Whatcom Intergenerational High School

Cultural Engagement Committee

Published on December 5, 2024 at 9:39 AM PST

Date and Time

Thursday December 5, 2024 at 6:00 PM PST

The Cultural Engagement Committee is a standing committee of the Whatcom Intergenerational High School and its meetings are open to the public in accordance with RCW 42.30 (Open Public Meetings Act). In compliance with Washington State Law and Charter School Regulations (RCW 28A.710), should three or more WIHS Board Directors be present, the meeting will be considered an official board meeting. Such meetings must follow all requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act, including proper notice, recording of minutes, and public comment periods. Official board meetings are also subject to WIHS bylaws which require posting of agendas at least 24 hours in advance, maintaining quorum requirements, and following established voting procedures. All official board actions and decisions must be made in public, with proper documentation and transparency.


Section Number Topic Number Details Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Welcome and Introductions   Patrick Freeland 15 m

Your Vision, wisdom, voice and perspectives are valuable to this process. We're hoping to "do this in a good way," and also embrace principles of relationality, sense of Place, and honoring Indigenous knowledges and ways-of-life. We particularly welcome the participation of Tribal members, Elders, and Knowledge Holders who can guide us in this important work.


We will begin with welcomes and introductions, following our peacemaking circle protocols that honor every voice and create space for authentic sharing.

  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Patrick Freeland 1 m
  C. Review Meeting Minutes and Norms & Agreements   Patrick Freeland 5 m

While this committee meeting does not require formal agenda approval and meeting minutes approval, review of prior meetings will occur, in particular to contextualize (and include additional as needed) norms & agreements and CEC mission.


  • Speak Truth - Tell your story
  • Every Voice is Heard
  • Always have an Opening
  • Always have a Closing
  • No bad circles
  • Share the Wisdom, but leave the Details


CEC Mission & Vision


Mission: The mission of the WIHS CEC is to help build a compassionate community within our school and world through multicultural education, awareness, and advocacy. We are committed to:

  • Creating a sense of belonging
  • Promoting equity
  • Cultivating social responsibility
  • Teaching and learning
  • Fostering representation
  • Advocating for inclusivity
  • Being Authentically
  • Healthy Communication
  • Planting Seeds of Transformation

Vision: Create a just and inclusive society where every person is valued, empowered and equipped with the skills to be leaders, advocates, and allies.


Overview: The CEC meets to empower, accept, and celebrate all of the diverse people within our school and community. Through outreach to diverse local communities, we hope to strengthen our school and increase inclusive practices. Working with school leaders and community partners, the CEC will expand awareness of WIHS, grow partnerships with Indigenous, global majority, and peoples representing all of Whatcom County


II. Review WIHS Land Acknowledgement Draft 6:21 PM

The core of our discussion will center on reviewing and revising the WIHS Land Acknowledgement draft from the 11/7/24 meeting. 

  A. Contextualizing Tribal Engagement FYI Patrick Freeland 2 m

Contextual Framework

This framework guides WIHS's operations, curriculum development, and community engagement, ensuring that our commitments translate into meaningful action and lasting change. Through these efforts, WIHS aims to serve as a model for educational institutions working to honor Indigenous rights and traditions while preparing students for future challenges.


  1. It begins with formal recognition of the Lh'aqTeMish People, including both Xwlemi and Sq'elqx'en descendants
  2. It incorporates specific mentions of family connections and histories
  3. It includes concrete commitments and actions
  4. It acknowledges the complexity of cross-border relationships and historical impacts
  5. It maintains a tone of both respect and responsibility
  B. Review DRAFT and determine Next Steps Discuss Patrick Freeland 15 m

Review the document attached in the contextual framework. The Draft land acknowledgement is scaled into 3 frames, this first is the context, the second (copied below) is the overview, and third are specific commitments to action.


Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that Whatcom Intergenerational High School resides on the ancestral territories of the Lh'aqTeMish People - the Xwlemi (Lummi) and Sq'elqx'en descendants - who have been the traditional stewards of these lands and waters since time immemorial. We recognize their continuing relationship with these territories and their inherent rights as sovereign peoples.


We specifically acknowledge our location within the lands of the Lummi Nation, and honor the deep connections of families and communities that transcend modern geopolitical boundaries. We recognize the traditional protocols, governance structures, and sacred responsibilities to land, water, and salmon given by the Creator - responsibilities that supersede treaties, laws, and policies.


III. Revisit Ideas for CEC

Several ideas have been proposed for the Cultural Engagement Committee to work on. This space will be to gather ideas, share upcoming events and opportunities, and to assign leaders for specific ideas and/or projects.


Events that have been proposed include:

  • Partnerships with Whatcom Arts Community
  • Murals within the school, outside of the school
  • Expand Professional Connections
    • Lummi and Nooksack Tribe
    • Children of the Setting Sun Productions
    • Salmon Enhancement Partners
    • Downtown Bellingham Partnership
  • First Friday Art Walks 
  • Recruit Additional Committee Members
  • Native American Heritage Month
  • Connect with NWIC, WCC, and WWU Events
  • Martin Luther King Day
  • Identify Grants/Donations to support Cultural Engagement and WIHS
IV. Community Consortium for Cultural Recognitions (CCCR) Partnership Process 6:38 PM

The Cultural Engagement Committee will review WIHS's potential membership in the Community Consortium for Cultural Recognitions (CCCR). After examining CCCR's mission and impact through their website (www.wwu.edu/community-consortium-cultural-recognitions), we will discuss and determine appropriate financial and programmatic commitments.


The baseline financial commitment is $1,000 annually, though most current consortium partners "contribute $6,000 to ensure equitable compensation for cultural knowledge holders, speakers, and event support, as confirmed by Chris Roselli, "this higher contribution allows allocation of approximately $2,000 per sponsored event." 


Committee members will identify any additional commitments to include in our proposal beyond financial obligations. Following consensus on commitments, a formal proposal will be drafted for submission to the Budget and Finance Committee for consideration in the annual budget planning process. Upon securing budget approval and establishing the designated line item, we will submit the comprehensive proposal to the WIHS Board for final review, seeking approval for both the budget amendment and formal inclusion in the CCCR.

  A. CCCR Discussion Vote Patrick Freeland 15 m
  1. Review CCCR https://www.wwu.edu/community-consortium-cultural-recognitions 
  2. Affirm WIHS Board is open to proposal for WIHS joining consortium
  3. Agree on Proposal
    1. $1000 Minimum; per Chris Roselli, “organizations contribute at least $1,000. It is important that we properly compensate speakers, caterers, and others appropriately, especially since so many have done this work with little to no compensation for many years. Currently, most partners are contributing $6,000 which allows for $2,000 to be spent at each event per sponsor.”
    2. Additional commitments to include in proposal?
  B. CCCR Proposal Development and Next Steps FYI Patrick Freeland 10 m
  1. Review Proposal (PF) based on CEC committee feedback and recommendations
  2. Approve Proposal with feedback and recommended edits
  3. Submit to Budget and Finance Committee for inclusion into annual budget; upon budget approval and line item
  4. Submit proposal to WIHS for budget amendment and formal  institutional inclusion into the CCCR
V. Committee Development

Reviewing Committee Development and housekeeping, gathering feedback from committee members, and finalizing tasks


  1. Create Committee in BoardOnTrack; upload documents and information
  2. Ensure Permissions
  3. Set Regular Meeting Times/Locations (Hybrid recommended)
  4. Set In-Person Peacemaking Circle Date(s)
VI. Closing Items 7:03 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Patrick Freeland 1 m

Thank You to all who have participated in tonight's meeting!


Notes and follow-up will be shared via email as well as meeting invites for future scheduled meetings. Meeting minutes and documents uploaded to BoardOnTrack and made publicly available as needed.

Patrick Freeland
Signed by Patrick Freeland on 12/5/2024