Legacy Schools Board of Directors
Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday December 14, 2021 at 4:30 PM
Directors Present
Darlene Wilson, Orazio Mancarella (remote), Ruqayyah Abdullah (remote)
Directors Absent
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
Darlene Wilson
Guests Present
Ashley Buckelew, Brandi Tucker, Carol Hollis (remote), Joi Gresham, Mia Toole, Phillip Giles, Willie Davis (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Ruqayyah Abdullah called a meeting of the board of directors of Legacy Schools Board of Directors to order on Tuesday Dec 14, 2021 at 4:35 PM.
Approve the Agenda
Orazio Mancarella made a motion to to approve the agenda.
Ruqayyah Abdullah seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Consent Agenda Items
Orazio Mancarella made a motion to to approve the items for the consent agenda.
Ruqayyah Abdullah seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Interim CEO Stipend
Orazio Mancarella made a motion to to approve a monthly stipend of $5,000 for additional duties for Mr. Willie Davis while acting as Interim CEO.
Ruqayyah Abdullah seconded the motion.
Mr. Willie Davis was named Interim CEO/Head of Schools at a previous board meeting. The recommendation is for a stipend of $5,000/month for additional duties for his new position.
Approval of Minutes 11-9-2021
Orazio Mancarella made a motion to approve the minutes from Meeting of the Legacy Prep Schools Board of Directors on 11-09-21.
Ruqayyah Abdullah seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approval of Minutes 11-19-2021
Orazio Mancarella made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Called Board Meeting on 11-19-21.
Ruqayyah Abdullah seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Minutes 11-30-2021
Orazio Mancarella made a motion to approve the minutes from Special Called Board of Directors Meeting on 11-30-21.
Ruqayyah Abdullah seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Board Member Update
Ms. Earlisha Williams
The next order of business was to present Ms. Earlisha Williams, a Legacy Village parent, and serves as Executive Director of Human Resources at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and is also an attorney. She has met with our Board members, Interim CEO and the LP leadership Team. Ms. Williams previously served as a LP Board member and is aware of the duties and responsibilites. Ms. Abdullah recommended that Ms. Earlisha Williams be approved to serve on the Legacy Prep Board or Directors.
Orazio Mancarella made a motion to approve Ms. Earlisha Williams to the Legacy Prep Board of Directors.
Ruqayyah Abdullah seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Finance Updates
Enrollment 2022 - Marketing Agreement
Orazio Mancarella made a motion to to approve hiring Trend Media for Legacy Prep marketing in the amount of $18,000 paid in monthly increments for marketing services for the 2022-2023 enrollment year.
Ruqayyah Abdullah seconded the motion.
Mrs. Mia Toole followed up with other marketing firms and requested proposals. Of the three minority owned firms she received a bid from one, B Grace at $2500/monthly but it did not the scope of work outlined by Trend Media. The proposal did not include Facebook and Google media ads.
Ms. Abdullah recommended that the Board approve Trend Media at a cost of $18,000.
September and October Financials
Orazio Mancarella made a motion to to approve the September, 2021 financial statements based on bank reconciliations.
Ruqayyah Abdullah seconded the motion.
Mr. Davis reported to the Board on the financial reports for the month of September, 2021 based on bank reconciliations. He said that the ending fund balance for the fiscal year ending on September 30, 2021 was $581,829.96. The October financials will be tabled until the January board meeting.
IV. School Update - End of Semester
Ms. Abdullah gave special thanks to Mr. Davis, Dr. Tucker, Mr. Giles, Ms. Buckelew, and Mrs. Toole for their leadership through a challenging 1st semester. She said without their leadership and the work of the guides and other LP Village staff, we would not have made it this far.
Dr. Tucker reminded us the lessons that we learned during a challenging school start this year. She is proud of the way our staff has risen to the occasion.
Mrs. Toole reported to the Board on average daily attendance. Our goal is 90% average daily attendance and we currently have 92.5%. She also reported that Giving Tuesday raised $24,435, we also have 11 parents who volunteered their time.
Our year to date scholar retention rate is 99%, our goal is 90%. Our scholar attendance number on count day was 359 and now we have 356 scholars enrolled.
Our staff retention rate is 83%, which does not include our reduction in force. Our Year 3 goal for preventable staff attrition rate is 10%. We did not meet our goal for staff retention.
Darlene Wilson arrived at 5:00 PM.
Mr. Giles and Mrs. Gresham updated the Board on school infractions/positive and negative behaviors and which of the 3 tiers the negative behaviors fell under. He said there have been 12 suspensions this school year. He shared that the Culture team have done small groups and restorative groups to address many of the negative behaviors. Also, family nights have been held along with 63 village visits by Mrs. Gresham.
He also shared the truancy report, which included a breakdown of unexcused absences, unexcused tardies and early dismissals. Parents are contacted by personal phone calls, emails and letters to address these issues.
Mr. Giles is also working with UAB to have a COVID testing and vaccination site at LP for scholars and families.
Mrs. Gresham has begun a partnership with a counseling agency that will provide small group counseling for some of our scholars who are exhibiting consistent negative behavior.
The Board asked questions regarding truancy numbers and Mrs. Gresham said the numbers were higher than ideal. She has had some positive response from parents but many families have not responded. She said next steps for many of these would be to inform authorities. The Board agreed that follow up and strategic planning is needed to address this serious problem.
Ms. Buckelew updated the Board on Math and Literacy Assessments. The tests are rigorous and scholars must not only choose the right answer but be able to successfully navigate through the testing software. The test results drive instruction and guide us in changes that need to be made to increase scholar testing and instructional success.
Overall School
Dr. Tucker reported to the Board on the State Department of Education Compliance Monitoring. She said that we have satisfied all findings for the Compliance visit for Federal Programs.We are now waiting on approval from Dr. Dean.
V. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:47 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ruqayyah Abdullah