Magnolia Public Schools


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday August 13, 2015 at 6:00 PM


MSA- SD 6365 Lake Atlin

Directors Present

D. Gonzalez (remote), M. Kaynak, N. Huynh (remote), N. Russell-Unterburger (remote), R. Oten (remote), S. Sherkhanov (remote), U. Yapanel (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

A. Gokce, A. Rubalcava (remote), B. Torres (remote), Brad Plonka, C. Young, F. Gonzalez (remote), Fatih Metin, Gokan Serce, John Terzi, Laura Schlottman, Lisa Ross, M. Crumpton (remote), Mustafa Sahin, O. Diaz, Steven Keskinturk, Suat Acar, Yilmaz Ak

I. Opening Items


Flag Salute

The Flag salute was led by home office staff.


Call the Meeting to Order

U. Yapanel called a meeting of the board of directors of Magnolia Public Schools to order on Thursday Aug 13, 2015 at 6:06 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Approval of the Agenda

The Board approved the Agenda as presented.


Oral Communications


Public Comment

There were no public comments.


Approve Minutes (Item 7a)

U. Yapanel made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 07-09-15 Board Meeting on 07-09-15.
D. Gonzalez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Minutes were approved in consent agenda.


Approve Minutes (Item 7b)

U. Yapanel made a motion to Approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 07-28-15. Board Meeting on 07-28-15.
A. Rubalcava seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Minutes were approved in consent agenda.

II. Consent Agenda


Item 7c Approval of Supplemental Educational Services for all Magnolia Public Schools

Dr. Yapanel made the motion to approve consent items. Ms. Gonzalez seconded. Item was approved unanimously.


Item 7d Approval of 2015-16 Student/Parent Handbook

Dr. Yapanel made the motion to approve consent items. Ms. Gonzalez seconded.Item was approved unanimously.


Item 7e Employee Handbook

Dr. Yapanel made the motion to approve consent items. Ms. Gonzalez seconded.Item was approved unanimously.


Item 7f Approval of Professional Development Agreements and Contracts

Dr. Yapanel made the motion to move this item out of the Consent Agenda for further discussion. Dr. Yapanel made the motion to approve the item after discussion. Dr. Kaynak seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.


Item 7g Approval of Food Vendor Contracts

Dr. Yapanel made the motion to move this item out of the Consent Agenda for further discussion. Dr. Kaynak seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.


Item 7h Approval to Enter into an MOU with Arts and Action

Dr. Yapanel made the motion to approve consent items. Ms. Gonzalez seconded.Item was approved unanimously.

III. Items


Item #8 Information-Transition from Accord Services for MSA 1-8

Dr. Young and Ms. Crumpton explained to the Board the changes that had been implemented both in the Home office and at the school sites since the transition from Accord services. This was an informational item and no actions were taken.


Item 9 Information-Aquiring New Home Office Facility

Dr. Young explained to the Board that the lease for the current home office will be over in a few months. She gave details on the current search of a new facility and addressed Board member questions. Dr. Young explained that the search will continue and she would bring this item to the Board again in the near future. This was an information item and no actions were taken.


Item 10 Information- Suggestions for Board Membership Nomination

Dr. Young reminded the Board that the settlement with LAUSD required the Magnolia Board to add one more Board member by September 2015. She explained that the MPS Board Nominating Committee would get together and take their recommendations to the full Board during the September Board meeting. This was an informational item and no actions were taken.


Item 11a Written Financial Report

Mr. Diaz provided the Board with a written financial report. He briefly explained the information on the report and addressed all Board members' questions. This was an informational item and no actions were taken.


Item 11b Written Academic Report

Ms. Crumpton provided the Board with a written report. She gave a brief oral report and addressed all Board members' questions. This was an informational item an no actions were taken.


Item 12 Public Announcement of Reasons for Closed Session

Dr. Yapanel informed the public that the Board would go into closed session to discuss the employment of the Chief Growth Officer.


Item 14 Announcement of Action(s) Taken in Closed Session

Dr. Yapanel informed the public that a written report would be delivered to the Chief Executive Officer with all the information and feedback obtained during closed session. No other actions were taken.

IV. Closed Session


Item #13 Conference with Real Property Negotiators

Item was discussed in Closed Session.


Item # 14 Public Employment, Title: Chief Growth Officer

Item was discussed in Closed Session.

V. Closing Items


Report Out on Closed Session Items

Items in Closed Session were informational and no actions were taken.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
U. Yapanel