Whatcom Intergenerational High School

Special Meeting

Mask Mandate
Published on March 9, 2022 at 11:54 AM PST
Amended on March 10, 2022 at 3:58 PM PST

Date and Time

Thursday March 10, 2022 at 4:30 PM PST


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order

Land Acknowledgement


Whatcom Intergenerational High School acknowledges that we are occupying without permission the ancestral homelands of the Lummi (Lhaq’temish), the Nooksack (Nuxwsa'7aq), the Stillaguamish, the Nuwhaha, and the Coast Salish peoples, who have lived on and cultivated these lands and waterways since time immemorial. We also want to recognize especially the fact that our occupation has not come by peaceful means, but rather the forced removal of these peoples through the enactment of documents such as the Treaty of Point Elliot in 1855, which the United States has broken without penalty, and the Dawe’s Act of 1887. During our occupation, we hope to uplift the teachings these nations have shared with us, and to honor the histories they have had to endure because of us. As we co-exist in this era, in which we all are facing climate crises, social inequality and injustice, and states threats against treaty rights, we ask you to join us in a moment of reflection on:


- How we benefit from occupying Indigenous lands,

- How we can educate ourselves about the state-sanctioned violence and other struggles that Indigenous peoples face, which we may have the privilege to be unaware of, and

- How we can integrate this reflection into our everyday consciousness and actions. Whatcom Intergenerational High School uses this acknowledgement here as a recognition of our responsibility to continue our learning of treaty histories, contemporary Indigenous experiences, and how we can better align ourselves as an institution of education with the truth. We offer our thanks and utmost respect to these nations, on whose lands we are located.



WIHS Mission & Vision


Mission: WIHS envisions learning designed with students and supported by elders generating deep inquiry skills, thoughtful interactions, and critical consciousness, ensuring every young person can contribute to a more just and sustainable world.


Vision: WIHS will ensure that Whatcom County high school students-regardless of their life circumstances-develop the competencies and agency for success in college, career, and life.

  C. Mask Mandate discussion and information
  • Mary Mendenhall, RN
  • Whatcom Co. Health Department statement excerpt 3/4/22: "COVID-19 cases continued their welcome decline in Whatcom County, falling to pre-Omicron levelsWhile this is encouraging news, we know that there are still many people who are concerned about COVID-19 because of their age or own health issues, their children who are too young to be vaccinated, or their loved ones who have compromised immune systems. Please remember that people have different priorities and concerns about changes in mask guidance, and be respectful and kind to others during this time. Multiple layers of protection (boosters and vaccines, high-quality masks such as N95s, KN95s, or KF94s, and avoiding crowds and poorly-ventilated spaces) are still the best strategy to protect you and your loved ones from severe cases of COVID-19. Keep in mind that a “low” community level doesn’t mean that COVID-19 is over for good, especially for people who are at higher risk. In addition, future variants and surges are also possible. Last summer, many of us thought and hoped that the pandemic was over, only to be clobbered by both Delta and Omicron. Don’t be discouraged by the possibility of another surge, but also don’t be overconfident that we’ve seen the last of COVID-19."
  • DOH responses
  • Public Comment (10 minutes)


  D. Board Resolution

Mask Mandate

  E. Filing with AFT
II. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting