The GLOBE Academy


Academic Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Friday October 19, 2018 at 1:30 PM


2225 Heritage Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30345
Notice of this meeting was posted on the GLOBE website in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1.

Committee Members Present

R. Hudak, S. Daniel, Z. Funchess

Committee Members Absent

B. Williams, C. Elliott-Earby, J. Weaver, K. Monroe, L. Dibble

Guests Present

J. Limor, K. Holder, Karen Padron, Melissa Murphy

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Hudak called a meeting of the Academic Committee of The GLOBE Academy to order on Friday Oct 19, 2018 at 1:37 PM.


Approve Minutes

There was not a requisite quorum for consideration of the minutes, therefore a vote was not conducted. 

II. Updates


International Trips

Judy provided an update on the progress of the capstone trip. The original option was to take a trip to France and Spain, but there were significant concerns about the cost of the trip. Also, given the size of the eighth grade class, it would have been necessary for more than 50 percent of eighth graders to go on the trip. The second option was to take a trip to Canada and Costa Rica, but there were parent concerns regarding the travel agency. For the third option, Christi, Judy and Sandra met and had ongoing discussions with representatives from Disney about a cultural trip, but the educational component would have only been four hours in length. The current plan is to take a two-day trip to Savannah, where the students will tour the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, visit the Wormsloe Historic Site, eat dinner at the Pirate's House, go to the Tybee Island Marine Science Center and conclude the trip at the First African Baptist Church, which is the oldest Black church in North America. 

A discussion was held regarding planning for future trips. Melissa proposed single country rotation trips. Beginning in 2021, French and Spanish trips would be offered, which will be the only year where more than one trip is offered. For each subsequent year only one trip will be offered. 


Middle School Model

Judy presented Jill's summary regarding research on schools across the country that offer immersion in middle school. Jill obtained the most information from DC International School, which is a partial immersion public school (grades 6th-12th). They have six different student levels, but they mix students across grades who are on the same level of language. They use Avant STAMP, as does the GLOBE. Yet, each of DC International's grade levels is greater than the size of GLOBE's entire middle school.  More information is needed on other schools. Sandra and Judy will possibly visit other schools to get more complete information. Jill will continue to ask questions of other schools and bring back that information to the committee. 


Dashboards for Board Reporting

Zakia gave a brief recap on her presentation to the Board at their previous meeting. Zakia mentioned that during her presentation she noted that the plan of action moving forward is the following: 1) to work with Judy to make sure the students with disabilities, gifted and EL students are coded correctly in MAP so the data can be extracted and 2) to work with Brian, who has a connection at DCSD, so Zakia can access the school's Milestones through Infinite Campus. Judy stated that her goal is to get the info into the MAP spreadsheet so that it will be uploaded before the winter test in December. Judy said that merging data from both spread sheets into a pivot table is needed. Melissa stated that she would be able to do that. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Judy told Ryan that he might want to consider changing the date of the next committee meeting, as it is the same day as GLOBE Trot. Ryan said that he will speak with Christi about changing the date. 
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Holder