The GLOBE Academy


Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Monday December 16, 2019 at 7:00 PM


4105 Briarcliff Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30345
Notice of this meeting was posted at both campuses and on the GLOBE website in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1.

Directors Present

A. Patel, A. Rogers, C. White, D. Reynolds, J. Garcia, K. Monroe, L. Pacheco, M. Adams, M. Hudson, S. Camara

Directors Absent

R. Hudak

Guests Present

C. Elliott-Earby, Cutia Blunt, D. Fagan, Gloria Lawton, J. Limor, K. Holder, M. Mazloom, Meghan Cottrell, Michael Kidd, Robyn Brandman

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Camara called a meeting of the board of directors of The GLOBE Academy to order on Monday Dec 16, 2019 at 7:07 PM.


Vision, Mission and Core Values

Vision, Mission and Core Values were read by board members.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

Robyn Brandman commented on there being conflicting information about there would be a second class in the target language for the current sixth graders next year and asked for clearer communication if this is not going to happen. Second, she asked where there aren't language clubs for elementary school and noted that the school administration has not given a direct answer as to why these clubs are no longer allowed. Third, she said there are staffing issues in third grade and this grade should be a "protected zone" where there should be a clear rubric and parents should be able to expect a certified teacher as well. Finally, she asked about the status of the job descriptions that were going to be created as a result of the new strategic plan, particularly what Christi's responsibilities are as executive director.

III. Consent Agenda


Approve Agenda

The agenda and minutes were approved by consent without objection.


Approve Minutes

K. Monroe made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Directors Meeting on 11-18-19.
D. Reynolds seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. PTCC Report


PTCC Report

There was no report this month.

V. Lower Campus Master Plan Presentation


Lower Campus Master Plan Presentation

Darren introduced Michael Kidd of Root Design and Jen of DesignWork to present the LC Master Plan, which he noted was "conceptual" and not set in stone. LC was broken into nine phases and later, more development will be put into each zone in the future. Michael stated that a digital copy and hard copy would be distributed to the school's administration and possibly later posted online or however the school's administration decides to make that available. Michael said they are working on a budget estimate to track with construction costs as well. Michael and Jen provided an overview of the improvements of the nine phases for LC. Christi said the plan is to post the plans for both campuses after a priority list is established. 

VI. Strategic Plan Update


Strategic Plan Update

Christi provided what she said is the first update of the strategic plan to the Board. She stated that updates will be provided quarterly and the subsequent updates will occur at the Board meetings on 3/30, 6/29, 9/28 and 12/14. Christi said that Katie will be adjust her role and serve as key person to check-in on the status of the items of the strategic plan and lend some level of accountability. Christi distributed a copy of the 2025 Strategic Plan Implementation Dashboard to the Board. She indicated that the plan has been broken down into four focus areas: Organizational Development, Facilities, Core Instruction and DEI. Within each of the four focus area are the strategic initiatives that have an assigned owner, who is a staff member, an advisor, who is a member of the school's administration and a board liaison. Christi said there was a meeting recently with the school's overall implementation team, which is comprised of faculty and staff. Christi said the vision for the strategic plan is that this plan is not a "one and done" but rather there is strategy behind ensuring that each initiative is moved forward. Each initiative has opportunities for faculty and staff to have their voices heard throughout the process. Christi said that following Board members are will serve as liaisons for the respective areas: Ryan (Organizational Development), Sharon (Facilities), Drew (Core Instruction) and Monique (DEI). Christi then distributed a QR code for each Board member so they can follow along with the progress of the initiatives. Christi stated that there are discussions being held to determine how to roll out community updates of the strategic plan and a final decision on that process will be discussed at the January Board meeting. She also noted that deliverables would be stored in a Google Drive folders for Board members to be able to view as they are delivered. Monique inquired why strategic plans will not be shared in real-time to the GLOBE community. Christi said that after the Board gets to review and approve items then they will be provided to the community since those items will no longer be in draft form. Christi also distributed the proposed GLOBE Graduate Profile. 

VII. Conscious Roots Contract


Approval of DEI Contract

Sharon spoke about the process to select a DEI vendor. Christi distributed a copy of the contract for the Conscious Roots, the prospective DEI vendor. The contract consists of 18-24 months worth of work and the cost will run over two fiscal years, as noted by Christi. Christi said the school's lawyer and school administration have reviewed the contract and provided their okay of it. Christi said Conscious Roots will use part of the equity audit that was conducted last year as they move forward in their work. Christi said none of the companies that were interviewed had ever previously worked with Conscious Roots. Monique stated there were not any issues in the vendor selection process and stated the committee felt comfortable with the process and the scope of work. 
C. White made a motion to approve the Conscious Roots DEI contract.
L. Pacheco seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Committee Updates


Committee Updates

Sharon indicated that in lieu of full committee reports, as given typically during Board meetings, committee chairs who wish to provide any pertinent updates are allowed to do so. No one gave a committee update. The report of the Diversity Committee, as drafted by Monique, was included in the agenda packet. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

The next scheduled meeting is set for January 27, 2020 at 7 p.m. at Upper Campus.
M. Hudson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
M. Adams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Patel