Magnolia Public Schools


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 21, 2016 at 5:00 PM


MSA- Santa Clara 14271 Story Road San Jose, CA 95127 / Dial: 1.844.572.5683 Code: 1948435
Regular Meeting of the MPS Board of Directors

MPS Board Members:
Umit Yapanel, President
Noel Russell- Unterburger, Treasurer
Saken Sherkhanov, Secretary
Ali Korkmaz
Mustafa Kaynak
Remzi Oten
Serdar Orazov
Diane Gonzalez
Nguyen Huynh

CEO and Superintendent
Caprice Young

Closed Session Items
Conference with Real Property Negotiators
Property: 6365 Lake Atlin, San Diego, CA 92119
Agency Negotiator: Frank Gonzalez
Negotiating Parties: Preface LLC, SDUSD

Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation
Initiation of litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9: one case

Conference with Real Property Negotiators
Property: 1290 Pomeroy Ave, Santa Clara 95051
Agency Negotiator: Frank Gonzalez
Negotiating Parties: Mission City Church Assembly of God Santa Clara


Directors Present

A. Korkmaz (remote), D. Gonzalez (remote), M. Kaynak (remote), N. Russell-Unterburger, R. Oten, S. Orazov, U. Yapanel

Directors Absent

S. Sherkhanov

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

U. Yapanel called a meeting of the board of directors of Magnolia Public Schools to order on Thursday Apr 21, 2016 at 5:05 PM.


Flag Salute

The Flag Salute was led by the CEO.


Public Comments

Over 30 parents, students and staff expressed their support about relocating MSA Santa Clara (MSA-SC) back to Santa Clara. They offered their positive feedback in regards to student support from teachers, enriching academic program, comparison amongst other local schools, the academic growth of students amongst other benefits that MSA SC offers. The board heard their feedback and concerns.


Oral Communications

MSA SC principal, M. Ryan, recognized the student participants of the science fair. MSA San Diego principal, G. Serce presented board member M. Kaynak an award in recognition of his dedication as a member of the MPS board of directors and thanked him for his years of service. M. Kaynak presented his resignation from the board.


Approval of Agenda

U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.
N. Russell-Unterburger seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting- March 10, 2016

U. Yapanel made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 03-10-16 Board Meeting on 03-10-16.
R. Oten seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes of Special Board Meeting- March 13, 2016

U. Yapanel made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 03-13-16 Board Meeting on 03-13-16.
R. Oten seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Consent Agenda Items


Approval of 2016-17 Academic Calendar for Magnolia Science Academy 1 Through 8

This item was approved under consent agenda. 


Approval of Revisions to the Uniform Complaint Policy and Procedures

This item was approved under consent agenda. 


Approval of Subcontracting After School Program (ASES)

This item was approved under consent agenda. 


Approval of Special Education Provider for MSA 1-8 and Santa Ana, EdLogical

This item was approved under consent agenda. 


Approval of Al Punto Advertising Contract

The board moved this item out of consent agenda for further discussion. A. Rubalcava, Chief External Officer, explained the details of the deliverables of AlPunto and the budget implications. He addressed all board member questions. The board gave direction to staff to make the necessary changes in the school budget to address this contract. 
U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the Al Punto advertising contract.
R. Oten seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Truancy Data Collection and Reporting Procedure

This item was approved under consent agenda. 

III. Action Items


Approval of New Board Member Nominations

M. Kaynak gave a brief description of S. Dikbas' educational and professional background and his reasoning behind his nomination. If approved, S. Dikbas will be taking over the term of M. Kaynak ending December 10, 2019.
U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the appointment of Salih Dikbas to fill the seat for the remainder of M. Kaynak's term.
M. Kaynak seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Second Interim Report for MSA Santa Ana, MSA Santa Clara, and MSA San Diego

Finance Committee members reported out on the interim report. They presented their feedback and concerns about the report. T. Boatman, explained the identified issue and explained the improvements that had been put in place to create a clear structure for health benefit terminations. The board gave direction to the Finance Committee to follow up on this health benefit termination item. Chief Financial Officer, Oswaldo Diaz, explained the interim report to the board in detail. He addressed all board questions. 
N. Russell-Unterburger made a motion to approve the Second Interim Report for MSA Santa Ana, MSA Santa Clara and MSA San Diego.
U. Yapanel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of MSA 6 Lease Extension Agreement for 2016-17

F. Gonzalez, Chief Growth Officer, explained the changes in the lease agreement for MSA-6. O. Diaz presented the budget implications and addressed all questions. 
U. Yapanel made a motion to approve the lease extension for MSA-6.
S. Orazov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of New Home Office Employee Positions

T. Boatman, Director of Human Resource, explained the additions of home office positions for upcoming FY 2016-17. She explained the budget implications that MPS would acquire with these changes. O. Diaz explained the needs at the home office for new positions and provided feed back. Home office staff addressed all questions. This item was discussed a length. The board tabled this item for further discussion during a future meeting of the board. 


Approval of Non-Certified Employee Pay Rates

T. Boatman, Director of Human Resources, explained the new compensation model for non-certified, admin, and special instruction school employee pay rates. She addressed all board member questions. After a lengthy discussion of the item presented, the board decided to  table this item to the next board meeting.


Approval of Intra Company Loan from MSA 7 to MSA 1

O. Diaz, Chief Financial Officer, explained the need for the loan from MSA 7 to MSA 1. He explained what functions this loan would serve and how the expenses covered are in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals. O. Diaz also explained the potential risks of the approval and non-approval of the loan. O. Diaz addressed all questions. 
N. Russell-Unterburger made a motion to approve the intra company loan from MSA 7 to MSA 1.
S. Orazov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Revised CMO Cost Allocation Table and 10% Contingency Reserve for Economic Uncertainties

O. Diaz presented the CMO Cost Allocation to the Board and addressed all questions. After a lengthy discussion , the board decided to table this item until they review the 2016-17 Magnolia Public Schools budget. No actions were taken. 


Approval of Updated Open Intra Company Loans

This item was discussed along with item III F, Approval of Intra Company Loan from MSA 7 to MSA 1. Oswaldo Diaz, CFO, explained the updated open-intra company loans. He explained that the redistribution of the loans was based on the current cash needs and he provided details on where the amounts would be drawn from. O. Diaz addressed all board member questions. 
N. Russell-Unterburger made a motion to approve the updated open intra-company loans.
S. Orazov seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closed Session Items


Conference with Real Property Negotiators

Discussion during closed session, no actions to report. 


Conference with Legal Counsel- Anticipated Litigation

This item was discussed during Closed Session, the board gave direction to staff to continue negotiations with Prop 39 agreements. 


Conference with Real Property Negotiators

This item was discussed during Closed Session, the board directed staff to continue facility negotiations. 

V. Discussion Items


2015-16 Educator Effectiveness Spending Plan

This item was not discussed, it will be presented in the next regular meeting of the MPS Board of Directors meeting.

VI. Written Updates


Academic Board Report

Written item, no further discussion. 


MPS February 2016 Financial Update

Written item, no further discussion. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
U. Yapanel