Magnolia Public Schools


Regular Facility Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 7, 2018 at 6:30 PM


MPS Central Office: 250 E. 1st St. Ste 1500 Los Angeles, CA 90012
Committee Members who joined remotely attended from the following locations:
• 1363 Ridgecrest Rd. Pinole CA 94564 (Mr. Serdar Orazov)

Facilities Committee Members
Dr. Saken Sherkhanov
Mr. Serdar Orazov
Ms. Charlotte Brimmer

CEO and Superintendent
Dr. Caprice Young

Committee Members Present

C. Brimmer, S. Orazov (remote), S. Sherkhanov

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

C. Brimmer and S. Sherkhanov joined in person. S. Orazov left at 8:17 pm.


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Sherkhanov called a meeting of the Audit/Facilities Committee Committee of Magnolia Public Schools to order on Wednesday Mar 7, 2018 at 6:49 PM.


Pledge of Allegiance

T. Velazquez, Communications Associate led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Public Comments

There were no public comments.


Approval of Agenda

C. Brimmer made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.
S. Sherkhanov seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Sherkhanov
C. Brimmer
S. Orazov


Approval of Minutes from Regular Facility Committee Meeting- October 5, 2017

C. Brimmer made a motion to approve minutes from the Regular Facility Committee on 10-05-17 Regular Facility Committee on 10-05-17.
S. Orazov seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Sherkhanov
C. Brimmer
S. Orazov


Approval of Minutes from Special Facility Committee Meeting- October 5, 2017

C. Brimmer made a motion to approve minutes from the Special Facility Committee Meeting on 10-05-17 Special Facility Committee Meeting on 10-05-17.
S. Orazov seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Sherkhanov
S. Orazov
C. Brimmer

II. Approval Recommendation Items


MSA 2 Shade Contract with USA Shade Structure

P. Ontiveros, MPS General Counsel/Facilities Director, explained that an RFP was sent out for this project and as a result recommended contracting with USA Shade Structure, one of the companies that submitted an RFP. This structure would be permanent and conversations with the other co-located campuses about this project have resulting in their agreement to go forth and complete the project. He also explained that this would be coming out of MSA-2's reserves, as they currently have sufficient funds to complete this project. S. Sherkhanov, Board Member, requested further clarification regarding the packages presented and which package would be the most comprehensive. All questions were addressed by staff.
S. Sherkhanov made a motion to Recommend the full Board of Directors approve management to enter into a contract with USA Shade & Fabric Structures in order to provide a shade structure for the MSA-2 campus in an amount not to exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000).
S. Orazov seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Brimmer
S. Sherkhanov
S. Orazov


Project Change Order Requests for MSA-Santa Ana

P. Ontiveros, MPS General Counsel/Facilities Director, explained that there was a gap in the drawings the electrical engineer did not provide power to the fire alarm or the heater. This change order falls within the revised project budget. C. Young, explained that this does not change the overall project budget, it comes out of the pre-approved project contingency. All questions were addressed.
C. Brimmer made a motion to Recommend the full Board of Directors to approve MPS agreeing to change order requests 2 and 3 (each a “COR” and together “CORs”) and signing the corresponding change orders upon receipt from the general contractor RC Construction Services Inc. The total cost for CORs 2 and 3 is $4,536.58.
S. Sherkhanov seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Sherkhanov
C. Brimmer
S. Orazov

III. Information Items


Ongoing Facility Project Updates

P. Ontiveros, MPS General Counsel/Facilities Director, gave the board an update on all current construction projects, MSA-1, MSA-Santa Ana, and MSA-San Diego. He mentioned that an RFP for a General Contractor would be going out this week. Moving to MSA-1's update, P. Ontiveros explained that the church, St. Catherine, declined to allow MSA-1 to lease their classroom spaces for a year. As a result of this, he explained that he found an alternative site, The Bridge Bible Fellowship, who operated a school on their church site but are not currently using it. Conversations with the alternative church site about the possibility of leasing classroom space has begun and a letter of interest has been submitted. C. Brimmer, Board Member, highlighted the importance of having risks and potential issues stated with the construction project documentation for future tense to allow for little to no surprises to the board members. She also expressed the importance of developing relationships with elected officials. For MSA-SD, the MPS team still needs to do a site walk with Silver Creek to confirm that all the punch list items have been completed. Prop 39 response letters were sent in before the deadline to LAUSD for MSA-3, 4, and 5. An accessibility review for MSA-6 and 7 were completed and are waiting for the results. This is solely an information item, no actions were taken.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:57 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Sherkhanov