The GLOBE Academy


Communications Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Friday May 7, 2021 at 11:00 AM


Please use the following link to access the meeting:
Vision, Mission and Core Values
Vision: To develop globally minded citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effect positive change in our world.
Mission: The GLOBE Academy fosters Global Learning Opportunities through Balanced Education for children of all backgrounds. With a focus on dual-language immersion, an experiential-learning model, and a constructivist approach, GLOBE inspires students to be high- performing lifelong learners equipped to make a positive impact in the world.
Core Values: The GLOBE Academy’s core values are expressed in the acronym, CREST: Community, Respect, Empathy, Sustainability and Trust. These values are expected of the governing board, faculty, staff, parents, and students. They are woven into daily life at GLOBE and incorporated into the curriculum.
 Community: We are inclusive, and we nurture and support one another.
 Respect: We treat ourselves and each other with kindness and dignity.
 Empathy: We strive to understand and share the feelings of others.
 Sustainability: We aim to conserve our resources for optimal use in the present and future.
 Trust: We are committed to honesty, transparency, and respectfully sharing our thoughts and encouraging others to do the same.

Committee Members Present

L. Long (remote), R. Hudak (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

C. Elliott-Earby (remote), K. Mines (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Long called a meeting of the Communications Committee of The GLOBE Academy to order on Friday May 7, 2021 at 11:02 AM.


Approve Minutes

Motion to approve the minutes from Communications Committee Meeting on 04-13-21.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Communications


Parent Feedback

The committee discussed the spring parent survey, refining it to ensure questions would elicit meaningful, and importantly, actionable feedback. 

K. Mines will make the edits discussed, which include the following: 
  • Addition of language track question. 
  • Enabling parents of multiple students to answer some questions multiple times, so their feedback can be specific to each child's experience. 
  • Optional comment boxes throughout, so parents can share their perceptions and experiences, not just numerical ratings. 
  • Expanded communications section, with ability to indicate preferences and perceived effectiveness of various channels. 
  • Updates to Diversity and Fundraising sections. 
  • Email to accompany the survey, contextualizing it and encouraging candor. 


Proactive Communications

Tabled until next month, due to time-sensitive nature of survey discussion.


GLOBE Community Social Media

Tabled until next month, due to time-sensitive nature of survey discussion.



Tabled until next month, due to time-sensitive nature of survey discussion.


Ongoing Projects

L. Long indicated that partnership packet is nearing completion. It will be updated at the end of the school year, with the latest data points.

L. Long indicated a need to focus on communication planning for 2021-2022, including a path forward for execution. This will be worked on over the next few weeks and revisited at June meeting. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:04 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Long