The GLOBE Academy


Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday September 16, 2021 at 12:00 PM


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 557 264 3765
Passcode: 9i9bph
Vision, Mission and Core Values
Vision: To develop globally minded citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effect positive change in our world.
Mission: The GLOBE Academy fosters Global Learning Opportunities through Balanced Education for children of all backgrounds. With a focus on dual-language immersion, an experiential-learning model, and a constructivist approach, GLOBE inspires students to be high- performing lifelong learners equipped to make a positive impact in the world.
Core Values: The GLOBE Academy’s core values are expressed in the acronym, CREST: Community, Respect, Empathy, Sustainability and Trust. These values are expected of the governing board, faculty, staff, parents, and students. They are woven into daily life at GLOBE and incorporated into the curriculum.
 Community: We are inclusive, and we nurture and support one another.
 Respect: We treat ourselves and each other with kindness and dignity.
 Empathy: We strive to understand and share the feelings of others.
 Sustainability: We aim to conserve our resources for optimal use in the present and future.
 Trust: We are committed to honesty, transparency, and respectfully sharing our thoughts and encouraging others to do the same.

Committee Members Present

D. Robb (remote), J. Raymond (remote), L. Clark (remote), L. Ferro Borges (remote), L. Hise (remote), L. Norton (remote), M. Adams (remote), M. Hayes (remote)

Committee Members Absent

D. Clayton-Purvis, L. Long, M. Brown, R. Hudak, T. Quarterman

Guests Present

Holly Pertier (remote), Jillian Barksdale (remote), Kimberly Williams (remote), Meredith Knight (remote), Michelle Gibson (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Adams called a meeting of the Development Committee of The GLOBE Academy to order on Thursday Sep 16, 2021 at 12:00 PM.


Approve Minutes from 8/19/21

L. Norton made a motion to approve the minutes from Development Committee Meeting on 08-19-21.
J. Raymond seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Fundraising Update

M. Adams shared the most recent fundraising results through 8/31/2021, which will also be shared at the next Board of Directors meeting on 9/27/21. The school has raised $106,339 or 71% percent of the goal for Annual Fund. There Is also a $500 sponsorship for GLOBE Trot. Overall, the school has raised $106,839 or 36% of the total fundraising goal of $300,000 for the school year.

II. General Development Committee Priorities


Annual Fund Challenge Recap

The Annual Fund Giving Challenge took place from August 1 to 31 and was very successful. A total of $97,346.64 was raised through 351 donations in the month of August. A total of $19,453.99 through 60 donations was raised during orientation. There are 34 recurring donors set up that bring in $2,903 per month and the average donation is $85.40. Sixteen of the recurring donors signed up during the Challenge. There were 154 new donors that gave $35,625.36. 52% of the donors in the Bloomerang donor database have already been retained this school year. There were 29 major donors who gave $1,000 or more totalling $39,380. Eight of those major donors were new. The winning classes are as follows: 
•Ms. Gonzalez’s K – LC 1st
•Ms. Liu’s 5th – UC 1st
•Ms. Barreneche’s K – LC 2nd
•Mr. Whitelegg’s 6th – LC 2nd
•Ms. Wang’s K – LC 3rd
•Ms. Markowitz’s 4th – UC 3rd


GLOBE Trot Planning

L. Ferro Borges lead the discussion about planning for GLOBE Trot. The venue will be at each campus at school to avoid putting kids on crowded busses. The two events will happen simultaneously at each campus starting at 9 am. J. Raymond has drafted a schedule and shared with admin at both campuses. Upper campus had a few adjustments that we are waiting on for approval.

The group discussed the pep rally video and decided that the purpose of the video should be to explain what GLOBE Trot is, share the prizes and get the kids and teachers excited to participate in the event. J. Raymond mentioned that we might want to have a separate video for parents to explain the process, explain the impact and get their buy in. M. Dama and L. Hise are taking the lead to draft a script and the committee will need help getting families, admin and teachers to film some sort clips that will be spliced together. All videos are due to M. Adams to compile by 9/24. D. Robb suggested creating a graphic for parents in place of a video and J. Barkdale agreed to work on a graphic for the group.

L. Ferro Borges explained that GLOBE has to use Dojiggy again as the fundraising platform because they are the only vendor that allows the school to do a mass import of all students and create the teams (homerooms). M. Adams explained that the new system with Dojiggy gives us two options: 1) use the platform for free and have a step in the donation process that asks if the donor wants to provide a tip to help cover the costs of the platform or 2) pay Dojiggy 4.5% of all our earnings. If we raised our goal of $140,000, that would be $7,500, which is considerably higher than what the school paid for the old pricing structure (which is no longer available). If we went with the tipping method, it would be free for the school and the tipping is optional - if no one decided to tip, the platform would still be free. Most schools choose this option. The group decided that the tipping option was fine, as long as we communicate the reason for the change to parents and offer an offline option for donor who may not feel comfortable donating online. 

The group discussed the prizes and L. Ferro Borges is still working to finalize them. The PTCC hasn't gotten back to M. Adams yet about whether they are willing to donate spirit wear for the daily raffles, so the committee is looking at other options. We decided to do raffles during the week while students are in school, starting on 10/12 - 10/15 and 10/18 -  10/21. We will need about 10-11 items, and if sponsors donate in kind items, we can use that for raffle prizes. L. Ferro Borges will get the raffle prizes ordered ASAP.

L. Ferro Borges has a standard sponsor email that she can share with the group to solicit sponsors. M. Adams will also share the sponsorship packet and list with the group and asked that anyone who has any leads for sponsors to let her know. 

J. Raymond will finalize the volunteer sign up sheet now that the event schedule is almost complete. She mentioned that in the past they had parent volunteers create a "spirit team" and they would be at morning carpool during the two weeks leading up to the event to spread the word and get everyone excited about the event. They can have pom poms and signs and possibly play music to get everyone pumped up. She asked that M. Adams check with Christi for approval to move forward on this. 

The group discussed marketing and communications and M. Adams asked for help drafting newsletter and social media posts. Some posts should be directed at parents to help them better understand the process and impact of the event. 

III. Subcommittee Discussions


Fundraising Events Subcommittee

M. Adams shared that L. Ferro Borges has come back from maternity leave and has taken a leadership role on the Development Committee by leading the planning committee for GLOBE Trot. M. Adams has proposed adding her to the board as a Development Committee Co-Chair and she would focus primarily on the school-lead fundraising events: GLOBE Trot, GLOBE Rocks and Square One Art. The board will vote at the next meeting on September 27. The committee needs to reach out to M. Cottrell to find out the Square One Art dates and how it can assist with that art fundraiser. A meeting needs to be set with the GLOBE Rocks team to find out if the event will take place this year or if it should be postponed or cancelled. 


Grants Subcommittee

This subcommittee has been put on hold while the group focuses on GLOBE Trot. M. Adams asked that members of this subcommittee help with GLOBE Trot sponsorship requests with corporations. M. Adams mentioned that the school has received Target field trip grants in the past, but that the program is no longer available. Target does have a form that can be filled out to request Target gift cards, so the subcommittee can help prepare and submit that request for possible GLOBE Trot prizes or other uses within the school. The link to the application was shared: 


Annual Fund Subcommittee

M. Adams recapped that she projects that the school will meet its Annual Fund goal by June 2022 given the board members and families who give recurring gifts each month. The next Annual Fund push will be in December before end of calendar year when many people are looking to donate for the tax incentives. 

IV. Closing Items


Committee Next Steps

The committee will focus on the tasks discussed for GLOBE Trot between now and the next Development Committee meeting, which will take place on Thursday, October 21 at 12 pm via Zoom.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:54 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Adams