Legacy Schools Board of Directors
Special Call Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday July 26, 2022 at 5:30 PM
Legacy Prep
1500 Daniel Payne Drive
Birmingham, AL 35214
Directors Present
Adrienne Brooks, Darlene Wilson, Orazio Mancarella, Ruqayyah Abdullah
Directors Absent
Earlisha Williams, LaTasha Nix
Ex Officio Members Present
Reneta Johnson
Non Voting Members Present
Reneta Johnson
Guests Present
Carol Hollis, Willie Davis
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. School Update - Occupancy Plan
Occupancy Plan
Consulting Support - Profession Dev and School Ops
Dr. Johnson reported that Ms. Mia Toole is assisting the leadership team with professional development, logistics based on occupancy, family engagement, etc. She asked that the Board approve her to be compensated hourly with pay not to exceed $3500. Mr. Mancarella motioned to approve compensation for Ms. Toole, not to exceed $3500 total. Ms. McElroy seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
New Hires
Dr. Johnson reported that we had a Kindergarten teacher who resigned today due to family obligations. In addition we have 1 -3rd grade position available but we have a qualified candidate ready to fill it. We also need 1 EA Guide to teach electives, which is mandated as part of our charter. We may also need 1 addition PE Guide or 2 PE aides to provide each student with 30 minutes of PE each day. 2 SpEd Guides needed, 1 for self contained unit and 1 for 10 incoming K scholars with IEPs or a doctor's diagnosis of a severe condition.
Ms. Wilson motioned to approve the new hires, pending secured funding for PE. Mr. Mancarella seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote of the Board.
Amended Budget Item FY 22
Budget amendment was submitted in June for $25,000 needed to offset cost for move to second location. Since this move will not take place, Mr. Davis asked that these funds be used to make modifications to the DP building to house all students. No motion was needed.
Contract Renewals
Dr. Johnson said we contract out services for speech and psychometry. We are required to provide these services to support our scholars. Dr. Johnson asked that we continue the contracts that we have in place for for Speech ($30,000), Gifted ($40,000) and Psychometrist ($40,000).
III. Governance
Policy Pipeline
This is a service provided by Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB) which reviews all the legislative polices changes that school board are required to review and/or vote on. They also will let us know what legislative policies we, as a charter school are exempt from adopting. The cost is $850 annually and Ms. Abdullah recommended that the Board approve subscribing to this service.
Ms. Wilson motioned that the Board subscribe to the Policy Pipeline at an annual cost of $850. Mr. Mancarella seconded the motion and it was passed by unanimous vote.
Design Services
Ms. Abdullah shared that we are using Level Field to help us in the search for our Legacy Prep forever home search. One of the designers is H2 studios will work on Phase 1 and 2 of the project at a cost not to exceed $6510. Ms. Wilson motion to approve and Ms. McElroy seconded the motion which was passed unanimously.
Dr. Johnson reported on LP options for housing scholars for the 2022-2023 school year. She reported that it would be more beneficial to keep all scholars on one campus. Therefore, the portable building would be utilized since they are new and suitable for instruction.
Modifications would be made in some of the extra large rooms inside the Daniel Payne Building by dividing them into 2 rooms. All Kindergarten classes will be housed downstairs. Grades 1, 3, 4, and 5 will be housed on the 2nd floor. Grade 1 and SpEd will have separate restrooms. Grade 5 will be in the former collab tank, while the former music room will become the collab tank and half of that space will be instructional offices. Dr. Johnson believes that we have enough furniture for all classrooms.
Enrollment numbers so far:
Grade 1 - 83
Grade 2 - 84
Grade 3 = 68
Grade 4 - 54
Grade 5 - 33
She said we have capacity for more students in Grades 4 and 5.
Ms. Wilson motioned that we approve the occupancy plan as presented. Mr. Mancarella seconded the motion and it was passed by unanimous vote.