The GLOBE Academy


Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Monday November 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Notice of this meeting was posted at both campuses and on the GLOBE website in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1.


Directors Present

D. Reynolds (remote), D. Torre Gibney (remote), J. Clark (remote), K. Henshaw (remote), L. Long (remote), L. Norton (remote), M. Hayes (remote), T. Barnes (remote), T. Williams (remote)

Directors Absent

A. McMillon, B. Heidlberg, C. Schwenkler, L. Ferro Borges

Guests Present

Brian Dempsey (remote), J. Parker (remote), Wes Olson (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Norton called a meeting of the board of directors of The GLOBE Academy to order on Monday Nov 13, 2023 at 7:03 PM.


Vision, Mission and Core Values

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Agenda


Approve Minutes

L. Norton made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Directors Meeting on 10-23-23.
J. Clark seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. New Campus Update


New Campus Update

Wes Olson presented 

  • Rating Agency Site visit in Atlanta to receive rating from Moody's week of 12/18
  • Bonds to be priced in mid-January and closed in late-January
  • Mortgage on the Elementary and Upper Campus Facilities
  • Covenant Issues and Debt Ratios will continue to be reviewed as the Board considers annual budgets in conjunction with projected enrollment numbers


Vote for Ancillary Agreement


Vote on AIA Contracts

IV. Committee Updates


Facilities and Transportation Planning Committee

Construction Update


Completed to date:

  • Full site survey
  • Traffic study
  • Construction cost estimate per the Schematic Design drawings
  • 100% Design Development drawings (Programming and Schematic Design were completed prior to this)
  • Awarded modular vendor – modular layouts approved
  • GC RFP was issued


Upcoming activities:

  • Lot consolidation application (church’s boundary adjustment must be approved first) - needed for land disturbance permit (LDP)
  • 100% Contract Drawings from Freespace – 1st of December
  • GC Interviews – 11/16/23
  • Awarded GC will price the 100% Contract Drawings – taking holidays into account, this will be complete mid-January; GC will also provide timing for the project


Transportation Update

- FTP identified Exchange Recreation Center

  • Exchange Recreation Center
    • Agreed to allow GLOBE use
    • Distance to Elementary: 12.3 mi
    • Distance to Middle: 13.5 mi
    • Existing after-school programs
    • Large amount of parking


Bus Procurement

  • Received 2 quotes despite multiple efforts to obtain more and extending the time period to receive
  • IAW GLOBE policies to move forward with two so long as we document the attempts to receive more 
  • Buses and associated operating costs have been built into GLOBE budgets
  • Bus purchase to be capitalized, operational costs will be annual expenses
  • Pilot program details to be solidified Q1 2024




Brian Dempsey - architects from Freespace provided an update on the layout of the new elementary site

  • Reviewed Carpool and access of building
  • 3 modular buildings and the security fence
  • Moved into design development
  • Renderings of security vestibule and the hallways leading to the cafeteria
  • Will go into permitting in 2024



Vote on Bus Vendor

T. Barnes made a motion to Purchase up to two propane buses from Rush Truck Centers of Georgia for up to $256,000.
L. Norton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Hayes
J. Clark
L. Ferro Borges
C. Schwenkler
T. Williams
L. Norton
D. Reynolds
B. Heidlberg
L. Long
K. Henshaw
A. McMillon
T. Barnes
D. Torre Gibney


Development Committee

V. Strategic Committee


Discuss the Strategic Plan

  • Hired External Consultant to assist in Strategic Planning Process: 
    • Christa Thomas, Vice President of New School Development, Georgia Charter Schools Association
  • Data Collection and Organization (~9 months)
    • End of Year Parent & Faculty Surveys
    • Four GLOBE Community Surveys (April, June, August, October) 
      • Total Number of Responses: 558 
    • Town Hall with Faculty & Staff of Upper and Lower Campus (September)
    • Meetings with Upper and Lower Campus Leadership Teams (September)
    • Request for GLOBE Board & Committees initial Strategic Plan Initiatives (Due December)
  • Final Data Collection:
    • Parent & Family Town Hall (Thursday, November 16th 8:30-9:15 am @ UC)
    • GLOBE Board & Committees Strategic Plan Initiatives (Due December)
  • January - February: Board Members will receive summarized data sets, suggested initiatives and measures, and feedback that was collected pertaining to their area. BM & their committees are asked to draft 3-5 initiatives pertaining to them, including potential measures of success, based on their initial priorities and the community input. 
  • March: The Board, ED, HOSs, AHOS, and other key staff will be invited to participate in the SP workshop where all the drafted priorities would be shared and discussed. This time would also be used to make decisions on key priorities and initiatives as a group. 
  • April - May: The SP Committee will work to clean up and make the final draft of the SP, including year by year breakdowns of the initiatives, measures of success, and select first year initiative leads. The Board and their committees would also be encouraged to take part in this task for the initiatives pertaining to them.
  • June: Present final SP and all components to the Board for approval. Once approved, a new Monday dashboard would be created.

August: New SP shared out and initiated community wide. The SP Priorities and Initiatives should be present and actively discussed and worked on in future leadership, staff, committee, and board meetings regularly.  

VI. New Business


Discuss Board Items

  • Signed Conflict of Interest Forms Needed by November 13, 2023 meeting
  • Governance Training is scheduled for February 10, 2024
  • Board members have access to Canvas training site through GCSA
  • Bylaws update conversation will be at the December 11, 2023 meeting
  • Board Committees Strategic Plan priorities due by the December 11, 2023 meeting
  • Take the Board Assessment in Board On Track by December 15, 2023
  • Proposed SY 24-25 Calendar to be provided in early Jan to be voted on Jan 22 
  • Definition of voting vs non-voting members of committees
    • Per the bylaws, committees make recommendations to the Board to vote on
    • Committees will continue to regularly take votes
    • Voting members to be appointed by chair of the committee
  • Committee Actions
    • Reminder to utilize Board on Track to post all meetings, agendas, and minutes
    • Committee Reports
      • Cadence
      • Format

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Norton