The GLOBE Academy
Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Monday December 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Notice of this meeting was posted at both campuses and on the GLOBE website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.
Directors Present
A. McMillon, B. Heidlberg, C. Schwenkler, D. Torre Gibney, F. Sun, H. Portier, L. Norton, M. Hayes
Directors Absent
T. Williams
Guests Present
C. Elliott-Earby
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Vision, Mission and Core Values
II. Public Comment
Public Comment
No public comments submitted
III. Consent Agenda
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
IV. New campus update
New campus update
New campus tracking to be ready for SY25-26.
Appeal hearing will occur 1/8/25 regarding variance on Azalea Circle, have some community support and Dekalb County approved but because someone filed appeal a hearing must occur.
Potential risks for delay are any weather delays that may occur and unknown soil composition
Bond Holder Investor update will occur 12/17/24
L. Norton presented information regarding project costs and contingency funds; original contingency is $633,235; forecasted exposure is $733,231 excluding any potential Azalea Circle upgrades
Brian Dempsey, architecture firm, explained process for appeal hearing; also went through new campus design and showed slides and explained the process as well as design features for new buildings
D. Torre Gibney asked about environmental updates/energy efficiency like solar panels; Brian Dempsey answered that there will not be any solar panels and because they are very costly upfront. There is no reno of windows, etc. will not qualify for this program.
A. McMillon asked about safety measures. Brian Dempsey and C. Elliott responded that there will be fencing around the perimeter, a safety system (Centegix) installed in the new building, security system and cameras.
A. McMillon asked about greenspace/playground and Brian Dempsey showed green space and areas where there is existing playground equipment and explained that GLOBE's playground equipment will also be moved into new space
V. Admissions Report
Admissions FTE Report
Ms. Walker-Jones presented admissions report for SY24-25
Went over admissions report, including applications for kindergarten (397 applicants for 144 seats)
A. McMillon asked about data/tracking as to why students leave the school. T. Walker-Jones explained survey that goes out when families withdraw. #1 reason is relocating; also we lose some students to Kittredge once students go into 4th grade.
C. Schwenkler asked about numbers for 5th grade vs 6th grade; T. Walker-Jones explained that a class was added to 6th so more open seats
T. Walker Jones is working toward publicizing school in various channels/ways
STAMP testing for lottery entry was discussed as proficiency is required in most grades; want STAMP testing to occur prior to lottery entry to move process faster when seats are available
A vote will occur at January BOD meeting regarding changes to the lottery process; presently sibling preferences only apply to currently enrolled students only at the time of the lottery and not families with more than one waitlisted child. T. Walker-Jones and C. Elliott want Board to consider changing policy such that if one waitlisted child gets into the school and is enrolled, the sibling would move up in priority on the waitlist.
VI. Capital Campaign Update
Capital Campaign Update
Committee has been formed
Many committee members have undergone capital campaign training
Next meeting is 1/15/25
Next steps:
small group gatherings
C. Elliott will request BOD vote at January meeting regarding giving levels and naming rights for new campus as part of campaign; want to make sure there are giving/naming opportunities at all levels
VII. Finance Committee
SY 2024-2025 Budget Amendment
Budget needed to be updated to reflect enrollment funding and update actual/budgeted items
Total QBE and local funding increased due to higher than expected per pupil funding
Investment Income increased based on higher YTD income
All other Federal grants increased b/c ESSER III grant was not in original budget
Instruction line item updated for actual training and additional staff
Transportation line item increased b/c drivers converted from part time to full time
Maintenance increase due to HVAC replacement at UC
D. Torre Gibney asked about budget surplus; C. Elliott and L. Norton explained that with bond, have to have certain surplus in reserves to keep from defaulting.
2 public meetings were held regarding budget amendments (12/6 and 12/13)
Next Finance Meeting 1/24/25
Vote on SY24-25 Amended Budget
VIII. Development Update
Accept resignation of Andrew Dahl as Development Co-Chair and Board Member
GLOBE Trot Results
GLOBE Trot raised $140,000.00 ($5,000 above goal)
Successful event
More sponsorships by local businesses and grassroots efforts made difference
Opportunities for improvement:
Earlier planning/communication
Qgiv data management and reporting
Annual Fund Update
Annual Fund is at $55,000.00; 37% of goal
Giving Tuesday helped raise funds
90% of Board has given
C. Elliott looking for new platforms for giving
Discussed separation between PTCC funds and GLOBE funds
IX. Strategic Plan Update
Strategic Plan Update
Progress summary of Strategic Plan (SP) reviewed
SP broken down into annual goals to be completed by end of each school year
Experiential Learning Model - will be finalized in coming months
Creating 4 teams of stakeholders to focus on each pillar of VTE for student growth - being formed
Response to individual student needs - group has met and will present to leadership
Donor development workshop - this has occurred
Capital Campaign - moving forward
Fundraising - CFO is reviewing trends
Maintaining GLOBE bond rating - CFO is accomplishing this
Communication - finalizing shared definitions of buzzwords, expanding on repository of templates
Identifying opportunities for parent volunteerism/involvement - brainstorming stages
Software trends - compiling info to drive decisions
Develop Campus Wide Screener/testing - waiting for ELA curriculum decisions before tackling this
Continue to offer professional development for staff - continuing to look at staff interests, needs of school
Develop RACI matrix - working on this
Transportation program - established; will be working on this for next school year
Renovation/improvement for UC - team brainstorming
X. DEIBA Chair Role
New DEIBA Chair
T. Russell introduced herself and shared qualifications.
XI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Next Board Meeting 1/27/25
Financie Meeting 1/24/25
Vision, Mission and Core Values were read