The GLOBE Academy
Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Monday August 30, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Special note: This meeting was conducted remotely, due to the declared national and state public health emergencies in response to the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19.
Directors Present
C. White (remote), D. Reynolds (remote), L. Long (remote), L. Pacheco (remote), M. Adams (remote), M. Hudson (remote), R. Hudak (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Rogers
Guests Present
Aaron Pirrotta (remote), Amy Sue Mann (remote), Anya Parkes (remote), Ashley Hindenlang (remote), Ashley Morris (remote), Ashley Morris (remote), C. Blunt (remote), C. Elliott-Earby (remote), Christina Bowden (remote), Christina Steiner (remote), Christopher Marshall (remote), D. Clayton-Purvis (remote), David Thompson (remote), Doug Erwin (remote), Elise Riley (remote), Farah Chang (remote), Florence Cannon (remote), Grayson Lauterbach (remote), J. Clark (remote), Jahnisa Loadholt (remote), Jarrod Loadholt (remote), Jen Parker (remote), Jennifer Gordon (remote), Justin Stubbs (remote), K. Holder (remote), Katherine Cadena (remote), Katrina Hefner (remote), Kelly O'Neill-Exley (remote), Kennisha Davis (remote), Kristeena Spivey (remote), L. Clark (remote), L. Hancock (remote), L. Hertz (remote), L. Norton (remote), Laura Beck (remote), Laura Gieraltowski (remote), Lauren Christiansen-Lindquist (remote), Lisa Lake (remote), M. Bollinger (remote), M. Huitt (remote), M. Konomos (remote), Maggie Sherwood (remote), Megan Brown (remote), Meghan Cottrell (remote), Melanie Marks (remote), Michael Perry (remote), Michelle Gibson (remote), Miriam Rosales (remote), Robyn Brandman (remote), Sonya Foley (remote), Stephanie Gumbis (remote), Vilma Villalobos (remote), Yolonda Houston (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Vision, Mission and Core Values
II. Public Comment
Public Comment
My name is Lisa Lake. Thank you for hearing my comments at the meeting tonight. My child is in 7th grade, and this is our first full year at Globe. I just attended our first virtual curriculum night last week and was horrified to hear that the entire 7th grade was being put into one class, which made up 52 students, in one PE class, for one hour each day, with 2 teachers. They reported that they put the children 3 ft apart to do attendance, and then they split up the class and half go outside and half stay indoors. They also said they do the best they can during inclement weather, but all 52 students are indoors, inside the gym, on the days when the weather doesn’t permit them to go outdoors. I am very concerned that there are so many students in one class, 3 feet apart is still not safe, and 52 students is way too many children to be in one class. Can parents be involved in the discussions to brainstorm a better and safer way to do PE for the 7th grade class? Thank you!
The following comment was made by Mila Konomos:
Thank you, Board members, for your time this evening. My name is Mila Konomos. My partner & I have an 8 & 10 year old on the Spanish track. First of all, I know we all care & desire to keep all of our families safe & healthy & I thank you all for your commitment & efforts.
Hence, I just want to express my ongoing concern regarding the issue of indoor eating in which younger, unvaccinated students & teachers are unmasking indoors. A study published just a few days ago on August 27 by the CDC, demonstrated that an elementary school teacher in Marin County, CA infected 12 out of 24 students who were WEARING MASKS in the classroom with a high particulate air filtration unit. That’s a 50% attack rate. Again, let that sink in--the students were WEARING MASKS in a classroom with high particulate air filtration.
This study by the CDC exemplifies how easy it is for Delta to infect unvaccinated children, which is the majority of GLOBE’s student population. Until our young children can get vaccinated, we must invest in practices that ensure they can eat outdoors throughout the winter & inclement weather. Just as GLOBE mandates masks, it is vital to ensure that teachers are conducting all unmasked activities outdoors. When outdoors is not possible, we should consider staggered eating.
We must understand that the Delta variant is exponentially more infectious & contagious than the previous variant.
In an effort to be proactive & solution-oriented, our family contributed to the UC efforts to secure outdoor seating. I have also emailed the LC administration offering to assist with securing outdoor seating, & have inquired as to why teachers are not mandated to eat lunch & snack outdoors.
Thank you again, to all the administration, teachers, & staff & the Board for managing the unique demands of this ongoing pandemic.
The following comment was made by Melanie Marks:
First and foremost, I am so grateful for all the school is doing in a nearly impossible situation.
I am writing because I have a 6th grader. I feel 6th is the most at risk given their exposures to 8 different classes of kids and the fact that they are not quite old enough to be vaccinated yet. This is a lot of potential exposure and a lot of possible quarantining, even with the change to just quarantining people within 6 feet.
My son is already on his second round of quarantine due to being a close contact at school, and we are only one month into the school year. All he gets is asynchronous learning during this time. There is no synchronous learning for middle schoolers who are quarantined.
I know the school's goal is to keep kids in school for in-person learning. But the reality is there are many kids quarantined and not actually in person after all. As I understand it, about 1/3 of 6th graders are quarantined right now. During this time all they get is asynchronous work. Depending on how the pandemic plays out, the sixth graders could be home doing only asynchronous work for a significant portion of the fall (a third? half? of the time).
I know hybrid is hard for teachers, but asynchronous learning is extremely difficult for children, especially middle schoolers! Their parents don't know how to explain things like how to calculate the height of a triangle. Packets of work are not going to be sufficient learning tools for long periods of time or for frequent rounds of quarantines.
Thus, can we please come up with some out-of-the-box thinking to help our asynchronous middle schoolers, especially for math that builds so cumulatively? (e.g., Office Hours with teachers, curriculum specialists, or TAs? Teachers recording some of their explanations and posting them in Google Classroom? Live streaming certain portions of class? Links to explanations of how to do assignments, not just posting the assignments?)
Follow-up question, is there a number of kids quarantining that would trigger some sort of synchronous learning? For example, if 50% are quarantined, could they get some synchronous learning? Is there a plan for this in case it is needed?
Switching classes 8 times a day (counting homeroom) leaves our middle schoolers very vulnerable to many exposures, especially our 6th graders who are not quite old enough to be vaccinated. To avoid them being in and out of quarantine all semester, can they please be cohorted to the degree possible?
Just to clarify, this is not a criticism of the teachers or staff. I know they are working hard.
I would just like to see a better plan for asynchronous learning for middle schoolers who are quarantined.
We have been at GLOBE since halfway through the first year we are very dedicated and very involved parents, helping with Ptcc and serving on the Ptcc. I have chaired school dances, and graduation and many things school related not Ptcc. I was listening to the board meeting a burnt out parents I totally get it, we have been helping since we started at GLOBE. We love our GLOBE community and I am happy to try to come up with a Middle Road because this is gonna be a long year for all of us.
Thank you to the Board and our Amazing staff.
The following comment was made by Robyn Brandman:
Hi. Thank you for for all the hard work and dedication in getting and keeping the school open. I’m asking the academic committee to work with the school and admin on a better option for kids who are quarantined. I kept my son home for a week not because of exposure but for CREST and following the GLOBE covid protocols for travel. I know it is still the first weeks of school so I expect there will be an improvement on what instruction and work he received. Kids will be in and out of school all year. It is quite feasible for a teacher to turn on their camera. Not to do hybrid teaching but just so the students at home are getting instruction and not worksheets. It’s not a perfect solution but our kids deserve more education than worksheets. Thank you!
III. Consent Agenda
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
IV. PTCC Report
PTCC Report
V. Administration and Committee Reports
Auditor's Report
Executive Director's Report
Budget Amendment
Facilities Update
Lower Campus Head of School's Report
Upper Campus Head of School's Report
VI. Committee Updates - Written Reports Only
Committee Reports
VII. Old Business
Board Calendar
Bylaws Discussion
VIII. New Business
Board Member Election: Lillian Norton
Board Member Election: Jabari Clark
Strategic Planning Committee Chair
Charter Renewal Committee Chair
AC Units for Lower Campus
IX. Executive Session
To discuss legal and personnel matters.
Executive Session Matter: Project Ollie
X. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- 2021.08.30 PTCC Report.pdf
- 2021.08.30 Executive Director's Report.pdf
- 2021.08.30 Communications Committee Report.pdf
- 2021.08.30 Development Committee Report.pdf
- 2021.08.19 Development Committee Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 2021.08.20 Academic Committee Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 2021.08.25 Finance Committee Meeting Minutes.pdf
- 2021-22 Board Meeting Calendar.jpg