The GLOBE Academy


GLOBE Trot Planning Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 6, 2020 at 7:30 PM


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 6303 5027
Passcode: 944428
Vision, Mission and Core Values
Vision: To develop globally minded citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effect positive change in our world.
Mission: The GLOBE Academy fosters Global Learning Opportunities through Balanced Education for children of all backgrounds. With a focus on dual-language immersion, an experiential-learning model, and a constructivist approach, GLOBE inspires students to be high- performing lifelong learners equipped to make a positive impact in the world.
Core Values: The GLOBE Academy’s core values are expressed in the acronym, CREST: Community, Respect, Empathy, Sustainability and Trust. These values are expected of the governing board, faculty, staff, parents, and students. They are woven into daily life at GLOBE and incorporated into the curriculum.
 Community: We are inclusive, and we nurture and support one another.
 Respect: We treat ourselves and each other with kindness and dignity.
 Empathy: We strive to understand and share the feelings of others.
 Sustainability: We aim to conserve our resources for optimal use in the present and future.
 Trust: We are committed to honesty, transparency, and respectfully sharing our thoughts and encouraging others to do the same.

Directors Present

M. Adams (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present (remote), (remote), (remote), (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Adams called a meeting to order on Tuesday Oct 6, 2020 at 7:33 PM.

II. GLOBE Trot Planning Items



The group reviewed the budget based on last year's expenses and made changes as needed for the virtual format of the event this year. M. Adams determined there is $1,170 available in the budget for prizes this year. About $1,600 has been spent on the DoJiggy platform and $2,500 on buffs to date.


DoJiggy Update

M. Adams stated that the runners have been uploaded into Dojiggy by teams (per class) and most of the website pages have been updated. She will update as more of the event details are finalized. The group will review the pages more closely and provide updates.


Prizes and Recognition

The group discussed last year's prizes and how they could be adjusted this year since school is still remote. H. Allison will send an email to the group to review and decisions on how to adjust the prizes will be made by the next meeting. Once they have been finalized. M. Adams will update the website and brochure that will sent to parents.



H. Allison secured a Runner Level sponsorship ($750) from a past sponsor. The group reviewed the sponsorship list and will follow-up as needed. It was decided to focus more on past sponsors and anyone the group had a personal connection with versus cold calling since small businesses are hurting and usually need more of a lead time. M. Adams will create a video to try to solicit sponsors within the GLOBE community.


Event Schedule and Marketing

J. Raymond will follow-up with the school's admin staff to finalize the event schedule and details and will create a chart to use for the website and student brochure. The group decided to develop an upbeat promo video in addition to the teacher compilation video to use for marketing purposes. K. Hines will help with a simple script for that video. M. Adams to include more images of Ollie the mascot on the website. K. Mines has a schedule figured out for event marketing once it kicks off on October 23.
The group will meet next on Wed., October 14 at 6 pm. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Adams