Whatcom Intergenerational High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 29, 2022 at 6:00 PM

Directors Present

C. Espina (remote), C. Reuther (remote), D. Walker (remote), J. McGill (remote), K. Lieberman (remote), L. Robinson (remote), N. Mughal-Barrows (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

C. Baron (remote), E. Mohiuddin (remote), R. Rodriguez (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Mughal-Barrows called a meeting of the board of directors of Whatcom Intergenerational High School to order on Wednesday Jun 29, 2022 at 6:05 PM.


Land Acknowledgement

C. Espina read the land acknowledgement.


WIHS Mission & Vision

J. McGill read the WIHS Mission and Vision.


Record Attendance

Guests present:

  • Sarah Okun, WA Charters Association with True Measures Collaborative
  • Danielle Humphreys, guest and prospective Board Member
  • John Lee, Summit Law
  • Mitch Price, WA Charters Association


Approve Minutes

K. Lieberman made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 05-25-22.
J. McGill seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Executive Session Minutes

J. McGill made a motion to approve the minutes from Executive Session on 06-15-22.
L. Robinson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment

No public comment was offered. 


Quick announcement: Shawn Ginwright conversation at 3pm public panel scheduled for tomorrow. Link was sent out earlier. 

II. 1. Academic Excellence


Recruitment & Academic Report


  • 71% of current students have committed to return next school year. The rest are unknowns because they were not in attendance.
  • 11% of current students have declined to return, and 2% are deciding. Four of them are planning on moving to Running Start. 

Fourth Quarter attendance:

  • Roughly 13% of students have missed >95% of the fourth quarter. 
  • A few students are in need to update immunizations. The school nurse has been in communication with the students regarding school immunization policy.


  • Updated report in recruitment given. One question about whether an international student can attend. R. Rodriguez will check with WA Charters Association about this possibility.


New SPED Policy and Procedures

L. Robinson made a motion to to approve the updated SPED policies and procedures as presented.
J. McGill seconded the motion.

New legislation re: SPED policies regarding discipline and students who qualify for special education. WAC was updated in 2021 with updates in effect in Nov 2021 and Jan 2022. Policies and procedures must be updated to align with WAC due by Nov 2022 and is part of the IDEA application for funding. Reviewed by WA Charters, then sent out to SPED Directors. Kesia M. updated the policies for WIHS. Sarah Okun with WA Charters is available for any SPED policies questions. Her email is Sarah@wacharters.org





The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


WIHS 2022-23 School Calendar

L. Robinson made a motion to approve the 2022-23 school calendar as presented.
J. McGill seconded the motion.

School calendar for 2022-23 was presented and discussed. Various holidays were incorporated into the school calendar. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Anti-Racism and Transformative Justice Work


Anti-racism and Transformative Justice Work

One idea is to start a Book Club on The Four Pivots by Shawn Ginwright

  • Jason started a healing pages book club at NWYS. WIHS students are invited to join the book club.
  • Bellingham Public Library might be able to assist with library kits.
  • Whatcom CARE has books available as well; resources might be available through them.

Action item: Nasreen will investigate resources for the Board book club. 


Another idea is to share openly as a Board with each other and share resources. 


Student leadership requested Board presence in this work. Discussed aligning our learning opportunities with staff, teachers, parents, students, allies, etc.


Board check-in: Anonymous survey to check in with how we're feeling about doing this work together. 

Action item: Nasreen will put together a survey prior to our next Board meeting.


Another idea is to have a student representative attend the Board meetings as one way to have direct input, possibly in a rotating position. We need clear parameters for the student rep's role. 

IV. 3. Finance/Fundraising


Fundraising/Finance Committee Updates - update

Brandi Carlisle Looking Out Foundation grant. WIHS received a $5K grant to support our partnership with Unbridled Spirit.


May 2022 Financials

L. Robinson made a motion to to approve the May 2022 payroll check summary for $49,684.97.
J. McGill seconded the motion.

As of June 29, 2022, the Board by a majority vote, approves payments totaling $49,684.97.



The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Reuther
D. Walker
C. Espina
L. Robinson
J. McGill
K. Lieberman
N. Mughal-Barrows
C. Espina made a motion to approve the May 2022 Accounts Payable Register for $90,574.13.
D. Walker seconded the motion.

As of June 29, 2022, the Board by a majority vote, approves payments totaling $90,574.13.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Espina
N. Mughal-Barrows
K. Lieberman
D. Walker
C. Reuther
L. Robinson
J. McGill
  • Questions about summer 2022 expenses and coverage for recruitment expenses posed by R. Rodriguez. 
    • Action item: C. Baron will setup 1:1 meeting with R. Rodriguez to discuss this in more detail.
  • We will be returning money for highly capable funds because they were unused. The Highly Capable program was not set up at the beginning of the 21-22 school year. 
    • Action item: Leadership will follow up with OSPI to see if those Highly Capable funds can be rolled over into the next school year.

V. Governance


Board Recruitment

We need to recruit more board members.


Update on Hiring Process & Timeline

  • D. Walker has accepted the position of the Director of Education and will start July 11. 
  • R. Rodriguez will be the Director of Community Engagement and Equity. 

VI. Closed Session


Closed Session

Closed session started at 7:27pm and ended at 8:41pm.

VII. Board Goals


Board Debrief and Evaluation

At the conclusion of each meeting, the board will evaluate its success against its norms.


(Y) or (N) Board members should understand the Mission and Vision of the school

(Y) or (N) Board Agenda should be sent out 24 hours to the board.

(Y) or (N) Responding to emails in a 24hr time span

(Y) or (N) All board members should RSVP to meetings through Board on Track

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:42 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Espina