The GLOBE Academy


Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Monday December 18, 2017 at 7:00 PM


2225 Heritage Drive NE, Atlanta, GA 30345

Directors Present

A. Patel, C. White, J. Archila, M. Hudson, R. Hudak, S. Camara

Directors Absent

S. Moore, W. Acree

Guests Present

C. Elliott-Earby, K. Holder

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Brian Williams was also absent.


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Camara called a meeting of the board of directors of The GLOBE Academy to order on Monday Dec 18, 2017 at 7:08 PM.


Vision, Mission and Core Values

Vision, Mission and Core Values were read by board members.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comments were made.

III. Consent Agenda


Approve Agenda

Sharon asked if there were any objections to approving the consent agenda. Hearing none, the consent agenda was approved. 


Approve Minutes

S. Camara made a motion to approve minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting on 11-27-17 Board of Directors Meeting on 11-27-17.
R. Hudak seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Administration and Committee Reports


Head of School Report

Lindsey Mann and Sandra Daniel  will be making presentations at the Jan BOD meeting. All K-5 language teachers have completed math training of numbers and operations that were written in all three languages for all grade levels. The GA DOE has conducted several interviews and captured video of the school paving the way for it to be the face of DLI in Georgia. The school will be hosting DLI in a Day at Upper Campus on Jan 27, 2018. One hundred teachers from across the state have already signed up. Christi will serve on a panel during the event. In March, a group of GLOBE Academy students will perform at "International Day at the Capitol." GLOBE Academy was the only school that was asked to perform. 


Academic Committee Report

Ryan noted that he will speak with Will about funding sources for the international trip. Ryan indicated he has received initial inquiries from two individuals from Emory University about joining the Academic Committee. An initial phone interview was held and Ryan plans to invite them to attend the Jan BOD meeting. Monique inquired if the funding sources would be used to offset the cost of the trip and if so, the prospect of giving timely notice to those who are interested in having their children go on the trip. Ryan stated that given the current timeline of the trip that there will not be an adequate answer regarding financial assistance by Jan 12, 2018. Ryan also stated that a decision about whether the trip will be held regardless of the number of students needs to be made. More information will be provided at the Jan BOD meeting.


Finance Committee Report

Committee did not hold meeting prior to Dec BOD meeting. Financials will be presented for the end of Nov and possibly Dec at their next meeting. There have been discussions with Laura Stovall regarding the funding sheet, as there is a discrepancy between what is being used and what the state says should be used. Sharon said that they are confident the wrong sheet is being used. An update was provided, but the county did not initially receive the update. The county has since received it and there will be an increase in the school's funding, but the calculations are still off. Chip stated before budget changes are made or projections are adjusted prior to the renewal contract, they want the funding numbers to match or to receive an explanation about why the expected funding and the actual funding are different. The renewal contract will not be locked in until the funding numbers are reconciled. In an unrelated remark, Chip said he met someone who told him it would be worth the hassle of having their kids attend two different schools just as long as one of their children had the opportunity to attend GLOBE Academy. 


Facilities Committee Report

Juan clarified the second item in the committee report, as he noted Mobile Modular beat out Vanguard and Modspace based on price, responsiveness "and/or" size of the proposed modular units. Mobile Modular would not have beat the others on price alone. 


Development Committee Report

Anita stated that, according to the website, the current GLOBE trot total is $123,094. Reconciliations are being done on the back end. There are $13,985 in matching funds, which represents the highest total for sole matching funds for GLOBE trot. There are outstanding checks and cash that are being reconciled, which account for $8,200. Last year, there were outstanding checks and cash that totaled $8,000. Anita is working on resolving system issues. Excluding outstanding items, the GLOBE trot numbers are $114,000, direct donations to Annual Fund total $66,357 and $39,050 from Facebook "Thankful Tuesday" (this total does not include possible matching funds from Facebook or the Gates Foundation,  as there has been no final word whether any donations received on that date were matched). Recurring monthly donations plus matches from GLOBE trot and GLOBE Rocks! equals a total projected amount of $226,000. Anita thanked the parents who have donated on a monthly basis. 


Strategic Planning Committee Report


Charter Renewal Committee Report

GA DOE originally sent a contract with the Museum School's lottery formula attached to it as guidance. A discussion was held with them to clarify that GLOBE Academy's goals are different from the Museum School's, therefore following the same lottery formula would not be ideal. Rob felt it was too much detail from them for a charter contract. It has been negotiated that the renewal contract will indicate that there is a weighted lottery policy that the state is allowed to review and if any changes are made, then the state will have 14 days to review it and provide feedback. There is also some language regarding surveys that feedback has yet to be given on. The plan is after this year when outreach is conducted, if the numbers are not achieved, then next year the weighted lottery is an option. Ryan asked if there was clarification about the metric that based absence percentage on the old CCRPI. Sharon stated she would have Rob officially ask about that. 

Motion made by Monique to approve the proposed language for the lottery policy, surveys and to formally put the issue of the CCRPI attendance metric before the state. Second by Anita. Motion approved by all present.


Communications Committee Report

There is a new school logo. Three new logo files. There have been changes to the positions of the flags and minor tweaks to the flags of the countries included in the logo. Susan conducted research on countries to include those that speak the GLOBE Academy's core languages. Anita will circulate the logos for future BOD approval. Monique asked if the website will discuss the story behind the new logo. Anita said it will. Sharon stated that there are 150 applicants for the part-time communications support staff position. Anita commended Alison Mueller on crafting stories that are placed on the school's main page. Next month, Anita will report on this past semester's satisfaction surveys. 


Diversity Committee Report

Committee met on Nov  30th. Half of the attendees were individuals who are new to the committee. Monique noted that the committee has an eclectic mix of people who will be actively engaged. Monique spoke about the importance of capturing accurate and complete data from the exit surveys. 

Actions item for Anita
Update survey to allow parents to choose a board member to speak with
Get Susan to download the reasons for leaving from the exit surveys to place them in a graph and forward it to Monique

V. New Business


Mobile Modular contract

C. White made a motion to accept the second Mobile Modular quote dated 12/18/2017.
R. Hudak seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


BOD Code of Ethics

Sharon spoke about the Conflict of Interest policy and requested that each board member sign the acknowledgement page and return them to Kevin. Sharon asked Kevin to make a minor edit on the Code of Ethics, replacing "model" with "GLOBE."
C. White made a motion to accept the Code of Ethics.
M. Hudson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

All board members are required to attend GLOBE Rocks! on Jan 27, 2018. A reminder will be sent out to all members. The next BOD meeting is scheduled for Jan 29, 2018 at 7 pm at Lower Campus. 
S. Camara made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
R. Hudak seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:31 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Holder