The GLOBE Academy


Diversity Committee October Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 24, 2018 at 6:00 PM


4105 Briarcliff Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30345 (Upper Campus)
Vision, Mission and Core Values
Vision: To develop globally minded citizens who have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effect positive change in our world.
Mission: The GLOBE Academy fosters Global Learning Opportunities through Balanced Education for children of all backgrounds. With a focus on dual-language immersion, an experiential-learning model, and a constructivist approach, GLOBE inspires students to be high- performing lifelong learners equipped to make a positive impact in the world.
Core Values: The GLOBE Academy’s core values are expressed in the acronym, CREST: Community, Respect, Empathy, Sustainability and Trust. These values are expected of the governing board, faculty, staff, parents, and students. They are woven into daily life at GLOBE and incorporated into the curriculum.
 Community: We are inclusive, and we nurture and support one another.
 Respect: We treat ourselves and each other with kindness and dignity.
 Empathy: We strive to understand and share the feelings of others.
 Sustainability: We aim to conserve our resources for optimal use in the present and future.
 Trust: We are committed to honesty, transparency, and respectfully sharing our thoughts and encouraging others to do the same.

Committee Members Present

B. Jenkins, C. Catinella, J. Limor, J. Wright, M. Hudson, N. Hunter, S. Camara

Committee Members Absent

A. Patel, A. Rogers, B. Williams, C. Elliott-Earby, J. Ervin, J. Garcia, L. Adler, M. Fiedler, S. Daniel, S. Mellage, S. Moore, T. Barnes

Guests Present

Fatima Cooper

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Hudson called a meeting of the Diversity - DEIBA Committee of The GLOBE Academy to order on Wednesday Oct 24, 2018 at 6:45 PM.
At the time the meeting was Called to Order we reiterated the purpose of the Diversity Committee which is ensure the diverse members of our community are represented, heard, and considered in everything we do at GLOBE.  


Approve Minutes

MWH agreed to prepare and make available the minutes from the Thursday, September 13th.

II. Diversity Committee Meeting Discussion Items


Equity Audit

The Equity Audit is set to begin with a Kick Off meeting on Wednesday, October 31st at 9:00am!
  • Expected Attendees
    • HOS, Assistant HOS from LC and UC
    • Board Chair, Diversity Committee Chair
    • Data Coordinator
    • Administration designees if desired
  • Discussion to include:
    • Schedule of the audit (anticipated completion in December 2018)
    • Keys to success
    • Designation of logistic coordinator for both campuses
    • Site visit
Diversity Committee concerns/questions/comments/suggestions: (comments will be shared during Kick Off mtg)
  • Diversity committee will be cheerleaders/promotion ambassadors for written survey participation
  • Ensure that diverse faculty understand survey tools (consider group surveys or interviews)
  • Willing to assist with age appropriate surveys if necessary (smiley faces, raised hands, etc.)
  • Suggested completion during tech class for LC
  • Suggested completion during homeroom for UC
Equity Audit proposal will be available on Board on Track and possibly the GLOBE website.


Community Forum

The Forum relates to the "town hall forum" referenced in the HOS October 11, 2018 email to the GLOBE community. Diversity Committee assisting with the engagement of an outside/professional facilitator. Forum date and time TBD upon engagement and coordination with facilitator and school calendar.

Discussion held regarding the expectations of the content, participants, and format of the forum. Very different perceptions and expectations from committee members.
  • Q&A session regarding recent event
    • Major concerns regarding privacy of the families involved
  • Policy regarding bullying
    • How is it defined at GLOBE
    • What would GLOBE do in specific instances
    • What does GLOBE do proactively to address bullying
  • Who should be in attendance at the forum
    • Faculty should be there. Parents want to know how those in charge at school address the situation and training they have received.
  • Format suggestions
    • Perhaps questions could be submitted before hand to allow through answers and grouping of like issues by facilitator.
    • Limited Q&A for those who have add'l questions with the understanding that some questions may need follow up.
Expectations will be discussed with Administration and Board for communication with facilitator and organization of the forum.

III. New Business


Committee Member Comments and Concerns

  • Concern about faculty/staff training regarding historical matters in the US and how they influence current culture. Example was given about how some foreign staff are unaware of the controversy around Columbus Day.
  • Hispanic Heritage, Chinese New Year, French celebration, should somehow be blended and appreciated/celebrated across tracks. Consistent messaging with rationale among tracks and exposure to other students.
    • Many believe this is already being done. But some do not.
  • Suggested that International Fest do more to highlight different cultures and communities.
    • Suggested that food choices be set up in stations and guest travel to the various stations and learn about the culture in those places.
    • Families can be encouraged to showcase their cultures.
  • Black History month initiatives are underway by the PTCC! Diversity Committee will reach out to see if we can be of assistance.
  • Suggested developing diversity focused action items for teachers. Suggestions:
    • 5 minute Focus Topic suggestions from the Diversity Committee.
    • Diversity Committee newsletter
    • Offer suggestions to HOS for her Cultural Competence communications
    • Diversity Committee develop single sentence challenges

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Communication will go out to Diversity Committee members regarding equity audit surveys.

Next meeting set for Monday, December 3rd at 6pm.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Hudson