The GLOBE Academy


Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Monday August 27, 2018 at 7:00 PM


4105 Briarcliff Road, Atlanta, GA 30345
Notice of this meeting was posted at both campuses and on the GLOBE website in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1.

Directors Present

B. Williams, J. Archila, R. Hudak, S. Camara, S. Moore, W. Acree

Directors Absent

A. Patel, C. White, M. Hudson

Guests Present

April Fields (PTCC), Ashley Bachar, C. Elliott-Earby, Cristina Steiner, David Gumbis, K. Holder, Karen Padron, Katie Monroe, Laura Hancock, Meghann Adams, Mireille Etienne, Robyn Brandman, Roei Bachar, Tiki Barnes, Vilma Villalobos

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Camara called a meeting of the board of directors of The GLOBE Academy to order on Monday Aug 27, 2018 at 7:20 PM.


Vision, Mission and Core Values

Vision, Mission and Core Values were read by board members.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

Robyn Brandman commented that it would helpful if there were more opportunities for parents to provide their input on various matters at the school She also stated that greater transparency is necessary.

III. Consent Agenda


Approve Agenda

The agenda and minutes were approved by consent without objection.


Approve Minutes

B. Williams made a motion to approve minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting on 08-06-18 Board of Directors Meeting on 08-06-18.
J. Archila seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Executive Session


Employment matter

Motion made by Juan to move to executive session to discuss an employment matter. Motion seconded by Ryan. Motion approved by all present. Moved to executive session at 7:30 p.m. Motion to leave executive session made by Juan. Motion seconded by Stacey. Motion approved by all present. Returned from executive session and meeting called back to order at 7:41 p.m.

V. PTCC Report


PTCC Report

A formal report was included in the packet. April Fields provided an oral report during the meeting.

VI. Administration and Committee Reports


Head of School Report

A formal report was included in the agenda packet. Christi stated that the county will be at the school next Thursday to conduct the 20-day count. Sharon noted that the rule allowing language immersion schools to accept children after their entry year and require language experience either from prior language immersion schooling or native language is in the queue for approval by the state BOE. The rule will be formally taken under consideration by the state BOE in September and voted on in November. Sharon also indicated that the state was working on providing the school with a written document to accept those students in the meantime. Christi said that there is a policy in the works regarding that and once it is finalized, it will be brought before the Board.


Academic Committee Report

A formal report was included in the agenda packet. Ryan said that there will be a review conducted on how to move forward on putting together the international trips. 


Finance Committee Report

There was no formal report this month. 


Facilities Committee Report

There was a formal report included in the agenda packet.


Development Committee Report

There was a formal report included in the agenda packet. Will inquired about a listing of the parents and their employers. Christi said that there are pieces of that information available. Will mentioned working with PTCC to gather that information. Will stated that he met with the CEO of the U.S. Soccer Foundation about installing a mini-pitch at the school, as they are looking for more urban areas to install them across the metro Atlanta area.


Communications Committee Report

There was no formal report this month. Christi stated that the committee met and is in the process of selecting a vendor to assist with the branding campaign. Christi said that hopefully a final decision will be made soon.


Governance Committee Report

There was no formal report this month. Stacey stated that the committee is working on the following items: creating a Board applicant calendar, a compliance calendar for all of the governance protocols under charter school rules and regulations, revisions to the bylaws to include changes to Board operations, conducting a Sunshine Law review (set tentatively for the next Board meeting), creating a committee meeting schedule for the year and prioritizing any other outstanding policies deemed critical. 


Strategic Planning Committee Report

There was a formal report included in the agenda packet. Sharon stated that a survey on the prospective strategic planning vendors will be sent out to the Board members who were present for the interviews with the prospective vendors. 

Motion made by Stacey to approve a budget of $50K in total for the engagement of vendors for the equity audit and strategic plan. Motion seconded by Juan. Motion approved by all present.

Motion made by Stacey to approve the Strategic Planning Committee to select the strategic plan vendor and equity audit vendor subject to the agreed budget of $50K in consultation with Monique. Motion seconded by Brian. Motion approved by all present.


Diversity Committee Report

There was no formal report this month. 

VII. Old Business


Staff Retreat Invoice - B. Williams

W. Acree made a motion to approve the payment of Brian's invoice for services rendered at the staff retreat.
R. Hudak seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Patel
C. White
J. Archila
S. Camara
W. Acree
S. Moore
B. Williams
R. Hudak
M. Hudson


Board Retreat

The listing of the action items from the 8/18 Board Retreat was included in the agenda packet. 

VIII. New Business


HOS Evaluation and Support Committee

R. Hudak made a motion to create the Head of School Evaluation and Support Committee.
S. Moore seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
The Head of School Evaluation and Support Committee will consist of the following Board members: Monique, Ryan and Sharon.


Tentative Calendar of Committee Meetings

Sharon stated that the meeting dates for the respective committees would be compiled and published. 


HOS Employment Matter

R. Hudak made a motion to approve the action proposed regarding the Head of School's compensation.
J. Archila seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

The next scheduled meeting will be held on Monday, September 24, 2018 at 7 p.m. at Upper Campus.
J. Archila made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
S. Moore seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:31 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Holder