The GLOBE Academy


Diversity Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday April 15, 2020 at 6:30 PM


Committee Members Present

C. Elliott-Earby (remote), J. Limor (remote), M. Hudson (remote), T. Barnes (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Megan Brown

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Hudson called a meeting of the Diversity - DEIBA Committee of The GLOBE Academy to order on Wednesday Apr 15, 2020 at 6:30 PM.

II. Meeting Items


Old Business

Discussed with committee items discussed with ED on 3/27/20. This was reported out during last Board Meeting but was not shared in a report or shared with committee. Previously discussed items were updated where appropriate for the benefit of the committee. Updates that came during 4/15/20 committee meeting in italics
  1. How is GLOBE addressing IEPs and distance learning?
    1. Because instruction is being given to the community, 7 special ed teachers 6.5 special ed TAs reaching out to students individually. School cannot accommodate behavior based IEPs or pull-out because these are done in small groups and other parents can still see who is in the room with their kids in the online "meeting" platforms. 
  2. How is GLOBE addressing gifted and distance learning? (this is an inclusivity issue) Essential content is being pushed out. 
    1. Are gifted kids getting their actual specified amount of instruction? Have or will JB is assigning units to give them extra. Teacher recommended high achievers have access to these same assignments.They have access. Not tracking time requirements under distance learning. 
  3. Is GLOBE assuring that all of our students have a laptop or tablet at home? If not, can the community assist in making sure every student has a device other than  cell phone? Grades 4-8 have chrome books 1 to 1. Made available to LC students. And we have some left. Inquired in survey and more families came to check out additional laptops. 
  4. Has GLOBE received any feedback regarding the efficiency of the "free" internet being offered? If it is not effective, can the community help offset the cost. Inquired on survey. No feedback regarding connectivity issues from families in the survey. Unfortunately option offered by AT&T was not as useful as originally hoped.  
  5. Is GLOBE providing lunches or do our kids rely on the Dekalb resources? Charter schools met with Dekalb and Dekalb decided to accommodate everyone. 
  6. Are we assisting families that are unable to assist with distance learning? Administration has reached out to families with known challenges or families who have expressed challenges. Inquiry made in survey related to this. Parents were contacted if they expressed a need in this area and assistance was offered/plan created. Discussion: Diversity committee willing to help with students who need to live assistance and parents are unable to help (grandparents, working, ability, etc.) 


New Business

  • See italics above.
  • Meg Brown reported (and accompanying discussion):
    • We hit our goals in increasing our socioeconomic diversity numbers by use of the weighted lottery. 
    • Heat map not available at this time to determine area of the county where students come from
      • Per CEE Dekalb provides this
      • T. Barnes noted this would be helpful in looking at transportation needs
      • This would be helpful in establishing geographic Ambassadors
      • This will be helpful in determining where to focus future recruitment
    • Enrollment next steps happening differently due to Social Distancing
    • Survey will be going out to newly enrolled families.
      • Assistance is needed in "connecting" with these families since traditional meetups, picnic, etc. will not likely go forward.
    • Meg interested in new ideas (and old ideas she may not be privy to) in the realm of recruitment and orienting the new families. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Hudson


This is the Diversity Committee final meeting of the school year. Any new items of interest will be communicated via email.