The GLOBE Academy


Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 28, 2019 at 7:00 PM


4105 Briarcliff Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30345
Notice of this meeting was posted at both campuses and on the GLOBE website in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1.

Directors Present

A. Patel, C. White, D. Reynolds, J. Garcia, K. Monroe, L. Pacheco, M. Adams, M. Hudson, R. Hudak, S. Camara

Directors Absent

A. Rogers

Guests Present

Amy Sue Mann, C. Dawn Martin, Joanna West, K. Holder, L. Hancock, Lauren Lindquist, Lorena Ferro, Meg Brown, Robyn Brandman, S. Mellage, Susana Moreira, Vilma Villalobos

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Camara called a meeting of the board of directors of The GLOBE Academy to order on Monday Oct 28, 2019 at 7:04 PM.


Vision, Mission and Core Values

Vision, Mission and Core Values were read by board members.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

Lauren Lindquist spoke about the need to separate some children in their respective language tracks to have an effective learning environment. She noted that there has been "an unhealthy sense of competition" between the language tracks that has developed which runs counter to the school's notion of building community. A possible solution is to allow for mixing across language tracks for English instruction, which will allow students to meet others and develop friendships prior to moving on to UC.

Robyn Brandman spoke about the school offering breakfast since it was listed on the school's website. She wanted to know if that was true and if so, urged that some communication be sent out. 

III. Consent Agenda


Approve Agenda

The agenda and minutes were approved by consent without objection.


Approve Minutes

C. White made a motion to approve minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting on 09-23-19 Board of Directors Meeting on 09-23-19.
A. Patel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

J. Garcia made a motion to approve minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting - Special Meeting on 10-01-19 Board of Directors Meeting - Special Meeting on 10-01-19.
L. Pacheco seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. PTCC Report


PTCC Report

There was no report given. 

V. Administration and Committee Reports


Executive Director's Report

A formal report was included in the agenda packet. 


Academic Committee Report

A formal report was included in the agenda packet. Aside from providing highlights of his written report, Drew provided a primer on his background - previously worked as a Spanish teacher and currently works as a social worker. Drew stated that the Academic Committee's focus would be to make use of the data to better help teachers in the classroom. 


Finance Committee Report

The audit and financials for July through September were included in the agenda packet. Luis gave an overview of the audit report.

Motion made by Monique to accept the FY18-19 audit report. Motion seconded by Chip. Motion approved by all present.

Luis spoke about the quarterly financials. Net income was around $370K. Luis stated Denise spoke with him about the Fidelity account and suggested closing it would be a matter for Board approval. 

Motion made by Luis to close the Fidelity account and transfer funds to the new bank. Motion seconded by Monique. Motion approved by all present.


Facilities Committee Report

A formal report was included in the agenda packet. 


Development Committee Report

A formal report was included in the agenda packet. Meghann said that she is going to the Grants Professional Association national conference in DC next week and will hopefully bring back new ideas to help the school. Anita added that GLOBE Trot is set for November 22nd. There will be no additional fundraising asks from Maker's Market until GLOBE Trot. GLOBE Rocks! planning is in full swing and it has been set for February instead of January. 


Communications Committee Report

There is no formal report this month. Anita stated that everything is all set as previously reported and there is a question about if there is a need to continue this standing committee since its purpose was to help to establish the branding strategy and communication plan. Sharon noted that the new communications staffer will begin on 11/1. 


Governance Committee Report

There was no formal report this month. Sharon stated that Karen finished the changes to the staff handbook and the staff provided their feedback. The revised handbook should be available for Board consideration at the November meeting. 


Strategic Planning Committee Report

A formal report was included in the agenda packet. 


Diversity Committee Report

There was no formal report this month. The committee did not meet in October, but will be meeting in November. Monique said she is in the process of verifying with members about holding the November meeting via teleconference. Monique said that transportation has been a hot topic as of late and something will be coming from the committee regarding that issue.  


Executive Director Evaluation and Support Committee Report

There was no formal report this month. Ryan stated that it has been a struggle to coordinate schedules with Monique and Sharon to meet, but noted that he and Sharon have been meeting with Christi weekly. Ryan said Christi's end-of-year review from last year will be presented at the November meeting. Executive session has already been planned to discuss that.

VI. New Business


Meal Charge Policy

Sharon said this policy was a requirement. A discussion was held about the policy. Monique and Anita stated that the policy was in need of edits. Chip affirmed their view. Monique asked if it was an urgent need to have this policy approved and in place. Sharon said she would find out, but noted in the meantime, it would be efficient to send the document out in Word whereby Monique and Anita can make their respective edits. Sharon said if not adopting this policy right now affects the school's participation in the program, then the Board will hold an emergency meeting to adopt the policy subsequent to the edits that will be made by Monique and Anita. 


School Leader Annual Report

Sharon commented that both reports are new and that they are required by GaDOE. Sharon said the emphasis is on incorporating the school's strategic plan. Anita asked if these are public documents and if there were any possible ramifications. Sharon said both are public documents but was unclear about what, if any, ramifications that will be as a result of submitting the info. Sharon said the forms are due by 11/1 and they were delivered without context. 

Meghann suggested the following corrections:
"Under the grants section, it looks like there's some missing and incorrect information. We received two facilities grants (one for each campus) for FY20. The lower campus grant was spent on Phase II of the playground. The upper campus grant was used for the following three projects: 1) roof/gutter replacement, 2) new chiller, and 3) pedestrian gate installation. There's no mention of the upper campus grant projects in the report. 

The FY20 safety/security grant included the following three items: 1) installation of new cellular-based security system and equipment, 2) indoor and outdoor security cameras, and 3) upgrading the access control system. There was mention of exterior lighting in the report, but that was not included in the proposal. The new security system was also not mentioned, just the cameras and the card system."

Sharon suggested the following corrections:
"on line 174 we should say yes, we are trying to buy our building or another.
on line 175 we need to add our $1 or $0 lease payment for LC."
R. Hudak made a motion to approve School Leader Annual Report, pending edits previously suggested by Meghann and Sharon.
C. White seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Chair Annual Report

R. Hudak made a motion to approve the Board Chair Annual Report.
C. White seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

The next scheduled meeting will be held on November 18, 2019 at 7 p.m. at Upper Campus.
C. White made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
M. Adams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:16 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Holder