Whatcom Intergenerational High School


Whatcom Intergenerational High School Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 20, 2025 at 5:30 PM


Hybrid meeting.  Available to join via Zoom or in person at WIHS.

Directors Present

A. Juarez Cordova (remote), N. Mughal-Barrows (remote), S. Clark (remote)

Directors Absent

J. Johnson, M. Hudson

Ex Officio Members Present

D. Walker

Non Voting Members Present

D. Walker

Guests Present

Allison Leath (remote), E. Zamora (remote), Halma Abubakar (remote), K. Silberstein (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Juarez Cordova called a meeting of the board of directors of Whatcom Intergenerational High School to order on Thursday Feb 20, 2025 at 5:36 PM.


Record Attendance & Welcome


Land Acknowledgement

E.Zamora read the land acknowledgement


Mission & Vision

A.Juarez-Cordova read the mission and vision


Approve Minutes

A. Juarez Cordova made a motion to approve the minutes from Whatcom Intergenerational High School Board Meeting on 01-16-25.
S. Clark seconded the motion.

N.Mughal Barrows abstained due to not attending the Jan meeting

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Consent Agenda

A. Juarez Cordova made a motion to Approve the consent agenda and the Accounts Payable for January.
S. Clark seconded the motion.

The following payments as audited and certified by the auditing officer, as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursements claims certified, as required by RCW 42.24.090, are approved for payment. In addition, payroll payments in the amount of $59,662.12 are also approved.


General Fund

Accounts Payable

Total electronic payments totaling $135,508.81

Accounts Payable check number N/A totaling $0.00 


Non-AP Cash Disbursements

Total electronic payments totaling $1,305.19

Non-Accounts Payable check #275, 277, 278, 290 totaling $1,901.18



Total electronic payments totaling $59,662.12 and

Payroll check number N/A totaling $0

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment


Public Comment

Introduction of Allison Leath- parent and prospective board member. 

III. School Updates


School Team Updates

W.Shreffler shared about the trip to Olympia on Tuesday- meetings with State representatives, touring, and sharing their powerful experiences and stories.  The attending students were: Jayla Jefferson, Layla Avila, Ace McCracken, and Anisah George.  All shared that it was a profound experience that allowed them to see how their voices can impact others.


Enrollment Update

A.Lindgren presented on progress for enrollment for 25-26

  • Starting to see Facebook interest based on the 
  • Staff member designated to take on the 
  • February open house was a success- 4 families. 2 have enrolled starting now.
  • Intent to return- sent out and confirmed by the end of February
    • Anyone without a reply or no/unsure they will collect data on why they are making that choice
  • Only no responses are due to students who are graduating
  • A.Leath asked if Julia was still working with recruitment, and A.Lindgren said not at this time. 


WIHS Academic Overview

D.Walker talked about new events, and ways to have our students out in the community


E.Zamora shared about upcoming events:

  • Black History Month- stations to experience hands-on activities- musician lessons on Afro Latino rhythms, documentaries, Ethiopian food, invited a grandmother of a student who is a caterer/baker to bring cookies, etc. and share her experience
  • First time with weekly attendance experiences- they hear about it during the Friday Rally- see what our perfect attendance numbers are, and 100% attendance are invited to the Wednesday Attendance experience
    • This week was Chocolate Fondue!  20 students were celebrated
    • Next week is Mario Cart Madness competition and popcorn- 28 students with perfect attendance will attend.

E.Zamora shared the Avg attendance percentages for the past few weeks



Winter NWEA MAP Testing Review

IV. Finance


School Financial Update

K.Silberstein shared the Jan financials-

  • Enrollment holding strong at or above the budgeted amount for the year
  • OSPI will start showing apportionment changes in the next month
  • Federal funds placed in Feb, and should be right on target
  • Updated budget projections will come end of February
  • Should end up around the 60 day cash at end of the month
  • SAO audit follow up at $88,000 for teacher certification changes
  • Local support is at $40,000, so it is important to reach that target


23-24 Audit and 990 Review

A. Juarez Cordova made a motion to Approve the fiscal year 2024 independent audit.

N.Mughal had to leave, so didn't have quorum for this vote.  H.Abubakar will let D.Walker know if the extension can wait until the next board meeting or if the board needs an additional meeting to vote

The motion did not carry.

V. Cultural Engagement Committee Update


Cultural Engagement Committee Update

S.Clark shared that she is working with the event committee and school event planning to support in the school at that level.  


D.Walker said that she would meet with N.Mughal Barrows and S.Clark about the board level meetings and work so that it can continue from where P.Freeland had been working.

VI. Governance


CAP, Compliance, and Reporting Updates

D.Walker shared CAP and Compliance updates:

  • Currently 100% compliant with the CAPs
  • Update on commission renewal steps- timeline shared, no board support requested yet
  • Informed Board that WIHS will be looking for people who can attend Commission and State meetings, send letters and emails, and promote their experiences with the school
  • CEDARS and state reporting update- 2024 graduate data was not pulled from Skyward to CEDARS.  D.Walker has been working with both companies to ensure data is accurate, and is submitting an appeal to have the OSPI information updated.

VII. Board Goals


Board Development and Empowerment

A.Juarez Cordova read the board development and empowerment components, allowing members to provide updates as applicable.

VIII. Other Business



No new announcements.  D.Walker and E.Zamora reminded of the Black History Celebration scheduled for Monday, with lunch at 12:00 and the event starting at 12:45pm.


Anti-Racism and Transformative Justice Work

Review of local items available, and D.Walker reminded board to share any updates or other information that they may have about upcoming events.

IX. Closing Items


Board Debrief and Evaluation

Board evaluated success against its norms, offering thumbs up or down based on the questions asked 


Adjourn Meeting

A. Juarez Cordova made a motion to Adjourn the meeting at 7:13pm.
S. Clark seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Walker