will be discussed at future Nominating/Governance Committee meetings and will be brought to the Board for approval at a later meeting. Board Members expressed their approval to continue such talks.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
H. Beliak