Magnolia Public Schools


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday November 12, 2015 at 5:00 PM


MSA-1 18238 Sherman Way, Reseda, CA 91335

Directors Present

A. Korkmaz (remote), D. Gonzalez (remote), M. Kaynak (remote), N. Huynh (remote), N. Russell-Unterburger (remote), R. Oten, S. Orazov, S. Sherkhanov, U. Yapanel

Directors Absent


Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

N. Russell-Unterburger

Guests Present

A. Gokce (remote), A. Rubalcava (remote), B. Torres (remote), C. Young (remote), F. Gonzalez (remote), J. Hernandez, K. Hourigan (remote), L. Schlottman, M. Crumpton (remote), O. Diaz (remote), T. Oz (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

U. Yapanel called a meeting of the board of directors of Magnolia Public Schools to order on Thursday Nov 12, 2015 at 5:57 PM.


Flag Salute

The Flag Salute was led by C. Young.


Record Attendance and Guests


Approval of the Agenda

U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.
S. Orazov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Oral Communications

A. Rubalcava presented C. Young with the certificate from Councilmember Bob Blumenfield in recognition of receiving the Distinguished Educator Award from the Charter College of Education.


Public Comment

There were no public comments.


Approve Minutes

U. Yapanel made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 10-08-15 Board Meeting on 10-08-15.
S. Sherkhanov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Presentation Items


Presentation of the 2015 Gelb Family Scholarship Award to Alejandro Quezada, MSA-1

A. Rubalcava presented a certificate of recognition to Alejandro Quezada for obtaining the 2015 GELB Family Scholarship Award.

III. Action Items


Approval of MSA-SC Revised School Safety Plan

U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the MSA- Santa Clara Revised School Safety Plan.
S. Orazov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
K. Hourigan, Director of Student Services, explained that the changes made to the school safety plan were based on the changes of the MSA-Santa Clara facility. She addressed all board member questions. 


Approval of Revised Budget and Required Ongoing Contracts

Mr. Diaz told the Board that he had presented the revised budget to the Finance Committee. He explained that revenue had decreased due to enrollment numbers. Dr. Young explained that the on going contracts that are presented in this budget are within the budget, some contracts are allocated to the schools budgets such as legal fees. She also gave detail on the current and new positions listed in the budget. Mr. Diaz explained the budget of the schools who have had financial hardship. Mr. Diaz and Dr. Young addressed all Board member questions. The Finance Committee recommended approval of the budget and on going contracts.
S. Orazov made a motion to approve the revised budget and required ongoing contracts.
R. Oten seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
N. Russell-Unterburger
S. Orazov
S. Sherkhanov
U. Yapanel
N. Huynh
A. Korkmaz
M. Kaynak
R. Oten
D. Gonzalez
N. Russell-Unterburger left.


Approval of Changes in Financial Policies

O. Diaz explained to the Board that the changes in Financial Policies were presented to the Finance Committee. Changes requested by the Finance Committee were incorporated in this item for board approval, these changes were explained to the Board. S. Orazov reported out on this item based on the feedback from the Finance Committee from which he is part of.
S. Orazov made a motion to approve the changes in financial policies.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Human Resource Information System Purchase

T. Boatman, Director of Human Resource, explained to the board that Magnolia staff has been doing studies to insure that all human resource data is in compliance. The human resource information system being presented will support and assist the Human Resource department by insuring and keeping track of all files that need to be in compliance. An RFP has been done for this item. She explained the benefits of this stream lined process and the risks of continuing the current process. O. Diaz explained the budget implications of aquiring the system and him and T. Boatman addressed all Board members questions.
R. Oten made a motion to approve the human resource information system.
S. Sherkhanov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of MSA- Santa Ana Gym Building Planning

F. Gonzalez, Chief Growth Officer, explained the Gym project for MSA- Santa Ana. He explained the grant amount and the money that the project will be receiving. He explained where Magnolia stood in the previous authorization of the construction and he explained the current situation. He also explained the loan and its' repayment plan. Mr. Diaz agreed that this loan would repayable based on the budget situation of the school. F Gonzalez addressed all Board member questions.
U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the MSA- Santa Ana Gym Building Planning and authorize CEO and CGO to move forward with the bidding process.
S. Orazov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Magnolia Properties Management, Inc. Board Appointments

C. Young explained that Magnolia Properties Management, Inc. (MPM) does the financing for MSA-1. The board of Magnolia has the obligation to appoint 3 members for this committee. C. Young gave a brief background on each of the three committee member candidates. She explained that the main responsibility of this committee is to look out for the best interest of the school and the committee also approves the annual audit for MSA-1. C. Young addressed all Board members' questions.
U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the Magnolia Properties Management, Inc. board appointments.
R. Oten seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Performance Cycle Process

T. Boatman explained the Performance Cycle Process to the Board. She explained that this would be a 360 evaluation and that this approval approves the cycle of the perfomance process not the format. The current practice and new practice of evaluating performance were explained. T. Boatman addresses all Board member questions. 
U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the Performance Cycle Process.
R. Oten seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Board Resolutions for New Charter Petitions

A. Gokce, Chief of Staff explained that Magnolia has received multiple requests about expansion. He gave brief background information on past and current growth plans and the pros of growing for a Charter schools. He explained the pressing deadlines for these charter petitions, the funds that could be received, and the cons of not opening schools now. C. Young explained the structure and benefits of opening schools in cohort and how the regional directors would support this growth. A. Gokce went over the details of each resolution and petition. He esplained that Magnolia could get the district approval and open within 3 yrs. C. Young explained what has been done at the Magnolia home office to be able to support this growth. She gave the reasoning behind opening in these areas and she explained the process of charter approvals. The Board discussed the need of a Growth Committee to support the growth of these new charters.
A. Korkmaz made a motion to approve the board resolutions for new charter petitions.
R. Oten seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Information/Discussion Items


Quarterly Report of Media Coverage from Larson Communications

A written report of the item was given to the Board, there was no discussion on this item.


Partnership for Success Timeline (PFST) Program and Outreach Update

A written report of the item was given to the Board, there was no discussion on this item.

V. Written Reports


Monthly Academic Report

M. Crumpton, Chief Academic Officer, explained the NWEA data. She explained the IT related issues that affected some of the test scores and she mention that in Spring Magnolia will have more aligned data. She also explained that Magnolia did not have Common Core material in the past. M. Crumpton explained that the longer students are with Magnolia the better they perform.  C. Young explained that the schools that had summer school had less drop offs on the score data. S. Acar, Magnolia Principal, explained some of the data and performance compared to other schools. M. Crumpton and the academic team addressed all Board member questions. This was an information item and no actions were taken.


Review of Quarterly Financial Statement

A written report of the item was given to the Board, there was no discussion on this item.


Monthly Facilities Report

A written report of the item was given to the Board, there was no discussion on this item.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
U. Yapanel