The GLOBE Academy


Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday July 15, 2021 at 12:00 PM


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 557 264 3765
Passcode: 9i9bph
Vision, Mission and Core Values
Vision: To develop globally minded citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effect positive change in our world.
Mission: The GLOBE Academy fosters Global Learning Opportunities through Balanced Education for children of all backgrounds. With a focus on dual-language immersion, an experiential-learning model, and a constructivist approach, GLOBE inspires students to be high- performing lifelong learners equipped to make a positive impact in the world.
Core Values: The GLOBE Academy’s core values are expressed in the acronym, CREST: Community, Respect, Empathy, Sustainability and Trust. These values are expected of the governing board, faculty, staff, parents, and students. They are woven into daily life at GLOBE and incorporated into the curriculum.
 Community: We are inclusive, and we nurture and support one another.
 Respect: We treat ourselves and each other with kindness and dignity.
 Empathy: We strive to understand and share the feelings of others.
 Sustainability: We aim to conserve our resources for optimal use in the present and future.
 Trust: We are committed to honesty, transparency, and respectfully sharing our thoughts and encouraging others to do the same.

Committee Members Present

D. Robb (remote), J. Raymond (remote), L. Clark (remote), L. Hise (remote), M. Adams (remote), M. Hayes (remote)

Committee Members Absent

D. Clayton-Purvis, E. Dudkiewicz, L. Ferro Borges, L. Long, L. Norton, R. Hudak

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Adams called a meeting of the Development Committee of The GLOBE Academy to order on Thursday Jul 15, 2021 at 12:04 PM.


Approve Minutes from 6/17/2021

J. Raymond made a motion to approve the minutes from Development Committee Meeting on 06-17-21.
L. Clark seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Fundraising Update

M. Adams shared the most recent preliminary fundraising results through 6/30/2021, which have not been reconciled with Finance yet since D. Clayton-Purvis is on vacation. A more finalized report on how much was raised last school year will be shared at the August Development and Board Meetings. M. Adams shared that L. Hancock, E. Dudkiewicz and K. Mines have left the Development Committee. L. Norton will likely be working on the Strategic Planning Committee and L. Borges Ferro is on maternity leave until September. With the limited resources available, the committee decided to table the grants subcommittee for now and focus on Annual Fund. M.. Hayes and L. Clark suggested posting on Volunteer Match and Linkedin to find additional volunteers to help with GLOBE's fundraising efforts. M. Hayes agreed to help with that task.

II. General Development Committee Priorities


Annual Fund Challenge Launch/Orientation

A new Annual Fund Challenge will launch this school year on August 1 and will run through August 31. The goal of the challenge is to increase participation in the Annual Fund within the school community. Any donation amount counts as participation and the class at each campus with the highest participation rate by August 31 wins a popsicle party and a GLOBE branded surprise. The Committee reviewed the flyer that L. Clark created and agreed it will be passed out at orientation and will be sent home in students' communication folders once school starts. The committee also discussed promoting the challenge during school orientation. M. Adams asked for volunteers to man the tables at each campus. M. Adams will also ask the board members to assist at the table. The Committee will create a separate webpage for the challenge on the website and promote updates on the website, social media platforms and weekly emails throughout August. L. Hise suggested having exclusive prizes at the table for parents who make an Annual Fund donation during orientation. Checks and online donations will be accepted. There will be tiered prizes depending on the amount given, but all donations will receive a prize. The committee brainstormed ideas for prizes and came up with water bottles, notebooks and pens, lunch boxes, pop sockets, lanyards ad keychains. L. Hise will help with getting quotes for prizes. The recommended amount to give to Annual Fund per student is $400 per student and that can be divided up into monthly payments of $34. The committee decided to table working on a video or creating anything that would go in the classrooms due to limited resources and manpower. M. Adams will compile a summary of next steps and send to committee members to review.


Website Updates

The Committee briefly reviewed the fundraising pages on the websites and M. Adams discussed the changes she was planning to make. L. Norton worked on revisions of the Annual Fund page that were distributed to the committee for review. L. Hise suggested adding more visuals and images to break up the text on the page, which the committee will work on over the next year. Any other changes to the pages need to be sent to M. Adams by July 23. She will work with M. Brown on getting the revisions made before the start of the school year.

III. Subcommittee Discussions


Fundraising Events Subcommittee

L. Hise will help delegate the work to start looking for GLOBE Trot sponsors in August while L. Ferro Borges is on maternity leave.


Grants Subcommittee

The committee agreed to table the work for this subcommittee until we can find additional volunteers to help.


Annual Fund Subcommittee

The entire Development Committee is focused on the Annual Fund tasks since the upcoming challenge is the priority. M. Adams also discussed how she's working on donor recognition tasks and thank you letters to wrap up the last school year before the new one begins.

IV. Closing Items


Committee Next Steps

The Committee's next steps are: 

1. M. Adams to pull together details of Annual Fund Challenge and orientation and send to the group to review and finalize. She will send the volunteer signup request to the Board for orientation. L. Hise to help get quotes for prizes.

2. Committee to review Support pages on website and send any additional changes to M. Adams by 7/23.

3. M. Hayes to assist in posting volunteer opportunities for small Development tasks on Volunteer Match and Linkedin.

The next Development Committee meeting is on August 19 and the next Board Meeting is on August 30.


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 1:02 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Adams