Magnolia Public Schools


Stakeholder Engagement Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 19, 2019 at 6:00 PM


MPS Home Office: 250 E. 1st Street, Suite 1500, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Committee members who joined remotely joined from the following locations:
• 4701 Patrick Henry Dr. Bldg #25, Santa Clara, CA 95054 (Dr. Umit Yapanel)

Committee Members:
Ms. Sandra Covarrubias, Chair
Dr. Umit Yapanel
Ms. Diane Gonzalez
Mr. Haim Beliak (Alternate)

CEO & Superintendent:
Mr. Alfredo Rubalcava

Committee Members Present

D. Gonzalez, S. Covarrubias, U. Yapanel (remote)

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

U. Yapanel called a meeting of the Educational Partners & Development Committee Committee of Magnolia Public Schools to order on Tuesday Mar 19, 2019 at 6:16 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests

Please refer to attendance information above.


Pledge of Allegiance

T. Velazquez, Communications and Charter Renewal Manager led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Public Comments

Two letters were read on behalf of MSA-1 teachers and staff regarding the Pay Scale item on the agenda. No other comments were made.


Approval of Agenda

D. Gonzalez made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.
S. Covarrubias seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Gonzalez
U. Yapanel
S. Covarrubias


Approve Minutes from the Stakeholder Engagement Committee Meeting on November 14, 2018

D. Gonzalez made a motion to approve minutes from the Stakeholder Engagement Committee Meeting on 11-14-18 Stakeholder Engagement Committee Meeting on 11-14-18.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Covarrubias
D. Gonzalez
U. Yapanel

II. Recommended Action Items


Employee Pay Raise Scale for Full-Time Teaching Positions & Non-Classroom-Based Academic Positions

A. Rubalcava, MPS CEO & Superintendent, gave a brief overview of the pay raise scale and the reasoning behind the increase. Principals from MSA's also gave the committee members an idea of the process that takes place during the creation of the budget and how this pay scale was addressed in the budget. They also addressed the staff turnover as a result of not having competitive pay scales and that this would help keep MPS teachers. All principals echoed the same sentiments and how the approval of this pay scale would make the teachers feel more valued and that the recommended pay scale was a move in the right direction. D. Yilmaz, MPS Chief Accountability Officer, mentioned that the revisions that were approved last year were greatly appreciated. He also explained that all principals had budget discussions with the MPS finance department and were given a band giving them the flexibility in the amount of the pay raise at their specific school site. 

U. Yapanel, MPS Committee Member, had a question regarding the effect on the budget and how this will be reflected and also requested a more detailed budget to be attached to the item. D. Gonzalez, MPS Committee Member, mentioned that she would like to see a line by line item to see if schools have the ability to do the pay raise based off of the budget for each school site.
U. Yapanel made a motion to table Item II A and II B until the Board Meeting on Thursday, March 21st, once additional information has been provided.
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Covarrubias
D. Gonzalez
U. Yapanel


MPS Employee Pay Raise Scale for School Leader Positions

This item was discussed along with II A.
U. Yapanel made a motion to table Item II A and II B until the Board Meeting on Thursday, March 21st, once additional information has been provided.
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
U. Yapanel
S. Covarrubias
D. Gonzalez


Approval of Revisions to the Tuition Reimbursement Policy

D. Yilmaz, MPS Chief Accountability Officer, explained the change being made to the Tuition Reimbursement Policy specifically the removal of the language regarding advanced payment before course completion. He also explained that although this hasn't been an issue it could potentially be an issue in the case that the staff member does not complete the course or receives a grade lower than what is required for reimbursement. D. Yilmaz mentioned that the policy does have a form that needs to be signed in order to be approved to begin the program. This form is signed by the staff member and their supervisor. 

U. Yapanel, MPS Committee Member, agreed that these changes are necessary to prevent any potential issues with the policy. Both S. Covarrubias and D. Gonzalez, MPS Committee Members, asked for clarity on the possibility of a teacher leaving after being a part of the Tuition Reimbursement program and not paying the money back.

D. Gonzalez, MPS Committee Member, also suggested that there needs to be a signed employment contract with a two-year requirement to stay with Magnolia Public Schools after the completion of any program. U. Yapanel asked how other Charter Management Organization's (CMO) implement this program and suggested that there might need to be some legal review of this program and policy.
U. Yapanel made a motion to table this item until the Board Meeting on Thursday, March 21st with the modified agreement to include the 2-year requirement to stay with Magnolia Public Schools and removal of advanced pay.
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Covarrubias
U. Yapanel
D. Gonzalez

III. Discussion Items


2018-19 MPS Stakeholder Survey Results & Reflections

D. Yilmaz, MPS Chief Accountability Officer, gave the committee members an overview of the requirements for the surveys and the categories that are included in the stakeholder surveys. He also shared some highlights by summarizing the "What do you like best" and "What do you like least" responses. D. Yilmaz also explained how the survey results are used in the creation of the LCAP for school sites. 

The committee members requested a written report for the board meeting. S. Covarrubias, MPS Committee Member, requested for there to be a focus on the schools that have low scores and their action plan in addressing the concerns from all stakeholders. 

All questions were addressed.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
U. Yapanel