The GLOBE Academy


Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Monday December 13, 2021 at 7:00 PM


To attend the meeting virtually, please click on the following link to register:
Notice of this meeting was posted at both campuses and on the GLOBE website in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1.

Special note: This meeting was conducted remotely, due to the declared national and state public health emergencies in response to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19.

Directors Present

C. White (remote), D. Reynolds (remote), J. Clark (remote), L. Ferro Borges (remote), L. Long (remote), L. Norton (remote), L. Pacheco (remote), M. Adams (remote), M. Hudson (remote), R. Hudak (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

M. Hudson

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

L. Ferro Borges

Guests Present

Aaron Pirrotta (remote), Ashley Morris (remote), C. Elliott-Earby (remote), Christina Bowden (remote), E Tangren (remote), Farah Chang (remote), K. Henshaw (remote), K. Holder (remote), Kristeena Spivey (remote), L. Clark (remote), L. Hancock (remote), Melanie Marks (remote), Meredith Knight (remote), Michelle Gibson (remote), Robyn Brandman (remote), Stephanie Gumbis (remote), T. Barnes (remote), Vilma Villalobos (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Hudak called a meeting of the board of directors of The GLOBE Academy to order on Monday Dec 13, 2021 at 7:03 PM.


Vision, Mission and Core Values

Vision, Mission and Core Values were read by Board members.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

Aaron Pirrotta made the following public comment:


Thank you to the Board and Administration for all your efforts in support of our school.
I am speaking tonight about concerns I have with the lower campus facilities. I made public comment in October about the mold and water issues that were affecting half of the classrooms in the bottom level of lower campus. While I recognize work has been done, [a company was brought in to remediate mold and stop the water], there is still a lot that needs to be done to apply a permanent fix. I am here tonight again to voice concerns over the building conditions and to hold the administration and the board accountable for lack of progress and communication on the issue.
Following my last public comment, I was able to meet with Christi. She made it clear that the proposal to fabricate AC unit replacements was on hold. Instead a consultant was being brought in to help determine the best path forward. That a plan would be established in November and communicated at the board meeting following. As of this weekend, there were no items on the agenda that appear related. Therefore I am compelled to continue to bring awareness to this issue.
The condition of some of these lower level classrooms is not acceptable. Classrooms should not be working off portable window AC units duct taped into place, commercial dehumidifiers, residential dehumidifiers and portable heaters that constantly cause circuit breakers to trip throughout the school day. All these band-aids produce noise, then combined with students and teachers wearing masks does not make for a successful learning environment. It doesn’t create a good work environment for our teachers either … if you haven’t noticed.
My biggest concern is that while it is winter and humidity levels are traditionally lower, this issue is getting swept under the rug. Come spring these classrooms will again be breeding grounds for mold unless a permanent fix is put into place to regulate temperature and humidity. 3 months is enough time to determine a path forward. Waiting until summer to apply a permanent fix is not safe or acceptable. Please pick a path forward and communicate it. Again, communicate! Thank you for your time.


III. Consent Agenda


Approve Agenda

The agenda and minutes were approved by consent without objection.


Approve Minutes

L. Norton made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Directors Meeting on 10-25-21.
L. Long seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. PTCC Report


PTCC Report

A formal report was included in the agenda packet.

V. Administration and Committee Reports


Executive Director's Report

Christi provided an update on the following items:


COVID - partnered with Emory to help with COVID and update the COVID playbook


6th Grade Trip - trip got off the ground and it was much needed!


Spring/Winter Athletics - seeing kids play sports again has been great and the video stream has been fixed.


Outdoor lunch space - tents have arrived!


GaDOE grant - DLI grant for little sponges for younger classrooms


PTCC - was able to give money to every teacher at the start of the year


MAP - scores still show growth


Vaccinations and COVID testing - now available for all students; found company who will offer weekly testing, beginning in January


Vacancies - postings for UC Head of School and Director of Operations


Update on AC at LC and plan moving forward - all dehumidifiers have been removed. Hybernia gave all clear until spring when the air can be turned back on. Barrett Woodyard, LLC, HVAC mechanical consultants, performed an HVAC consultation on the mechanical and electrical systems. Report was incorrect and they will need to come back. Mark has the report in hand, as of today. An RFP will go out for needs. Summer is the target time frame to begin repairs and installations.


Strategic Planning Committee Report

Lillian, Christi, and Kimberly Henshaw provided a presentation on the strategic plan. A copy of which was included in the agenda packet. 


M. Hudson arrived.

VI. Committee Updates - Written Reports Only


Committee Reports

Committee updates were included in the agenda packet.
L. Ferro Borges left.

VII. New Business


Board Member Election - Tiki Barnes

M. Hudson made a motion to elect Tiki Barnes to the Board of Directors, effective immediately.
C. White seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Scheduling of Whole Board Governance Training

Ryan reminded everyone that he sent out a link for availability for Board governance training. Each Board member must have three hours of Whole Board Governance training and GCSA will facilitate the training. Ryan reported that he plans to step down as the Board chair in January. Drew is set to succeed Ryan and Lillian is set to serve as the Board vice chair. Ryan will continue to serve on the Board. 

VIII. Executive Session


To discuss personnel matters.

Motion made by Drew  to move to executive session to discuss personnel matters. Motion seconded by Jabari . Motion approved by all present. Moved to executive session at 8:16 p.m. Motion to leave executive session made by Luis. Motion seconded by Meghann. Motion approved by all present. Returned from executive session and meeting called back to order at 8:46 p.m.
M. Hudson made a motion to adopt the compensation structure, as discussed in executive session.
L. Norton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

The next scheduled meeting is set for January 31, 2022 at 7 p.m.
L. Norton made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
L. Pacheco seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Holder
Documents used during the meeting
  • 2021.12.13 PTCC Report.pdf
  • Dec 2021 Strategic Planning Update.pdf
  • 2021.12.13 Development Committee Report.pdf
  • 2021.10.21 Development Committee Meeting Minutes.pdf
  • 2021.12.13 Charter Renewal Committee Report.pdf
  • 2021.12.08 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes.pdf
  • 2021.12.13 Communications Committee Report.pdf