Whatcom Intergenerational High School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 30, 2021 at 6:00 PM

Jason McGill is a guest and possible Board of Director in the future. Introductions. 

Directors Present

C. Espina (remote), K. Lieberman (remote), N. Mughal-Barrows (remote), R. Oliver (remote), T. Pyscher (remote)

Directors Absent

B. Hernandez, L. Robinson

Ex Officio Members Present

C. Reuther (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

C. Reuther (remote)

Guests Present

Jason McGill (remote)

I. Land Acknowledgement/Mission/Vision


Land Acknowledgement

Reading of the land acknowledgement (Kira)


Mission and Vision

Reading of the mission and vision (Nasreen)


Board Goals

Rose discusses the board goals 

II. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Oliver called a meeting of the board of directors of Whatcom Intergenerational High School to order on Wednesday Jun 30, 2021 at 6:12 PM.

Will record minutes next month.

III. Committees



  • Rose opens Equity Plan. Cindy facilitates discussion of practices within the organization over the last 6 months. Will revisit this plan deeply in the September 2021 Board Retreat. Rose scrolls through areas to address across the organization. Cindy discusses the connection to Amercorp and Vista positions. Rose likes the comprehensive overview. Nasreen asks for more clarity regarding the family resource room. Cindy responds to inquiry. Tracey mentions how this work can be difficult to engage in and plan ahead for and shared stories from the enrollment event she attended and the importance of equity work. Voted on and approved. 
  • Board Policies: Cindy discusses manual from last month. Approving the manual. Voted and approved.  
  • Financial Policies:  Cindy discusses 54 pg. policies and procedure manual. It's comprehensive to be approved and voted on in July. 
  • School Procurement Policy will be reviewed and voted on in July. 
  • Excused and Unexcused policies:  Cindy discusses the specifics based in equity. Nasreen asks about how to diversify the elder network and Cindy responds to new strategies post-Covid. Kira asks about the restorative justice. Cindy responds discussing two people from restorative justice center. One member is BIPOC with RJ practices. They will help create M-F first 45 min curriculum. VOTED/APPROVED
  • Learning Assistance Policy:  discussed
  • Cindy suggests that as Board increases, we should consider adding Policy Committee
  • Grading Policy:  Cindy discusses and suggested grading policy be brought to July meeting. Cindy will ask 
  • Motion to approve board manual: 1st Kira; 2nd: Nasreen; board is approved overall. 
Rose nominates & Kira (1st) & Rose (2nd) 
  • Tracey for Chair of Finance & Treasurer
  • Nasreen as Vice Chair
  • Christine as Secretary


Fundraising and Development Committee

Vote to open new savings Banner Bank accounts. VOTE:  Nasreen (1st) & Kira (2nd)

Adding Tracey Pyscher, Treasurer & Rose Oliver, Chair to accounts (ED, Treasurer, Board Chair) for signatures. Erum will be replaced by Rose. VOTE:  Kira (1st) & Nasreen (2nd)
Cindy discusses financials:  
  • Profit and Loss Statement: nothing new
  • Budget to Actual: tells where money is being spent; budget and current spending details; have not spent in some categories based on CSP, but that spending will begin to occur with large expenses and reimbursed with CSP budgets. 
Motion to approve May financials:  Kira (1st) & Nasreen (2nd); approved 
Quicken reports of Showcase:  2000K in expenses; made $500 in donations; $200 in t-shirt sales. 



Academic Dashboard Oct. 2021:  Cindy discusses the proposal and shares example of the dashboard to show Directors. Tracey as Chair of Committee presents details related to assessments (SBAC & PhBL Rubric). VOTE for monthly review of Dashboard: motion by Rose:  Kira (1st) & Nasreen (2nd); approval. 


CEO Evaluation and Support

Cindy received materials from BOT; ED in budget for 2 years and Cindy wants larger discussion for process and roles/responsibilities in future years. 
Nasreen & Kira evaluation plan completed: asked Cindy as CEO to review it and then it goes to Board and then to direct reports to CEO; Cindy requested 3 weeks to review template. 

Kira discusses what was removed related to non-operational year. Nasreen:  no NA results. They removed 'student performance' category. 

IV. Other Business


Building Update: October 1st-- might be the earliest day to enter the building. May have to start school at WCC and Vans/buses to take trips to Unbridled Spirit site. Possible majestic could be a good space for a month.

Enrollment is at 44 today and needs 48 on July 1st as a goal. Rose talked with Josh/Chrystal to discuss a new goal date for July 15th. We need to meet 80% enrollment. Rose discusses the extension and her discussion/thoughts about meeting enrollment expectations. Cindy showed how 42 students will support sustainable budget. 
Board Retreat Date in Sept: Saturday the 25 or Oct. 2  

Ask of the Board:  family BBQ starting Aug. 16th (elders/staff); Tuesday, August 24th after 6:00. BBQ for families and if Board would take on organizing event for us after orientation. Will be at Cordata Park with Pavillion (Kira); money for food/supplies:  yes. Buy items at Costco. 

V. Closing Items


Board De-Brief and Evaluation


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Pyscher