Legacy Schools Board of Directors


Legacy Prep Board of Directors meeting

April Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 11, 2023 at 4:30 PM


Legacy Prep

1500 Daniel Payne Drive

Bessemer, AL 35022

Legacy Prep Board of Director's Meeting

Directors Present

Adrienne Brooks, Earlisha Williams, LaTasha Nix, Orazio Mancarella, Ruqayyah Abdullah

Directors Absent

Desire Crumb

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Earlisha Williams, LaTasha Nix

Guests Present

Carol Hollis

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Ruqayyah Abdullah called a meeting of the board of directors of Legacy Schools Board of Directors to order on Tuesday Apr 11, 2023 at 4:38 PM.

Due to not having a quorum, the business portion of the meeting was delayed.

Dr. Reneta Johnson, Head of Schools gave a state of the schools presentation.

She reminded us of our mission, vision and core values. 

She shared the following points:


  • Present enrollment is 380 with a goal of 94.6% retention rate for scholars.
  • The average retention rate for returning scholars stands at 83.42%
  • All seats offered at the lottery have been accepted and each grade level has a waiting list.
  • Significant effort is being made on students who are chronically absent (18 or more days). Currently we have 20.79% of our scholars in this range
  • We are exploring options for bus transportation, which will pick up from hubs around the city. 
    • STS transportation would require a 3 year contract
    • It would cost approximately $225,000 to fund buses for the 2023-24 school year 
  • Grants were received from SummerBoost and Teacher Recruitment and Retention
  • Upcoming event for new families is Come See Our Village Day on April 26





LaTasha Nix arrived at 4:58 PM.


School Update

Due to not having a quorum, the business portion of the meeting was delayed.


Dr. Reneta Johnson, Head of Schools gave a state of the schools presentation.

She reminded us of our mission, vision and core values. 

She shared the following points:


  • Present enrollment is 380 with a goal of 94.6% retention rate for scholars.
  • The average retention rate for returning scholars stands at 83.42%
  • All seats offered at the lottery have been accepted and each grade level has a waiting list.
  • Significant effort is being made on students who are chronically absent (18 or more days). Currently we have 20.79% of our scholars in this range
  • We are exploring options for bus transportation, which will pick up from hubs around the city. 
    • STS transportation would require a 3 year contract
    • It would cost approximately $225,000 to fund buses for the 2023-24 school year 
  • Grants were received from SummerBoost and Teacher Recruitment and Retention
  • Upcoming event for new families is Come See Our Village Day on April 26






Approve Agenda

Orazio Mancarella made a motion to approve the agenda.
Adrienne Brooks seconded the motion.


The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve the Minutes

Adrienne Brooks made a motion to approve the minutes from Legacy Prep Board of Directors meeting on 03-14-23.
Orazio Mancarella seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Earlisha Williams arrived at 5:04 PM.

II. Academic Committee


Summer Program Update

Dr. Johnson updated the board on plans for the LP Summer Program

  • K-3 will be Literacy Camp
  • Grades 4-5 will be Math Camp
  • Scholars will be invited to attend based on data from testing
  • @ 100 scholars will be invited
  • Dates are June 5 - June 27
  • Guides will work Monday - Thursday and Friday will be enrichment provided by AG Gaston Boys and Girls Club



Orazio Mancarella made a motion to approve the Summer Program for 2023.
Earlisha Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Calendar 2023 - 2024

Adrienne Brooks made a motion to approve the proposed calendar for the 2023-24 school year.
Orazio Mancarella seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


ACAP Update

Dr. Johnson reported that ACAP test were going well. Our goal is 100% scholar participation.

III. Governance Committee


Facilities Updates

Orazio Mancarella made a motion to to go into an Executive Session at 6:20 pm. No approvals or motion were made.
Earlisha Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Orazio Mancarella made a motion to authority to negotiate on a lease with Daniel Payne within the terms discussed in Executive Session.
LaTasha Nix seconded the motion.

Board called out of executive session and into regular session at 6:53

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Level Field

Orazio Mancarella made a motion to Level Playing Field for Scope A.
Earlisha Williams seconded the motion.

Dr. Johnson was asked for her feedback on Level Playing Field. She would encourage them to make more progress/quicker pace.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Retreat and Other Learning Opportunities

Board Chair, Mrs. Abdullah shared several learning opportunities for board members. She asked them to check their calendars and look over the workshops and conferences being offered.


Board Membership

Orazio Mancarella made a motion to approve the appointment of Mr. Reginald Chapple for board membership.
Adrienne Brooks seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Finance Committee


February Financial Reports

Orazio Mancarella made a motion to approve the financial statements based on bank reconciliations for the month ending February 28, 2023.
LaTasha Nix seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Orazio Mancarella made a motion to to approve the hire of (2) guides for the addition of 6th grade, and (1) K-3 to replace a guide who is not returning.
LaTasha Nix seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Orazio Mancarella made a motion to adopt the changes to the bylaws that will reflect the addition of a President-Elect and Immediate Past President as Board offices.
LaTasha Nix seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Carol Hollis