The GLOBE Academy


GLOBE Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 19, 2022 at 12:00 PM



Meeting ID: 557 264 3765
Passcode: 9i9bph


Vision, Mission and Core Values
Vision: To develop globally minded citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effect positive change in our world.
Mission: The GLOBE Academy fosters Global Learning Opportunities through Balanced Education for children of all backgrounds. With a focus on dual-language immersion, an experiential-learning model, and a constructivist approach, GLOBE inspires students to be high- performing lifelong learners equipped to make a positive impact in the world.
Core Values: The GLOBE Academy’s core values are expressed in the acronym, CREST: Community, Respect, Empathy, Sustainability and Trust. These values are expected of the governing board, faculty, staff, parents, and students. They are woven into daily life at GLOBE and incorporated into the curriculum.
 Community: We are inclusive, and we nurture and support one another.
 Respect: We treat ourselves and each other with kindness and dignity.
 Empathy: We strive to understand and share the feelings of others.
 Sustainability: We aim to conserve our resources for optimal use in the present and future.
 Trust: We are committed to honesty, transparency, and respectfully sharing our thoughts and encouraging others to do the same.

Committee Members Present

D. Clayton-Purvis (remote), D. Reynolds (remote), L. Clark (remote), L. Ferro Borges (remote), M. Adams (remote), M. Hayes (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Alison Rodden (remote), Bailey Douque (remote), Melissa Lewis (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Adams called a meeting of the Development Committee of The GLOBE Academy to order on Thursday May 19, 2022 at 12:02 PM.


Approve Minutes from 3/17/2022

L. Ferro Borges made a motion to approve the minutes from GLOBE Development Committee Meeting on 03-17-22.
M. Hayes seconded the motion.

Minutes from previous meeting approved as written

The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Athletics Presentation


Melissa Lewis Athletics Director UC - Budget presentation

Melissa went through the Athletic Budget presentation where she shared a quick review of the year: from where they started to all their accomplishments in the year


She shared that the program was funded this school year by parents ( fee charge per student per sport $150). They were able to raise $30K during the year that allow them to cover the common expenses for the teams


Melissa has great expectations for the future including : adding 2 new sports and focus on some important updates on the gym for around $25K


She is looking for our support to help her raising annually 16K- to 20K for Athletics 

(Campaign :help Owls Nest)


LF explained the limited amount of people on the development  committee, however, offered to create a Fundraising form on Bloomerang where all funds raised will be earmarked for Athletics. LF will schedule a meeting next week with Melissa to work through the next steps (customize the form,  working with Simon on adding this to the website, QR cide, etc)


MA wanted to make sure this is not added as additional funds  to our goal of 300K


Melissa agreed to make sure Athletics takes over the fundraising part and she will create a committee in order to make that happen


III. Fundraising Update


YTD Fundraising Update

Fundraising results were presented by MA

- Annual Fund at 115% of the Goal 

- Events at 89% of the goal . Actuals affected by cancellation of GLOBE Rocks event 


IV. General Development Committee Priorities


Development Committee Transition/Training

MA shared that  she will be stepping down from her Co-Chair Board role and her last day will be June 30th.

MH has accepted the role as Co-Chair of the Development Committed and will be voted on the next Board meeting in June 21st 


2022-2023 Fund Development Plan

MA shared last year's  Fund Development Plan with the intention that LF, MH and the committee members read it and make all the necessary changes in the coming weeks.


The new Fund Development Plan for FY 22/23 will be presented during August Board meeting for approval 


Some of the necessary updates will include:

- Removal of grants goal

-Update events ( add Athletics )

-Expenses to keep it at the same level

V. Subcommittee Discussions


Fundraising Events Subcommittee

LF discussed the need to look for a new Platform to run the fundraising event GLOBE Trot next year . She has identify the ones already integrated with Bloomerang ( Give Butter, Zapier, 

Kindful and  QGive). She also have created a document that includes the minimum   requirements we would like the platform to have.

She is looking for a committee members to help her on setting up the demos and make the decision on the platform during the summer and before schools starts .

LF wants to tackle sponsors early on, so want to see if Drew could help her with his connections with PTCC to get the list of Companies own by parents. Drew will discuss with the in the coming weeks.


DC explained to LF that PTCC is a separately 501 (c) 3 organization and databases and funds cant be combined.


DC confirmed that Athletics will be part of the 300K annual Goal and we should add 10K on the Fund Development Plan



Grants Subcommittee

MA let us know that we did not get either the Impact Summit grant or Award (LF confirmed)


MA things that grants at the moment is not paying off the efforts because we are not eligible for a lot of them due to having a low free or reduced lunch percentage at GLOBE


MH Regions grants is in the making, some additional information required from teachers. MH will ask final details to Darcy 


Annual Fund Subcommittee

MA would like to start thinking and working towards Annual Fund Challenge that is the biggest contributor towards the total annual fund goal ( we did amazing this past year !)

Wrap up of this Scholar year : Send final letter, order Banners for Donor recognition to be ready 1st day of School / Orientation day 

Revisit donors level for next year to ensure we have appropriate  benefits 

MA also would like to invite committee members to be part to the Annual Fund sub-committee in order to help with the logistics of the Annual Fund challenge 22/23

MA recommended to order prizes for the challenge in advance as they take time to customized  

VI. Closing Items


Committee Next Steps

- LF to schedule a meeting with Melissa Lewis to work on Athletics fundraising form

- MA to schedule  a separate annual fund sub-committee  meeting to discuss next steps 

- Read Fund Development Plan and provide feedback in the coming weeks 

- LF is looking for committee member to help her with the selection of the new Platform for GLOBE Trot



Next Development Committee Meeting - Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 12:00 pm via Zoom


Next GLOBE Board Meeting - Tuesday June 21, 2022, at 7:00 pm via Zoom



Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:02 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Adams