Texas Center for Arts + Academics
TCA+A Special Session of the Board
Date and Time
Tuesday October 29, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Kathleen E. Connors Theater
Texas School of the Arts (TeSA)
6025 Village Parkway
Edgecliff Village, TX 76134
In-person Meeting Return: Governor Abbott’s March 2020 order temporarily suspending certain provisions of the Open Meetings Act due to the COVID-19 pandemic disaster expired August 31, 2021. Consequently, TCA+A Board Meetings will return to in-person meetings at Texas School of the Arts.
Directors Present
Cheryl Bean, Daniel Bates, Leslie Scott, Michael Wellbaum, Wes Poole
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
Anika Perkins
Non Voting Members Present
Anika Perkins
Guests Present
Amy Prickett, Betsy Compton, Clayton Cooper, Dean Micknal, Flor Cabrera, Jennifer Jackson, Jennifer Roby, Jocelyn Greenman, Krista Langford, Penny Clay
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Leslie Scott called a meeting of the board of directors of Texas Center for Arts + Academics to order on Tuesday Oct 29, 2024 at 6:04 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
II. Public Comments
Public Comments
- One Public Comment was made:
- Patricia Baumann
III. Recognition
TCA+A Recognition
- Dr. Anika Perkins recognized our principals during October's National Principal's Month
- National Principal's Month is celebrated as a way to recognize the leadership and contributions of school principals.
- National Principal's Month is recognized by the American Federation of School Administrators, the National Association of Elementary School Administrators, and the National Association of Secondary School Administrators
- Mrs. Betsy Compton - Principal of Texas School of the Arts
- Dr. Jennifer Jackson - Principal of Fort Worth Academy of Fine Arts
IV. Consent Agenda
Approve September 24, 2024 Meeting Minutes
Cheryl Bean made a motion to approve the minutes from TCA+A Board Meeting on 09-24-24.
Michael Wellbaum seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Finance Statements
Cheryl Bean made a motion to approve the August 2024 finance statements.
Michael Wellbaum seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
V. Closed Session
Convene to Closed Session
- Closed Open Session at 6:14pm
- Opened in Closed Session at 6:18pm
Reconvene to Open Session
- Closed Closed Session at 7:38pm
- Reconvened Open Session at 7:42pm
Action Item
- No action taken
VI. Academics
TeSA Over-the-Counter Medication Policy
- Dr. Anika Perkins presented information on Over-the-Counter Medication Policy
- On August 19, 2024 the Texas Board of Nursing outlined its dedication to safeguarding the health and well being of Texas residents by ensuring all licensed nurses in the state practice safely and competently. This committment is achieved through the regulation of nursing practice and the approval of nursing educational programs.
- Texas Board of Nursing outlined boundaries for nursing practices that explicitly state that it does not encompass medical diagnosis or the prescription of therapeutic or corrective measures consequently administering over-the-counter medication without a valid order falls outside the scope of vocational and professional nursing practice.
- With the release of the new guidelines by the Texas Board of Nursing, TCA+A would like to present TeSA's Over-the-Counter Policy
- Administering of Medication Policy
- Recommendation on Page 2 - Controlled Medication will be counted by the school nurse or health assistant upon arrival at school and documented to the number of pills received
- Medical Treatment Policy
- Standing order that will be signed off by a medical doctor that outlines which medications nurses will be able to have a standing order to give to students when they are seen in the nurse's clinic
- Overnight Trips - Superintendent can designate a designee who can cover the standing order
- Administering of Medication Policy
Daniel Bates made a motion to approve the TeSA Over-the-Counter Medication Policy.
Wes Poole seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
FWAFA Over-the-Counter Medication Policy
- Dr. Anika Perkins presented information on Over-the-Counter Medication Policy
- On August 19, 2024, the Texas Board of Nursing outlined its dedication to safeguarding the health and well being of Texas residents by ensuring all licensed nurses in the state practice safely and competently. This committment is achieved through the regulation of nursing practice and the approval of nursing educational programs.
- Texas Board of Nursing outlined boundaries for nursing practices that explicitly state that it does not encompass medical diagnosis or the prescription of therapeutic or corrective measures consequently administering over-the-counter medication without a valid order falls outside the scope of vocational and professional nursing practice.
- With the release of the new guidelines by the Texas Board of Nursing, TCA+A would like to present FWAFA's Over-the-Counter Policy
- Administering of Medication Policy
- Recommendation on Page 2 - Controlled Medication will be counted by the school nurse or health assistant upon arrival at school and documented to the number of pills received
- Recommendation on Page 4 - Narcan is outlined as a policy receiving standing order for campuses with grades 6 - 12 only
- recommended that Narcan be included in FWAFA's secondary standing order
- Medical Treatment Policy
- Standing order that will be signed off by a medical doctor that outlines which medications nurses will be able to have a standing order to give to students when they are seen in the nurse's clinic
- Overnight Trips - Superintendent can designate a designee who can cover the standing order
- Administering of Medication Policy
Michael Wellbaum made a motion to approve the FWAFA Over-the-Counter Medication Policy.
Cheryl Bean seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
TeSA Bilingual/ESL Waiver
- Mrs. Compton presented info:
- Number one language other than English being spoken is Spanish
- shift from past where Korean was the number one language other than English
- Nine classrooms have students who speak another language
- 4 of the 9 teachers are ESL certified
- 5 of the 9 teachers are the ones we are applying for the waiver because they have not yet completed ESL supplemental certification
- they are in progress of completing the certification
- 4 of them will be completely certified by June and the last one will complete certification in the next school year
- Methods of Implementation include Activities, Affective Goals, Linguistic Goals, and Cognitive Goals
- Action Plan with Targeted Recruiting Activities
- support Teachers we currently have who are working on certification by helping to cover the cost of tests
- advertising that we prefer certified teachers
- continue to offer support to all teachers
- Number one language other than English being spoken is Spanish
Wes Poole made a motion to approve TeSA's Bilingual/ESL Waiver.
Daniel Bates seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
FWAFA Bilingual/ESL Waiver
- Dr. Jackson presented info:
- Korean and Spanish are the top languages spoken other than English at FWAFA
- 20 emergent bilingual students
- Eight reading english language arts (ELAR) teachers - 2 of those are on a waiver
- Action Plan
- certification support workshops
- new teacher mentorship program
- certification stipends for current teachers pursuing ESL endorsements
- professional development on dual language and ESL strategies
- Korean and Spanish are the top languages spoken other than English at FWAFA
Daniel Bates made a motion to approve FWAFA's Bilingual/ESL Waiver.
Michael Wellbaum seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VII. Governance
Proposed Board of Director Member: Gordon Kelly
- No motion
Proposed Board of Director Member: Steven Jones
Daniel Bates made a motion to approve Steven Jones' application for board membership.
Michael Wellbaum seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Proposed Board of Director Member: Richard Allen
- No motion
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Scott