The GLOBE Academy


DEI Committee Meeting (2021-2022)

Date and Time

Tuesday May 10, 2022 at 6:30 PM



In 2018, the Diversity Committee adopted a definition of diversity that represented GLOBE’s actual and aspirational values. At GLOBE we recognize that:


The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical and learning abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual.


Source: (edited to include “learning” abilities).


It is in the spirit of this definition that the Diversity Committee will continue to make recommendations to the GLOBE Board of Directors and leadership on governance and policy issues involving matters of DEI.

Committee Members Present

C. Elliott-Earby (remote), J. Limor (remote), M. Hudson (remote), M. Konomos, T. Barnes (remote)

Committee Members Absent

C. Blunt, C. Catinella, D. Reynolds, M. Rodi, S. Schmidt, T. Quarterman

Guests Present

Alison Rodden (remote), J. Clark (remote), Tasha Axam (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Barnes called a meeting of the Diversity - DEIBA Committee of The GLOBE Academy to order on Tuesday May 10, 2022 at 6:34 PM.

II. Business & agreed upon initiatives


Admissions update

No updates. Admission Director not present.



GLOBE may be eligible for GMA LEASING PROGRAM

  • Drew & Tiki discussed that there is not currently a budget allotment for 2022-23 school year
  • What other options or innovations are available?
  • How are we connecting with families who need transportation? Are all the families able to access it & afford the fees?
  • Affordability: cost is prohibitive
  • What are the next steps?
    • Tiki will reach back out to Valerie Wilson with GBSA & find out who the Point of Contact is to determine next steps & what the GMA Leasing program is?
  • Currently no funding for charter schools toward transportation (used to be $7000/year)
  • What are some recommendation for scholarships or financial assistance? 
  • Long-term recommendations for transportation
    • Buses are safest way 
    • Accessible transportation would also help with retention


Strategic Planning DEI focus status

  • Prioritizing DEI committee's focus as it relates to the Strategic Plan
    • DEI activities are identified as 4.1-4.5 in GLOBE's strategic plan (2019-2023)
  • Kimberly Henshaw & Tiki Barnes discussed priorities for DEI in a separate meeting in an effort to align DEI committee goals with the overall strategic plan.
  • 4.1 We’ve all collaborated on 4.1 with DEI Vision & Goals
    • There is a final draft but still figuring out where that draft will live & be approved
    • The final one will go to Board in June with update to the Strategic Plan or August at the latest
  • Moving forward–have DEI more interwoven into vision, core academic & instruction goals
    • Incorporate DEIBA
    • Full-time position long-term?
    • Quantitative & qualitative metrics (Is this something Cat could explore/include)
    • Looking beyond 2023, how do we intertwine throughout the Strategic Plan?
      • Mila & Alison can brainstorm on how to do that? Do we have subcommittees? (for 4.1)
      • Kimberly & Tiki want to prioritize is 4.1 (DEI Vision & Goals, Zakia Funchess), 4.4 (Develop Staff DEI Competencies, CC) & 4.5 (Strengthening Diversity in Advanced/Gifted Cohorts, Linda Flynn) 
      • (Christi) Going back to 2nd grade MAP scores to see what the “gifted” students scored and comparing to those who scored close to the scores and explore why those kids are not hitting the scores to be identified as gifted
        • Is identifying for gifted through MAP effective? Waiting on the data from comparing the scores.
        • (Judy) Eligibility for gifted starts with MAP scores
          • That in and of itself does not promote diversity due to bias in standardized testing 
          • Would be more ideal to identify first through creativity but state structure does not allow for that
          • Criteria is inherently biased because it relies on standardized testing (MAP, milestones)
          • Have 20 who qualify for next year’s 6th grade accelerated math that represent more diversity
          • Implementing new math program for early grades in 2022-23
          • Only been in the past few years that we have moved all students to all subjects in all languages so was hard to know whether students were not being identified
          • Now teaching all 4 subjects in all languages
          • Have folks who qualify for accelerated math but not for language and vice versa
          • State is dropping accelerated math in high school which is going to impact GLOBE math offerings & content

DEI Committee Strategic Plan sub-activity assignments

Immediate action items

  • 4.1 Create Vision & Goals: Alison Rodden, Mila Konomos
  • 4.4 Develop Staff Competencies: Monique Hudson, Tiki Barnes, Mila Konomos (intersects with Academic committee)
  • 4.5 Strengthening Diversity in Advanced/Gifted Cohorts: Tasha Axam, Jabari Clark

Future Action items: 

  • 4.2 Dr. Hertz working on a comprehensive plan to develop staff training to address Student Behavior Plan long term, Tiki Barnes will keep following up
    • Strategic Plan committee chair expressed that she doesn’t foresee that these will meet the deadline of May 2023
  • 4.3 Implement Strong Start School Culture Process, on hold due to lack of staff assigned, check back in the fall 
    • Strategic Plan committee chair expressed that she doesn’t foresee that these will meet the deadline of May 2023
  • Strategic Plan Buckets (2019- 2023)
    • School Facilities
    • Organizational Development
    • Core Instruction
    • DEI


Academic committee partnership

No updates.

III. Other Business


DEI with a side of BA

Cultural Competencies = Cultural Sensitivity

  • Even how we educate is important & how kids process it
  • Cultural & racial context is so important to avoid appropriation, stereotypes, & harm


  • Any additional training with Conscious Roots would require more funding
  • Are there any discussions for future plans?
  • Might be better to find someone local to avoid travel & lodging costs
  • If having DEI interwoven, then can we have someone internally to continue DEI development?
  • Christi has discussed identifying staff on campus who could assist
  • Everyday DEI issues come up so could be helpful to have a go-to contact on campus to advise and counsel regarding DEIBA
  • What would it look like to have other stakeholders involved?
  • Equity Officer or similar role on staff? (Maybe a different title in the Elementary/Middle School context)

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Konomos